Thursday, December 31, 2009

Im really getting.....

Because of form 5 :(. I have not done any catch-ups at all unlike the hardworking peeps that are in my year. I guess I will have to work extra hard next year. SO, no more excessive Blogging...

So sad :(

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

I am now..

Back from China.

The trip was kinda fun, with chattering, chattering and more senseless chattering. However, it was really fun albeit all the chatter and lots of cold jokes. I was actually there for 9 days. The rest of my relatives was there for 8 days. However, the first day was really sad as it was lonely for me. There was no one else, except for my father and my mother.

Even without snow, it was totally

I almost froze to death. On the first day, I only wore two layers of clothing. When I reached the hotel, (International Youth Hotel) I put on one more layer. The 3rd layer, a jacket was really unfitting as it wasn't really the right size for me. I struggled really hard to get it on. While I was struggling, my father, knowing it was tight started complaining about how I was already 16 and cant put on my jacket properly.

Okay, so I swallowed the "compliment" and walked miles and miles and miles and miles with him and went around Hangzhou like twice before he decided to... WAIT. He did not decide where we were going to have lunch. So my mum had to say that the weather was really cold and we had better go take shelter and eat somewhere as soon as possible. Okay, we ate and walked miles and miles back to the hotel. It was drizzling cold water.

The next day, It gets colder. So I put on the 3 layers again and was dragged outside to walk miles and miles more. It was raining outside. That made the cold worsen. And I was freezing and shivering. Chills were running out and down my fragile spine. It felt like it was going to crack and break soon.

TADAH. We stopped at a pavilion thingy. And my dad wanted to take a picture of me while the waves from the West Lake was bombarding on my body like crazy. (The water was freezing, yo) Well, I was already in 3 damn layers. It was already damn hard to move. And he asked me to pose. What pose can you possibly make with lots of lake water flinging themselves on your body, freezing you with every wave and taking into mind that im wearing a fat suit out here, hello?? Well, my father only said two things.

IDIOT (Gong Kia actually XD )

YOU BLOCK OF WOOD (You wanna drink "cha" go buy 5 catty lors XD)

Albeit all those "compliments" thrown at me, I didnt say anything. Well, its out of respect actually. And I tried to be patient because my relatives will be coming over tonight. So I could join them and have fun. Actually, the first day and a half gave me bad impressions on travelling. Its because of that person handing out "compliments" to "amplify" the "happy" memories.

Well, after deciding that there wasnt any places that give out decent food, we walked miles and miles again back to the hotel and ate breakfast. We checked out at twelve and decided to wait for our relatives.

So, we waited.

And waited..

And Waited...

At last, their tour bus reached. (Actually at 6.40 we sat a taxi to the arrival point) I get to see all my relatives. Suddenly, there was a signal from my brain. I thought. Maybe the trip wasnt so bad after all. I wont be lonely, at least.

Well, overall the entire trip was fascinating. I find that joining my cousins everywhere they go is better than walking behind my parents. On every trip, there is always a catch. EVERY DAY, we are brought somewhere where they hold auction-like sales. AND ON EACH AND EVERY AUCTION, I am forced to drink..

First it was some dried tea leaves. Then, chrysanthemums. Then, some pearl tea. Then, I dont know whats next. But they all share something in common. THE YUCKY TASTE


Okay, to make up for all the tea I have drank, I got lots of Cola, Pepsi, 7UP... NAME IT. I will bring the leftovers into the bus after each lunch and dinner. And drink them all when im back at the hotel. Besides that, the most memorable time was every night, ranging from 9 -> (1,2 and once 3 am) we had slumber parties. Everybody went over to Ying Ying jie jie's room and played cards while chattering like chatterboxes. Well, mostly it was full of cold jokes.

It was fun while it lasted. Oh wait. And all the breakfasts in the morning tastes awful. Lunch and Dinner makes up for most of the food.

THE MOST MEMORABLE DAY WAS THE DAY AT THE WAX MUSEUM. AGH IT WAS SO FUN. However, the awards for the best wax people goes to three people.

1. Maria
2. Joel
3. Janyce

Sadly, I didnt bring presents for you three. I hope you dont mind

Overall, I learned alot from this trip. It was really fun, thanks to everyone from group A and Group B.

Well, before I decide to end this post...


Gozaimasu XD

Monday, December 7, 2009

Im going to...

(Credits to Wikipedia)

I'm going there on Wednesday. You know, I was really excited about going there. I would be awaiting the final day before departure. It was but just my second time setting foot outside of my country. However, my father told me that there was no...

(Credits of picture goes to Mr Mike at his blog. he takes gorgeous photos! Thank you, Mike!)

Yes, there was no snow. Sad isn't it? However, even with no snow it is at about 270 degrees more from perfect zero temperature. Even your saliva can freeze in this cold if you open your mouth like an idiot and keep still for 2 to 3 minutes. I will be sharing the same room with my cousin.

Anyways, just saying that I'l be going to China wont help much. So much more specifically, Im going to somewhere that looks like...

(Credits once more, to Wikipedia)
Not getting it? Well, I will, because of my kindness give you one more clue. It is related to...

West Lake.

How about now? Do you get where i'm going to now?

If you answered Nigeria, you are wrong.

If you answered Tokyo, that would be nice, but nope.

If you answered Australia then you are not correct.

If you answered "I dont know" that is not really right.

If you give up now, I still wont tell you the answer.

And no. Apple is not a place. Neither is Orange. Or Jackfruit. Dont even get to Coconuts.

I'l leave it to you to find the answer yourself! (Wikipedia Google Yahoo)

Today i've really spoilt my blog didnt I?.. Look at all those big big big big big pictures :(


Friday, December 4, 2009


The Rules: Go to and type in your answers to the following questions.
Post the first definition it gives you.
Then your own comment below.
Tag 5 people.

1. Your Name

- Yin Kii

Yin Kii isn't defined yet.

(Thats special 0.0)

2. Age?

- Sixteen

Most commonly referred to someone's age. It is said to be one's "Prime," age, where they look/shine/feel their best. Sixteen is the age where you get multitudes of exciting privileges such as quickie-driviers' license, get a decent job (Host/hostess,) and you're no longer at the very "bottom" of highschool.


3. One of your friends?

- Alex

Someone that is of extreme greatness. Often considered as a god in some religions. Also means cool.

(Uh-huh, uh-huh?)

4. Favorite Color?

- Deep Purple

A great british 70's rock band! Its guitarist Ritchie Blackmore, Keyboardist Jon Lord, and drummer Ian Paice are all excellent musicians.
This band was known to have witnesses a lot of changes in its line-up.

(That was not what I was expecting... but oh well)

5. Birthplace?

- Kuching

The capital of Sarawak, Kuching is is the 4th largest urban area in Malaysia and with probably the best quality of life. It is a beautiful, green, laid-back city with non racist people (comprised of mostly Chinese, then Malays and Dayaks)- which is a like far-away dream in most parts of Malaysia. Most only 'learnt how to become' racist after staying for some time in West Malaysia. Intermarriage especially among the Chinese and Dayaks are common. Kuching has the best of both worlds - the facilities of a modern city and the strong community ties of a small town. In short, Kuching is a wonderful place to live in but a mindnumbingly boring place for tourists.

Contrary to what quite a lot of West Malaysians think, Kuching people are not uneducated and 'ulu'. The fact is most Kuchingites can speak better English then them. Kuching also ranks as the no. 2 highest average household income.

Most Kuchingites have the same hobby - eating. This is why there are so many kopitiams over here. Our most famous foods are the kolo mee, laksa Sarawak, kacangma and midin belacan.

Kuching is developing at a very pace rapid pace and this is not neccesarily a good thing. Rising crime, traffic jams, several new malls, and more coming soon might turn Kuching into another unlivable metropolis. Currently however, crime and traffic are still much better than in other large cities in Malaysia.

(Thats too long)

6. Month of Birth

- June

The month the hottest people in the world are born.


7. Last person you talked to.

- Summer

A very hot season, or a beautiful name for a girl. :)

(More like a gorgeous name for a dog)

8. One of your nicknames

- Rabbit

reference to a vibrator, or "personal massager" used for sexual purposes, specifically one with multiple, or variable speeds.

(I want to change my nickname. Now.)

Tag five people:

2 - Of my sisters
1 - Of Damien that never responds to tags
1 - Of Shel that have not done this tag


Wednesday, November 18, 2009

I love...

The gifts I get from my sister's in Australia!!

One of them is this straws by the name of.. SIPAHH

What can this straw do?

This straw can let you drink milk...




I have not finished my sentence. This straw can let you drink milk more enjoyably.


(Damn, im getting annoyed just by writing conversations I hold with myself =_= )

Okay, here it is!

What type of milk can I use with my Sipahh milk flavouring straw?
Any type of milk or milk alternative is great with Sipahh: Full cream, reduced fat, skim or goats milk and milk alternatives such as soy.

Just make sure that the milk is cold however, we don't recommend you sip hot milk through Sipahh.

How much milk should I use with Sipahh?
Each Sipahh milk flavouring straw will flavour 200 -250mL of cold milk (some variation can occur depending on how hard you sip).

How many times can I use my Sipahh milk flavouring straw?
Use each Sipahh once only.

And to enjoy Sipahh at its best, we recommend drinking it all up within 15 minutes.

Are my Sipahh milk flavouring straws recyclable?
Yes! Each straw has a plastic ID code of 5. Just rinse it out when done and pop in the recycling bin.

Are those filter "thingy's" safe?
Absolutely! It's our top priority.

Each Sipahh is manufactured according to strict quality standards and under HACCP (Hazard Analysis & Critical Control Point) conditions. Sipahh is also FDA (Food & Drug Administration) safety compliant in the USA.

Where can I buy Sipahh?
Available at supermarkets, variety stores, service stations, convenience stores and healthy schools everywhere.

See a list of Australian & New Zealand stores that currently stock Sipahh.

(If you're a retailer and want to join our team of Sipahh stockists please get in touch.)

Didn't I have these when I was young?
In your vibrant youth, you may have tried something similar but it definitely wasn't Sipahh.

Over the years, many people have tried to make a milk flavouring straw. (It's a good idea after all so why not?) Some tried to line straws with syrup whereas others tried putting an absorbent flavoured stick inside straws.

Sipahh differs in its clever patented design and new manufacturing technology. The special filters and extraordinary UniBeads allow Sipahh to wake up milk in a way that hasn't been done before.

If you're interested, check out to find out just how clever the design of Sipahh is.

Is Sipahh with milk good for me?
Yes! So good in fact that Sipahh has been rated the coveted top "Green" rating as an everyday, healthy menu option by the NSW School Canteen Association, when served with reduced fat milk. Sipahh has also been approved by FOCiS (The Federation of Canteens in Schools) for use in school canteens nationally in Australia.

Sipahh helps deliver the goodness of milk including protein, calcium and riboflavin.

(Image and description from

I recommend buying this from Ting&Ting, as you won't find any of these in normal stores around you :D

NEXT. Yukimi Daifuku!!! (Credits to for the wonderful Image)

What is Yukimi Daifuku? What is it???!!!

Well, Yuki means Snow, and Daifuku means something like shortcake. I dont know...

But well, the nice food above is named as so.

Okay. Anyone knows Kuih Kochi?? Yukimi Daifuku is Vanilla Ice cream with the outer layer of the Kuih Kochi skin.

My first time at it was in KL.

I remember it as if it was yesterday~

Elder Sis: Kii, I wonder if there is Yukimi Daifuku in this... THERE IT IS!! Call your other sister!!
Me : *calls*
Sis : Eeee Yukimi Daifuku!! *goes buy*
(After Buying)
Sis : Sis!! you tricked me into buying Yukimi Daifuku!! (While laughing)
Elder Sis: I just wanted to show it to you, but you went ahead and bought it XD
Sis : Ish!
Elder Sis: Hmmmmmpphh!!!! (The overacted hmmph)
Me : I want one!!!
Elder Sis: Must wait for the Yukimi Daifuku to melt partially because it wont be nice if if is Frozen or fully melted.
Sis : Last time in Australia, we bought this and after fifteen minutes we ate this in the car. It tasted very nice!
(After fifteen minutes)

Well, you know the rest!! Anyways, Yukimi Daifuku is extremely delicious and can soothe your throat.

Food is so nice to blog about. But now im hungry since there is a pudding craze! My tummy longs for pudding ~ Even as I am writing now. Urge urge urge urge urge.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

I Kena Tag!!!!!

My Yours faithfully. Lawl.

1. Do you Love someone?
My Family. As for the other type of Love, not yet probably.

2. How long do you intend to wait for someone you really love?
Forever? Until my patience run out?

3.If the person you like is already attached, what will you do?
I will be happy for them, duh.

4.If you had a choice, what family would you wish to be born in?
A Famous and Rich family XD

5.Is it fun being tagged?

6.What's the 1st thing you do when you wake up?
Flip over my pillow and sleep back.

7.What type of friends do you like?
Friends that can accept me for who I am, not who I am trying to be.

8.What type of people do you dislike?
People that tries to find fault with me.

9.If your lover betray you, what will your reaction be?
If the reaction involves being sad, in agony or regretful, I rather not have any reactions at all.

10.If you fall in love with two people simultaneously, who would you pick?
I'l wait for some time first then make my choice after I have learned more. hey this sounds like the road not taken.

11.Is it more blessed to be loved or to love someone?
To be loved. You will be happy to be loved. But to be loved, you must first learn to love. So its kinda related anyways.

12.Who is the most important person to you?
Everyone involved in my life is important. I have not found someone more important than anyone yet.

13.Would you like to stead with the guy you like?
Of course. And wait it writes "Guy" there OMG change it to "partner" for goodness sake.

14.Would you do anything to get the person you like's attention?
No. If it involves praising, sweet-talking and boot-licking then I might as well not attract their attention at all.

15.What will you do if your best friend stead with the guy you liked
I would be happy for both of them.

16.What will you do if he knows you adore him? ( change to partner so it would be more gender suitable)
Act rebellious and pretend not to know.

17.Would you wish to go to school everyday ?
Are you out of your mind? School is probably okay, but exams are plain sick.

18.If you had a dream come true, what will it be?
Me falling face down after tripping on a rock

19.Are you confused about what lies ahead of you?
Should I be? The flow should just be followed, right?

20.Would you give all in a relationship?

21.What have you been doing these days?
Plain studying. But from today, I can relax for about 2 weeks.

22.Has anyone hated you before?
Probably, lots of people hate me. Though I dont hate them back. Wait. Maybe I do hate them back. Ugh this is so hard.

23.What makes you cry today?
Nothing much.

24.Do you think you are pretty?
I cannot be pretty. That does not comply with the rules of nature.

25.Have you enjoyed your holiday?

26.What makes you feel lost?
I dont know. Having a dream come true makes me blur but thats it.

27.What changes you?
The flow. Its all in the flow.

28.What if your friend commits suicide?
Probably be mourning for a while. Or long. Or for the rest of my life.

29.Money & friends, which is more important?

30.If no one seems to care for you, what will you do?
Make them.

31.Did you hurt yourself now?
No I did not hurt myself now.

32.What feelings are you having now?

33.What is your favourite pastime?
Singing. Eating. Lots.

34.If you hated someone, what will you do?
Should I even do anything?

35.Have you considered loving someone?
Not yet.

36.Who makes you happy when you need some comfort?
My friends. Mr Crocodile, Kevin, Alex, Damien, Chris.. Oliver...Shel and Ena, Jack, Shahrin.. NEED I LIST THEM ALL? THIS IS CRAZINESS.

37.Are you treasuring yourself?
Should I be?

Yes. Skipped.

39.Name a friend who's name is started "S".
Shahrin. Shelly. Oh my god, I just realised I dont have much friends with names starting with S.

40.Who do you trust the most?

41.What is the last song you heard?
It must have been ages since I heard a song. It was like it was yesterday heard a song before exams started and I had to study.

42.What is the last thing you put in mouth?
Water, straight from the water purification machine thingy.

43.A random person yells at you "Aybaybay", what's your reaction?
"Excuse me, whats an "Aybaybay"?"

44. What's irritating you at this moment?
How many questions more? -_-

45.Do you curse anyone?
Nope, im not that cruel. Should I curse anyone? If so, who?

46.Last time you took a plane, where was it to?

47.Do someone love you?
How I wish.

48.What's the last thing you bought?
Laksa from school canteen. A small portion for RM1

49.Have you ever cried on your friend's shoulder?
Crocodile Tears, yes. But not real tears.

50.Have you hugged opposite gender before?
Of course.

I Tag...


And he will do the taggings for me cause I feel really tired from typing this tag. *snore*

AT last the..

Exam has ended!! I have waited so long for this torment to end :(
Everything was hard hard hard. Maybe its harder then SPM. Lol.

Anyways, nothing much happened during the exams. After the exams, I start to forget everything about studying. It was just so hectic with 9 days and all :(

See, I cant even write my blogs properly now. Everything ends with two lines and all... Perhaps I lost my ability to become loso???!!!!

Okay, nevermind about that. Today's topic is.... TOMMOROWS visiting.

It was in the morning when I heard a *knock knock knock* on the door. I opened it and to my *AHHHH*


It was in the morning right before Physics paper 3. Our EST teacher danced briskly into the room holding a folder of papers in her arms.

Since our class was always noisy, it never made a difference whether it was early morning or not. The class was obviously noisy. So after she calmed us down, there were still small noises ringing somewhere in the corner of the classroom. Okay, that was kinda quiet enough. She announced that only 10 people would be chosen for this "event" to go somewhere to hear a talk.


And so, I finished my exams quietly and snuck in a corner to conceal myself from the world due to sadness.

The End.


It hasnt ended yet!!!!! Anyways, there is this kind person named Nachilos. I always bullied him in class. Anyways, since Nochilas had his own "reasons" he didnt want to reveal, I took the opportunity and asked him in a very polite way to give me the form. Nucholus said he didnt want to go, so he gave it to me. I was so happy. I even showed off the paper to Mr Crocodile. Muahahahahaha!!

Anyway, I can guess what Nuchulus wanted to do while im gone. Im utmostly sure that he wanted to get hold of my exam papers and purposely find mistakes to minus my hard earned marks!!!

So, about 5 minutes ago I SMSed Mr Crocodile and told him not to "minus my marks tanpa sebab" And he replied "Okay, 5!!! No la, I wont la. I where got so.. "Bad" one?" And im still suspicious!!! But who cares, right? The only thing I want to do now is go to Fort Magherita tommorow and hear the talk they give. If it is interesting, i'l bear with it. If its boring, I'l bring my own pillow and sleep there.

Okay, done! thats done with. Now I've nothing more to write. Stay tuned in TV 10028.

Disarikatakan oleh Yu Yin Kii.

Sekarang untuk berita harian. Pada hari yang mulia ini, tiada perkara yang cukup memuaskan untuk menggelikan hati saya. jadi, saya kurang pasti apa yang hendak diucapkan dengan segala hormatnya hari ini.

Inilah saja untuk hari ini, sekian terima kasih.

Saya tidak tahu cakap bahasa India dan Cina jadi saya tidak akan ucapkan berita harian dalam bahasa-bahasa tersebut. harap maklum.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

I have a "" to share...

With anyone that reads !!

I hereby declare that im one hell of an anime lover.
And my future ambition is to be a ""
AND nevermind..

I am just posting this for the "" of it. So, if you have weak ears dont listen to it. You will get EES(Ear Exploding Syndrome)

And school friends that visit this blog, keep this a secret and dont besar-besarkan.

I hate adding medias to my blog as it makes it laggy and less readable. Dont worry, I dont have much time to send a virus to you so the link is safe. What? you dont trust me? :(

the link is safe!!!! T_T

And remember. Secrets please.

AND LASTLY, this is not something erotic. What did your minds trick you into thinking? You should be ashamed!!! :(

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

It MIGHT be a little late...

But Selamat Hari Raya , Maaf Zahir & Batin to all my Malay friends :)

Its been a while since I blogged, its not because that im busy, but its because of pure laziness. I have like went out of topics to blog about.

Anyways, about the cobra incident. Its cute and black, but it ran away because it sensed that we would kill it if it stayed. The story went like this, in dialogue form AGAIN

Title : The Cobra

Its 8 AM in the morning. I REPEAT. 8 AM.

Mother from downstairs : WAKE UP AND HELP ME WITH THIS!!
Me : (slowly walked down)
Mother : See our dog scratching the ground at the back while barking, its a sign of danger!!! move away the flowerpots so our dog can attack the "dangerous" thing.
Me : I think its better not to move the flowerpots, who knows what may be inside?
Mother : JUST MOVE IT LA!!!!!!!
Me : (Whatever.. still blur cause just woke up)

So, I moved the flowerpots so that my dog can scratch out whatever it is. Suddenly, a cobra slithered out of its hiding place and proceeded to escape.

My mother and me is on opposite sides. My dog and the cobra was in the middle of us. I tried not to make any sudden movements as the cobra would attack me if I do so. But when I wasnt trying to make any movements...


The cobra panicked a bit hearing the loud monstrous voice and slithered to escape further. My dog, hating sudden movements went and attacked the cobra and chased it to its wormhole. When I safely reached the other side and amidst the commotion,


So after I delivered her precious phototaker, I rushed to find the "kayu belian" that animals are afraid of. I can't find it in its usual place, so I guessed my mother must have put it in the storeroom. I got it and rushed again to the scene which I only took one minute to find the stick.

Mother : DONT BLOCK LAH!!!
Me : Where the cobra?? (saw it)

Sadly, the wormhole was a tad too small. When the cobra spewed its "dangerous" liquid, my dog cant manage to avoid it and so it reached her eyes. The cobra then safely evacuated from the tempat kejadian.


-My mother said the snake was six feet long. SIX FEET? thats as long as me!!! ya right, I had a closer view of the snake as I was NEARER to it.
-No reptiles were hurt in the incident. Only mammals.
-We used eye mo to cure my dog's eyes later. Now, she can see as well as me, without my specs.
-Sadly, my mom deleted the video because she "thought" that I saved it in her laptop already when she said no when I asked if she wanted me to save it in her laptop.
-My mother ubahsuai-ed the story so much and made me the mangsa in most of her stories.

This version is not ubahsuaied abit except for the "STAR ROCK MOON FIRE HERE COME HERE!!!!" <- which is 10% exaggerated because it reminds me of that.

Ii Kagen ni shiro desu,
Domo arigato gozaimasu!!

I mean, thank you and ignore the ROMAJI written above as its something we would never expect from me.


Ena prank called me yesterday.

Title: Prank Call

Ena : Hello, is this Mr Yin Kii?
Me: Uh... No.
Ena : Are you sure it isn't Mr Yin Kii? ( Oh damn maybe I got the wrong number)
Me : Okay, I am (Okay its a prank call all right XD )
Ena : Okay, Mr Yin Kii, you won a free trip to Kuala Lumpur (or something like that)
Me : Oh.. (Laugh like crazy while covering the mouth of the phone)
Ena : Excuse me sir, so you won a free trip to Kuala Lumpur. How do you feel?
Me : (still laughing)
Ena : Excuse me sir Yin Kii, how do you feel about winning the free trip to Kuala Lumpur? (Why is he laughing!!!?? he isn't supposed to laugh!! It isn't in the script!!! )
Me : (Tries to stop laughing) *clears troat* uh, YAY?
Ena : (Laughs a while) Okay, you win, I give up (laugh laugh)
Me : (Laughing)
Ena : Uh okay, bye bye (Ish!! next time must use other number and a more different voice!)
Me : Bye! ( I was expecting another call :X )

Thats all for today! :)

Sunday, August 30, 2009

My life is so... Pt 2

Double Bass. By the size of the bow you will know how big it is.. If the bow for all of them are of the same size, that is.

My life is so going..


I have not written something like this for a long time!! Lets START!!

Title : Uphill
Settings : Place - Music Class, Actors : Me, teacher , head.

Wednesday, 11.02

A glimpse of ME going up the stairs is shown. It was raining outside.

Teacher : Come in.
Me : Yes.
Teacher : Take out your scale book, pieces and your notebook.
Me : (Takes out)
Teacher : Where's your violin?
Me : (Points at the bag)
Teacher : Take it out.
Me : As usual, the seven minutes of excitement.
Teacher : Play your scales without the book.
Me : (Oh no! I didn't practice oops oops) What scale?
Teacher : G Melodic + Harmonic
Me : (Hentam)
Teacher : Very good! Che Mek Chung Ming!
Me : What is "Che Mek Chung Ming"?
Teacher : Aiya, you Chinese or not?
Me : Yes.
Teacher : Nevermind. D and A melodic and harmonic.
Me : (Try use the same way to hentam)
Teacher : Very good. Take out your pieces and come with me, we play Moon River.
Me : (Take)

The music was harmonic and soothing to the ears, aside from some screechings that just came at unexpected times and off notes by the carelessness of the teacher. Well, I wont say its bad, just decent. Right on the line. Do I sound like someone right now? Its your imagination.

Teacher : Not bad..
Me : (Stare)
Teacher : Not bad what. Now do your theory outside.
Me : (Nod)

So I went outside and did the theory which was very confusing at the key signatures part. Then, I saw the head passing by. The head is the leader of the institution.

Head : (Walk pass)
Me : (Continue doing theory)
Head : (reverse reverse)
Me : (Stare)
Head : Stand up.
Me : (Stands)
Head : You are very tall hor, what you eat?
Me : Everything.
Head : Everything?
Me : Except durians.
Head : Stretch your hands.
Me : (Stretch)
Head : Are you interested in playing the DOUBLE BASS?
Me : (What should I say what should I say???) (Nod)
Head : Okay. When im free come and find me, I'l show you how to play it.
Me : (Nod).
Head : I need someone tall and big for the double bass. Its for the ochestra.

Oh well, so days pass and its now Sunday, at 3.36. Again, a glimpse of me was seen walking up the stairs. The weather is okay... decent... not bad..

Teacher : Come in..

(These parts are all repeating so I'l just skip to the interesting part)

Teacher : Play your scales.
Me : What scales?
Teacher : G,D,A harmonic and melodic.
Me : (Hentam)
Teacher : Wrong. Try again.
Me : (hentam)
Teacher : Wrong. I am unable to process your request. Please try again.

And this probably went on until the teacher gives up.

Teacher : Nevermind. Lets play moon river.

The music was good, but I admit it wasnt as decent as that day. I wasnt a wee bit suprised, as I didn't actually practice again. (Too busy Restaurant citying and barn buddying)

Teacher : Not bad what.
Me : (Surprised)
Teacher : Actually, there is a competition in September. I wish to enter in the competition with you. I mean, I already entered you IN the competition.
Me : (WITHOUT ASKING???!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) (Stare)
Teacher : Uh, did you listen to what I said?
Me : Oh.. (oh wait) HUH!!!!!????
Teacher : Huh what Huh! Play moon river until there is no mistakes!!!

Ironically, I keep on making mistakes with teh second last bar. Keep on screeching at that part.

Teacher : Cannot play properly cannot go back.

(This triggered a trauma from childhood tiution and made me able to play that part correctly thank goodness maths tuition)

Teacher : You can go back now.
Me : Jumps all the way down.

So it actually means two things.

1 - I get to play the double bass in an unknown ochestra.
2 - I get to go in a competition that I never even knew I joined before.

Good? I don't know?
Bad? I don't think so!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

I Sometimes Wonder If..

Its Normal or not..?

Is it normal to change how you act in front of different people all the time?

I wake up in the morning.

I feel angered at even slight noises that came from the outside. I felt angry that I have to wake up this early. I felt angry that I even had to wear my shoes. And wash my face as well.

When I reach school.

When someone says Hi to me, I say Hi back with a smile. Sometimes I don't even want to smile.

When im with my friends, I am feeling happy and childlike again. I feel like im a child. I feel like I can do everything. I feel like playing. I feel like talking. When someone says hi I would look at them and say "hi" while giving off a big smile. Sometimes I just give off a rude "What?". Im even crazy at times.

When im not with my friends im calm and composed, only on the outside. When people say "Hi" I usually think that they are trying to make fun of me. I say "Hi" back, but make an annoyed face when they can't see it. Sometimes, I think people are talking behind my back and I seem to notice every small whispers in the corner of any room in in with people inside.

However, sometimes I feel like I reek of energy. When people say "Hi", I make a big smile and talk non stop to them. Sometimes, I will even dance around them.

When seeing someone else, however I do not sense the need to say anything.

I think people think im selfish, self centered and proud when im at the dim side.

When I reach home again, I won't talk much. When asked about my day, I will just say what is needed and not talk more. However, sometimes I talk about my day as if gold fell from the skies.

Whats with this shifting? Maybe I created the personalities to shift from through my life. Maybe now I've forgotten who I really am.

Does it even matter? Why did I even want to write this in here?

Does the way I write make it seem like im angry?

Why do I even ask so much questions when I know I will get no answer??

(Just forget all of the above)

The author is just joking about everything. How would his life even be like that? Haha.

Lets end this post now.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

What is the...

Food of your likings?

I just went to somewhere called Pondok Laguna two weeks ago with my family. It was nice eating out once in a while and that was (still before the outbreak of A(H1N1) I think)

We ordered what we normally did, but I simply looked at the menu with my gleaming eyes and decided to order a BANANA DELIGHT.

It is a dish with three scoops of ice cream, Vanilla, Mint and Chocolate with half cuts of bananas on each side. The decorations were also adorable, with a cute little Japanese style umbrella on top. There was two spoons, which usually mean that the serving is enough for two people but I as the usual selfish me ate it alone.

Before that, when my sisters went back to visit we went to KL. At one of the plazas there, my elder sister spotted a desert called "Yukimi Daifuku". She prompted my other sister to look at it, then she brought it. It was served in a box, with nine of them inside. My sister asked us to hold on it for fifteen minutes before we dug in, because she was waiting for it to melt first. A completely frozen ice cream won't be delicious. You were wondering what this snack was? It is like the....Kuih Kochi, but only with ice cream on the insides instead of the legumes.

And like... months before, as you know me and my friends will kinda stay back on Fridays to play some badminton to keep fit. Well, this one very generous guy kinda bought lots of ice cream for us in order to get the prizes from it. ( Rumors Rumors ) I heard that he got his Handphones, Gameboy and all electronics from winning in that ice cream sticks competition ( Rumors Rumors) He was kind to us all, especially when he bought ice creams for us all to share. However, he was not that good at badminton and usually got discriminated by one of my classmates.

And like YEARS before, there was an ice cream shop at Tabuan Jaya. My father usually brought me there each time I got 100 marks for my spelling test in Kindergarten. The ice cream sold there was extremely delicious and melts in your mouth. It was probably the best desert restaurant, until the price went up and the restaurant lost its customers and had to close down.

It was actually a little better than the ice creams from IGLOO and SCOOPS, but now that it has closed down I guess it would actually be fun too if we went to IGLOO and SCOOPS sometimes.

And thats my favorite desert, lunch, breakfast and dinner although eating it for breakfast and twice for lunch makes my tummy hurt so. But I still eat it and suffer the consequences later.

How about yours???

P.S : And when I say "yours" I mean the small scale readers that actually give up their important time to view and even comment on my posts.

Sekian Terima Kasih

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Have I not talked about..

My holidays + visiting in KL??

Oops.. seems that not everyone knows..

Well, it was one of my happiest holiday journeys putting aside the tantrums that were thrown around.

Me, my sister, my father and my mother went to KL. The actual reason was to visit my grandma on my father's side, because she had just completed her successful eye cataract operation. On the first night before going onboard the plane, we were having a great time taking pictures.

As we were hungry and have not eaten our lunch yet, we bought Mary Browns near the departure gate and ate there. If you ask me, it was "kinda" nice.. but I do not actually think that it was worth it. It didn't even satisfy my hunger, but well it lasted.

We reached KL at 12 AM. We slept overnight at my Godmother's house... or mansion as it was quite enormous in size. I slept straightaway (without brushing my teeth) because I was too tired (Poor teeth of mine).

The next morning, we took off at 4AM. My Godmother drove us to Baling to get some blessings. I was still tired and so I slept in the car. When we finished with the blessings, The holy man invited us for "DURIANS". I was too polite to eat any, so I just took some mangosteens.(Actually, I did not like durians in the first place). There, I ate around 3 servings of Tapai. I got a little giddy after that and stopped.

After it was over, we went to Penang to stay overnight at Gurney Drive Hotel. There as a ballroom there and I thought it would be nice if we can actually go there. Sadly, there was not enough time. During the stay at the hotel, I played my sister's Nintendo DS while waiting for an outing. Nintendogs was very fun and cute. Chrono Trigger was funny while the dance lasted, and the final fantasy games + chocobo was addicting.

At night, we walked around Gurney Drive. We ate at the night market there. (Awfully full) And then went to Gurney plaza to eat the ice cream. It was a memorable moment. That night, I soaked myself in the jacuzi(like) bathtub.

The next day, we went swimming at the roof of the hotel while my Godmother and my father went outing. (Actually it was pretty funny) We actually brought mangosteens inside the hotel even though it was not allowed. But the guard actually helped us sneak them in to get a tip of RM10.

That afternoon, we drove back to my Godmother's house. We played there awhile, then when night came sneaking in we felt awfully tired again. I guess it was because of the jet lag caused the morning before.

The next morning, we went to my grandmother's house. My cousins were really grown up and I couldn't recognise them. I hugged both my grandparents. It was a happy and warm sensation. I had begun to miss the grandparents on my mother's side.

That night, each and every one of my cousins came to visit. It was a self service dinner. We had to make our own popiah, and all the ingredients were provided. We all shared ghost stories and jokes between ourselves. That night was a creepy chilly night, and my fever instantly vanished due to the cold jokes and ghost stories.

We had to take off the next day, yet we slept at 2AM. The next day we woke up at 7AM. My fever rose again and we continued to the airport for our travel back. The people at the airport was kinda nice.. even though I had fever they just let me PASS THROUGH. They only checked the ones that are blonde.

Im sorry I didn't bring any souvenirs back for all my friends. It was one hectic yet fun holiday.

Guess what was the first thing I did when I came back to Kuching?



Drama Competition!!

And thats all for today, for no one is actually reading this blogpost anyways~

I hope I could write more, but this might be already enough.

Well then...

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Awww...its time for

Examination yet again...
Well. I put away all my negative thoughts and proceeded the first day with enthusiasm. Who knows what might happen, right? I might even get distinction right? its just the mid term exam. The time looks more then enough, and add maths is getting easy. Right????

WRONG. The time for us to do 10 X (1 - 4) "Seemingly easy" questions was TOO SHORT. I was not able to do the last question worth 10 marks!!!!!!!!!!! Dang it!!!

Sigh. It just spoiled by day. And the reminder of next week's school on SATURDAY yet again was even worse. What is with Saturdays man... Is it a special day for that unspecial someone that claims to be making it even better but in the direct opposition is making it worse???

Oh it is much better now!! I feel SO "HAPPY" going to school on SATURDAYS.

Oh, anyways..

Im so not prepared for exam week. Sigh...

What a sad..sad...exam week..

Saturday, July 11, 2009

To The Post That Is

Below. Look at the post below first.

Our school got third place at the competition. I was not complaining, as I might be the cause too, I might have pulled my team down. Anyways, BL won the competition. They were really good! Their drama had humor, action and maybe that was horror in the end. It was also mysterious. I was still wondering why that Sudin guy was dead when he just faked it. Second place was Kolej Abdillah. I wasn't able to witness their performance, but It MUST be good too!

And by the way, the king of pop passed away on late June. 25th, to be exact. Many in this world grew up with his songs. I, undeniably was one of them. It started when my eldest sister got addicted to his songs and brought all of his song videos and tapes. She played it every day and even danced with it! I, as the innocent and naive one back then copied what she did and even stared at the song videos. As a result, I tend to enjoy it until now.

Back then, all of his song videos were mysterious with a serious jab of action. I used to hide when my sister played Triller, Laugh at all the mysterious sightseeing in one of the music videos and will go on and on each time it was played. Till now, it feels a tad nolstagic to listen to his songs now and then.

He was an inspiration to all the black people in the world. He said that it does not matter if people are black or white. (Or should I say sung it) HE also taught many of the stars how to dance and sing.

HE was the best father in the world, according to his children. They loved him so much. The world LOVED him so much.

SADLY, he was taken by cardiac arrest. His heart stopped.

But to me, he is still the King of Pop. He still lives in my memories. And forever, he will.

RIP, King of Pop (1958-2009)

We will miss you-

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Oh!!~ The...


I'm in the Drama club this year. Im going to act as a Malay person in an Ibanese rural. Its about the Japanese invasion. Wait. Its ALWAYS about the Japanese invasion. Okay, I'll give the synopsis of the drama script in story.

The Japanese is invading Batang Ai. People in town was rioting and picketing, while holding placards of some sort demanding Peace, Justice,Humanity...etc. etc. Ahmad, the leading talker will start to rant about how the Japanese is making it worse for the people and about how the Japanese destroyed everything in Jakar. Then, he asks his friends to do something. After this and that, they borrowed a longhouse from Jisin, a fellow villager.

They plotted to serve the Japanese with poisonous wine, and while they are too intoxicated to retaliate or whatever, the people will go inside the camp of the Japanese and set up a bomb. Then, Tukau, the sadistic and clumsy yet heroic character will be like "Oops~ I tripped" and fall face down. Then, the others will be like "You deserve to die for being so clumsy" and walk away. Then, the story ends with a feast and the people will give a moment of silence to the dead Tukau.

And for the practice, im such a dimwitt. I do not know how to express myself even though I tried and tried. The dialogue seems to be much easier in Japanese. (I rarely watch English dramas) And so I do not know how people express themselves in English.

And I do not dare to do much in front of a crowd. I can imagine myself blankly staring at the crowd, forgetting my lines..

I have in all, five lines.

"The Japanese are invading our town, Batang Ai! Are we just going to sit back and let them? Look at what they have done to Jakar!! The paddy farms and corn fiels have been completely destroyed! We much DO something!~"

"What if they come to? What do we do with them?"

"We must be careful not to poison ourselves as well. The women and children have to be informed, and if possible moved to another longhouse."

"Im glad our plan went well. And thank you, Jisin for letting us borrow your longhouse"

"Lets give a moment of silence to Tukau, Batang Ai's hero"

I did not really memorise them. I just read them over and over again until it becomes stuck at the back of my head.

SO, if you ask me a question I'l be like...

Asker: Its a good day right? Whats your name , young man?
Me: The Japanese are invading our town, Batang Ai! Are we just going to sit back and let them? Look at what they have done to Jakar!
Asker: What are you talking about, young man?
Me: The paddy farms and corn fields have been completely destroyed! We must do something!
Asker: What is one plus one?
Me: What if they come to? What do we do with them?

Something like that...

The competition will be on July. And I'l be gone for 3 days before the competition because im going for Holidays. Fun before the rain, huh?

Anyways, thats all for now, and im sure that (There is only one at the max) that will read what I post so, thanks for reading and TTFN.

Monday, May 25, 2009

The Shell Tag

Upload your fave picture and answer the question below.

Why did you choose the photo?
Its the only photo of myself I have besides that Kururu one and I made huge effort to take it just 5 minutes before this tag was written~

When was the last time you ate pizza?
Two days ago, at Pizza hut and the day before that at Pizza Junction.

The last song you've listened to?
FUVM - Lily Allen <- Addicted

What are you doing besides answering this tag?
Reading Shell's blog, pondering over John's blog and commenting at Damien's blog.

Besides your own name, how do you like people to call you?
Uh I don't really know.. They can call me anything they like. I won't feel much.

Tag 6 people, the following questions are related to them.

1) Damien D.
2) Shelly (Constant)
3) John Luke
4) Adrian Teo (Constant)
5) Oliver T.
6} Oh fine... Yin Kii.

Who is number 1?
Photographer from the photography club that takes alot of pictures where he keeps it in his blog or his profile at friendster or Facebook.

No.3 has a relationship with?
How would I know... uh.. footy?

Say something about number 5.
Wa-sa-bilibilibili wa-sa-bili-wa-sa-ka

How about number 4?
I miss disturbing him.

Who is number 2?
The one that I decided to give the name "Oyster" because it is a 'Shell'fish. I like 'O'Chien~

Say something to number 6.
Oh look. Im talking to myself. Do I look crazy now?

Sunday, May 24, 2009


Karakasa (唐傘?, "Chinese umbrella"), or Kasa Obake, are a type of Tsukumogami, a form of Japanese Spirit that originate from objects reaching their 100th year of existence, thus becoming animate. Karakasa in particular are Spirits of Parasols (umbrellas) that reach the century milestone. They are typically portrayed with one eye, a long tongue protruding from an open mouth, and a single foot, generally wearing a geta.

Tsukumogami (付喪神 ?, "ninety-nine of ago spirit") are a type of Japanese spirit. According to the Tsukumogami-emaki, tsukumogami originate from items or artifacts that have reached their 100th birthday and thus become alive and aware. Any object of this age, from swords to toys, can become a tsukumogami. Tsukumogami are considered spirits and supernatural beings, as opposed to enchanted items.

Tsukumogami vary radically in appearance, depending on the type of item they originated from as well as the condition that item was in. Some, such as tsukumogami originating from paper lanterns or broken sandals, can have tears which become eyes and sharp teeth, thus giving a horrifying visage. Others, such as worn prayer beads or teacups, may merely manifest faces and appendages, giving a warm and friendly appearance.

Though by and large tsukumogami are harmless and at most tend to play occasional pranks on unsuspecting victims, as shown in the Otogizōshi they do have the capacity for anger and will band together to take revenge on those who are wasteful or throw them away thoughtlessly. To prevent this, to this day some Jinja ceremonies, such as the Hari Kuyou, are performed to console broken and unusable items.

It is said that modern items cannot become tsukumogami; the reason for this is that tsukumogami are said to be repelled by electricity.[1] Additionally, few modern items are used for the 100-year-span that it takes for an artifact to gain a soul.

For example, the Bakezori(Straw Sandals), Ittan-Mommen(A One-Tenth hectare of cotton), Karakasa(The umbrella) or the Cochinobake(Lantern).

I am very intrigued by the paranormal! For example, the Tsukumogami.

According to Wikipedia, Tsukumogamis are Objects that become alive after being left alone for 100 years. Exciting, not? It says that they will extract their anger for being left alone by taking revenge after having a life of its own, mainly by scaring or surprising their past owners.

My Favorite Tsukumogami is the Karakasa, or Kasa-Obake. The Karakasa is an umbrella, the ancient Chinese or Japanese one, Made of paper. The paper umbrella is a mystical item.

The Chinese people believe, that if there is a person dying under a paper umbrella, their soul would enter and possess the umbrella, Thus rendering the umbrella haunted.

For me, there is a very old paper umbrella passed down to my family by my Great grandmother. The paper umbrella is said to bring luck, but we musn't touch or disturb the umbrella.

This marks the end of my post! (There may only be 1 reader at max, but thanks for reading!)

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Shifting Through The Phase

Of Life.

Have you ever had that little thought in your mind that you want everything to stay the way it was? Never to be moving forward to be able to relish all of the good moments that everything in the world have in store for you?

That was just what I was thinking. The morning before, when I went out for a little walk I just thought of this. Looking at the light blue sky and clouds moving at its petty pace. I saw a little kid running past me giggling off. Then I realised.

I am now in form 4. Not in form 1,2 or 3. Time moves so fast without me really realising it. I should have taken it easier back then. Back then...

I have also pondered deep on some thoughts.

-When did I started to hate children so much?
-When did I even enjoy smiling for real?
-When did I even think when taking walks like this?
-Why do I show different sides of myself at school?
-When did I even glare at people and lose my temper easily??

I just can't get it. It may just be a test or what. Im really frustrated that I can't get answers even with squeezing my brains tight. No brain juice.

So I just stop thinking about those and get on with my walk.

Anyways, Im bored. There is almost nothing to do on the weekends.


School is until 1.25 pm MAX from now on. Which means we will all be like pure white skeletons when we reach home EVERYDAY.

We are the guinea pigs!! oh wait, im a rabbit~~ and in the science lab there is a crocodile, a goldfish , a cat, a bunny and lots of animals too!!!!!!!!! Yay!

We would feel very "PLEASED" indeed.

And these days, I feel like I can't write that much. My hurting hands are becoming Obstacles for..


In our English test, there was a question asking for the different meaning of obstacles given a quote from a huge essay.

Did you know what a g(u/a)y named Nicholas wrote ?

The answer was supposed to be "Hindrances" He wrote "Lakeshores"

DO you know what lakeshores are????? Its a place near the lake. Not an obstacle. Not an obstacle and clearly not an obstacle.

Unless you were planning to drinks some fresh water from the lake where the shores were too high for you to reach and your neck wasn't as long.

Oh wait. Im supposed to stop now. What was I thinking??... Im the kind of person that just types in whatever comes into my mind at the moment.

Speaking of moment, I just had a piece of chocolate called "Melting Moments" two days ago!! There was caramel inside the chocolate. When you put the chocolate inside your mouth for a few seconds, it begins to melt and the caramel gushes out!! I mean flow.. How would caramel gush out from a chocolate, that would be clearly impossible since it is a thick liquid!!

Sorry... I'l.. be like.. ending the post here... sorry.. sorry...

Sunday, April 26, 2009

I will thus create a..

Topic of no decent use.

This topic is useless.

Stop reading!!

Its just a piece of writing.

That is basically useless.

But it will thus become useful.

When you have read it completely.

Ignoring the third sentence in this topic.

Following the sentence that comes in two sentences.

That will create a basic phrase.

Non usable by future generations.

Read the useless.

To find the truth.

That will surely prevail.

In order to prevent.

Total disharmony.

In peace that drops slow.

For the linnet's wings.

Cover the bright blue sky.

And in time drops red.

The whole globe is rendered.

Black fills the ocean.

Brown fills the sky.

Red fills the ground.

Life is no longer available.

In the deep heart's core.

SO please keep in mind.

That this is not a poem.

Neither is it a song.

However to find the meaning.

You have to get along.

With this black scorny ranting.

That makes everybody panting.

While eating red dates.

Hovering over dark plates.

Open the eyes of the blind.

Mine the gold of the mind.

Create a bridge of gold.

Thus overcoming the dangers of mold.

Hence creating an irresistible cold.

SO cover your eyes while it happens.

It just so never did.

A pitiful topic it is.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Another Strangest thing Stranging

Today was my parent teacher day, or mostly known as "REPORT CARD DAY". At first, I just went to school with a happy face, thinking that my parents must be happy that I got number 3 in class (Even when I have a wee percentage of 65.2).

I drew the number 30 and the queue now is at 25. So I waited and waited and waited.

When it was my turn I hopped onto the middle seat. In front of me was my form teacher, Pn. Dora and my EST teacher, Pn Ruby.

Pn. Dora : Bla bla (Non interesting stuff)


Pn. Dora : This Monday, you will belong to 4A.
Me: *Gasp*
Pn. Dora : Yeah. With this few people (The top 5 people)
Pn. Ruby: Its up to you whether you want to or not.
My Dad: (Bla bla bla bla rasional thinking bla bla bla)
My Mum: (Bla bla bla bla comfortable in 4B bla bla)
Me: I think I should remain in 4B because me and my 4 friends are always competing. This gives me the motivation to archieve greater heights and bla bla(Other)
My Dad: Friends don't bring you far bla bla bla
Pn Ruby: Yeah. I advice you against that. You have a better opportunity in 4A compared to 4B.
My Mum: But if you are not feeling comfortable in 4A, then your results would not be that sactisfying too.
My Dad: (Bla bla bla bla friends pull you down bla )
My Mum: From kindergarten until now, I have been making decisions for you. Now its the time to make decisions for yourself.
Me : I...
(My Dad cuts in)
My Dad: (Bla bla bla bla friends pull you down bla bla bla)
Me: *aherm!* I..
(My Dad cuts in again)
My Dad: (Bla bla bla rational thinking bla bla bla)
Pn. Dora: Oh okay, if you don't really feel like going to 4A, you can find MR Lau now.
Me: Now?
Pn. Dora: Yes. Now.

(These few parts was unneccesary so I cut it out)

(Back at school)

My Mum: Let me follow.
Me: No need. Im just going to get the 4A timetable.
My Mum: Come here. Let me tell you something.
Me: ?
My Mum: Take me to the principal's office.
Me: ?
My Mum: I will try to tell him to let you stay in 4B. You know your dad, you can't really argue with him. He has such a small mind that even a small gupi(Chinese for kutu) can't fit in it. He has such a closed point of view that everything you say can't get to him.

(Principals office)

My Mum: Where's the principal?
Pn. Belinda: Somewhere out there~~

(Walked outside for 5 minutes)

(Back at principal's office)

Principal: Take a seat.
(Bla bla bla after talking)
Principal. (Bla bla bla bla it will trouble me bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla.. blabla?? blabla~~ bla? blablablablabla, BLA!! bla bla bla bla, bla bla. bla bla bla bla , bla bla.)

(Session failed)
(Game Over)

And so, It was a sad day for me.
Goodbye friends from 4B! I will miss the teachers too..

Saturday, April 11, 2009

The Strangest Strange Stranging

I just found out something very much exciting today. As I was going for my usual violin lesson (yay) I realized I needed to pay the fee for this month, April. (RM60) When I gave the cashier the money, she looked at me and said...

"Did your teacher tell you that fees will increase to RM80 from this month onwards?"

Me: (Oh dang, I was not let in on something... right??) uh.... Yeah (Lets just lie for this moment)
Cashier: I was not sure whether its this month or next month. You can ask your teacher later.
Me: Okay, I'll go ask now. Please take these RM60 first. (Oh the feeling of money slipping away from me..)

*Walks up the stairs*

Ooo what a coincidence. The teacher was coming down. Ha... haha..

Me: Teacher, does the fee increase to RM80 this month or next month?
Teacher: This month.
Me: *puts on confused face*
Teacher: After all, Im gonna let you be Grade 2 now.
Teacher: Do your "Theory" outside first.
Me: Okay. (Oh my goodness I didn't bring my pencil box)

*Sees a pencil on the table*

Me: uh, thats gonna do for today... (What about the eraser?????)

*Figures that I may have to just do less mistakes*

*Opens theory book*

Me: B flat Major... *flips the page* B, E and A flat..

*Draws on a wrong line instead*

Teacher: (Name), You can come in now!!
Me: (Nice timing..)

*Waltzes into the room*

Teacher: Take out your violin.

*The usual trend. 15 minutes wasted*

Teacher: I gotta do something. Practice on your own first.
Me: (Flips to page 34)

*After 10 long minutes of self practicing*

Teacher: Im back!
Me: (Ha..haha...)
Teacher: About before(Saki kara), The grade two thingy..(Kono "Grade 2" no mondai wa..) I will let you be grade two now but you'l take the exam next year.
Me:( Is that even legal?????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! )
Teacher: Play this piece , that piece, followed by this piece over here, this and that piece, also add on this piece to the first one and subtract the sum of its roots and play the piece after it and multiply it by twelve, finding the functionof x and let the roots be alpha and beta. ( Oh wait.. is that what he even said????!!!)

*just follows the flow*

Teacher: Be right back. You can keep your violin and do your Theory outside.
Me: (Blablablabla)

*Spies an eraser on the way out*

*Greed is overcoming me*


*Leaves a message saying i was borrowing it and will return it before going home*

*does theory quietly*


Me: (Knocks on the teacher's door...)

*door opens*

Me: (Throws the eraser inside and runs off)

The End.

Me as Me, Cashier as Cashier and Teacher as Teacher. No one was hurt in this scene.. Oh wait. Did the eraser hit anyone???????

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Look below. Stop staring at the title.

Exam exam exam. Thank goodness it just passed! All the subjects are hard hard hard hard and I can't even do do do do any question question question question because all that I studied studied studied studied didn't come out out out out. And so I shot alot and just did simple cutting using logic.

Chemistry was kinda tricky. You definitely can't survive just knowing about the formula to find the mass , particles and those stuffs.

BM is real easy for those that are experienced. I think that I did quite well (or not) and my BM really rots.. so I depend on luck now.

Physics!!! My goodness. Im sure to fail this one. I didn't even know how to take readings from a stopwatch.

English!!! Lifesaver. I hope I get high marks for this one. Oh wait. I did several grammar mistakes in my essay...

Biology was easy. I just did it using the stuff I studied in form 1 - 3. And for those I didn't know, I just shot.

Sejarah was also quite easy. Everything I studied came out. Well, almost everything.. Ugh the essay part!!!

Add maths was hell. I just simply did them all. I only knew the first four questions.

Maths was also hell. I thought it was easy but the subjective answers are like 2003.6887cm^2 and 50.7551cm^2. It was so strange I did it 3 times to get the same answer and I gave up.

Moral is like simply beating behind the bush. I didn't even know what was "BCA" in full.

EST was easy!!!!!! too easy!!!

Anyways, I have a really low percentage to be...


Saturday, March 21, 2009

I need to improve on my English Language

My goodness. My English language just went from hero to zero this year. I believe I were quite good the year before, but this year I just downright stink in the language. I actually forgot how to spell words in report writing for Chemistry, Physics and Biology.

Thankfully, my best friends that sat awaiting beside me were ready for my numerous questions of spelling. But they didn't help much, because when I say Ma-Ri-Jua-Na, they will insist it is Ma-Re-Wa-Na. And then after I agree about the pronounciation, then I will be told of the spelling. Pretty helpful I guess, but oh well.

Speaking of language, I need to improve on my Bahasa Malaysia as well. Maybe I can just do it the DAMIEN way. Im such a copycat. I hope its not that bad as Im always getting C's on Bahasa Malaysia.

Selamat sejahtera saya ucapkan kepada tuan-tuan dan puan-puan yang sudi membaca apa jua yang saya bebelkan di blog ini.

Pada malam yang amat gelap ini, saya akan membincangkan tentang kegelapan. Lihatlah di luar tingkap. Adakah permandangan di luar tingkap anda gelap? Kegelapan berlaku apabila malam merangkak masuk. Malam berlaku apabila matahari kita berada di paksi yang berlainan dengan lokasi kita.

Pada pendapat saya, kegelapan merupakan sasuatu yang amat mengerikan. Apakah yang menyembungikan diri dalam kegelapan? Adakah jembalang yang menakutkan akan melompat keluar daripada kegelapan dan menangkap saya?

Secara umumnya, telah dibuktikan bahawa 67.78% daripada makhluk-makhluk yang berada di bumi takut akan kegelapan. % yang sebaliknya pula kelebihannya haiwan yang meronda di waktu malam ataupun manusia-manusia yang gagah perkasa.

Kegelapan juga dapat dikaitkan dengan fobia kegelapan, iaitu (blabla)fobia. Manusia yang mempunyai fobia ini tidak akan dapat mengawal diri dan berasa takut apabila berada di sisi kegelapan. Walaupun mereka dapat mengambil rawatan melalui psikologi, kemungkinan juga pakar psikologi sendiri takut akan kegelapan. Oleh itu, fobia ini amatlah biasa di dunia ini.

Kita haruslah mengamalkan nilai Kepercayaan kepada Tuhan, iaitu dengan mempunyai keyakinan tentang wujudnya Tuhan dan mematuhi segala arahannya. Tuhan mengarahkan kita supaya gagah dan menghormati apa jua kebenaran di dunia ini. Oleh itu, kegelapan haruslah dihormati dan tidak ditakuti. Sebenarnya, ahli-ahli politik lebih menakutkan lagi.

Selain itu, kita haruslah menghormari agama kita sendiri dan menghindarkan daripada melakukan kejahatan. Bak pepatah orang tua, Takut kerana melakukan kesilapan besar dan berani kerana tidak pernah melakukan apa-apa kesalahan.

Adakah anda takut kepada kegelapan, jika begitu, belilah lampu suluh supaya selalu berdekatan dengan cahaya. Cahaya merupakan sesuatu yang suci. Jikalau cahaya tidak wujud, kita semua tidak akan dapat melihat kecantikan dunia. Untuk membeli lampu suluh, hubungilah (blablabla) di 01X-XXXXXXX.

Sekian, terima kasih.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

The first months pass by...

As the wind breezes by the corners of the quiet stage of oblivion...
We leave our cherry petals behind hoping for a...

Whatever I'l just get straight to the point.

The first 3 months of school!!!!
- dull
- dull
- dull
- dull
- dull

The three Science branches are quite tedious I suppose.. I may be able to cope with Sejarah(My weak point) better then memorising the whole "Periodic Table of Elements" , Doing Biology with a different perspective from the past years of General Science and Putting V = S x T to use in Physics.

On my second month, I reached Grade 2 Theory! I should probably rejoyce! ( While exam is coming next year )

I auditioned for Drama Club on the second month too. Just a week ago. Im not a drama prince, mind you.. And I have to keep myself from stuttering in front of the crowd of students also auditioning. Could they not keep the other auditioners outside?

I broke Damien's watch in the middle of February. Oops. I will chop off my leg if I do it again. But then swearing is no good, so oh well.

I did my first Oral test for English. I spoke of Hipocrisy in society, but I then went out of topic and talked about Psychotics instead. I wonder why.

My cute doggy fished for goldfishes in my tank and ate it. It made me sad because I always played with the goldfishes each time I went back from school. How could you, Summer!! I always showered you with love didn't I????

I did my Peka on the first week of school. Fun is to do the experiments whereas dull is to do the reports on the experiments.

My skills on the violin is improving little by little. I still make it screech sometimes. But now I can cope with the screeches. I hope my instructor can cope with the screeches too. Now I think that screeches are lovely!!! Once you heard it you will gape with wonder.

Add maths are happy subjects. My add math teacher teaches so well I can only solve the questions when she is teaching. When she is not teaching, I forget everything instantly. Let the roots be alpha, beta~~

EST is fun. You get to write essays and improvise on English. PSK is even more fun. You can even do visualising on the books by drawing stickmen to show what each sentence you are writing about means. I love doodling!

My fingers are getting tired from this little post. I know I have not typed a page long, but It feels like I've been typing for minutes without stopping. My aching fingers...

Well then..

Friday, February 20, 2009


I went to an interview today( Friday 20th 2009). It was my first interview, and if I pass the interview I will get to become a prefect. The interview was kinda strange (Wondering if the real life job interviews are the same too) and I went through it with overheating ears.

Surrounded by the panel of shooters (Shoots alot of questions to lower confidence : Approach with caution) , Sadly all of them are guys, They shoot alot of question at me. I was overwhelmed by the brilliant bullets and died(Not)

Anyways, I will write down the questions they shot me with.(And the strange answers I came up with)

Shooter1: Take a seat
Me: *sits*
Shooter2: Give your certificates to the first interviewer.
Me: *Gives*
Shooter2: Okay then, we will start the interview.
Shooter3: Are you ready?
Me: Yes.
Shooter2: In 1 minute, briefly describe your life.
Me: Basically, My life is not interesting. Since young, I was taught to be disciplined by my elders, and I guess thats it.
Shooter2: Why do you want to be a prefect?
Me: (Hipocrisy) I want to apply all my abilities that I was brought up with since my young age to make the school a safer place.
Shooter1: You mean the school isn't safe now?
Shooter3: You mean we are not doing our jobs properly?
Me: (Oh my..) I don't mean that, you are doing your jobs properly, its just that...
Shooter1: What is the "unsafe" things that you mentioned?
Me: (Bla bla bla people bullying the weak... smoking behind stadium bla bla)
Shooter2: Look at the first interviewer.
Me: *Looks*
Shooter1: Is there anything wrong with my appearance?
Me: (For the love of..) Your hair is so untidy. You should comb it before you go to school each morning. You aren't wearing your necktie properly. Your collar isn't even straightened. Wear your jacket properly. I can't see your name tag!! (Nag nag nag nag nag rant rant)
Shooter1: Okay enough, look at the third interviewer.
Me: *Looks*
Shooter3: What is wrong with my appearance?
Me: Hmm... You look okay.. (Good job~ You give prefects a good nameeee *not*)
Shooter2: Now, can you sing the school rally?
Me: In English, or..?
Shooter1,2,3: Any language you like.
Me: (Sing sing sing, after some time I remember to put my hand on my chest, Sing sing remember whole song sing sing)
Shooter1: Okay. Stand up. Show me your prefect look.
Me: What?
Shooter1: A prefect look is a.... look that makes people afraid of you.
Me: (I wanted to open my mouth like carpfish) *Stands up and put on normal face*
Shooter2: If you are a prefect on duty, show us how you would walk.
Me: *walk walk* (I wanted to catwalk)
Shooter3: Okay, you may take a seat. Okay, lets say Im picking a fight with you. I bring all my group and wanted to bash you up. What would you do?
Me: (Hipocrisy) I will first look at your name to see if know you. Then I'l try to memorise your name and remember your face. Then, I'l walk off calmly to the teachers office and tell them about it. (Sigh..)
Shooter2: Lets say your best friend brings a handphone. What would you do?
Me: I'l try to make them convince me they won't bring it again. If I see them bringing it again, I will take it away. (General answer)
Shooter2: Does that mean you will give them a chance?
Me: Yeah.
Shooter1: *Shuffles certificates* Are you proud of your archievements?
Me: Not really...
Shooter123: WHy not?
Me: Because I believe I can archieve greater heights then this.
Shooter2: Okay. Its the end of the interview session. You may go out now.
Me: Phew (Boils)

And so that was it. I really hope I won't go through all that again.

Saturday, February 7, 2009


14) I used to love hiding inside my own cabinet whenever my mum or dad wanted to scold me. When the ycan't find me, they'l threaten my out by saying "We'll ask his kindergarten teacher to punish him" And I crawl out like Ju-On.

15) I made my brother fall down on his back when im in my primaries. As a retribution, I fell on my front 2 months later.

16) I love getting presents from my friends, but I'm overwhelmed by guilt when they give presents to me.

17) I ate a fly when im six years old and I thought I ate chicken. (It tasted like chicken but It smells...)

18) I used to cry when I don't get what I want. (Primaries)

19) Im not afraid of the darkness, but im afraid of the "ones" lurking in the darkness.

20) People say im violent, but I don't harm a tiny fly. (Except mosquitoes that intakes my blood.)

21) I had wanted to play the cello, but I got a violin instead. Feeling touched that my father actually brought one for me, I did not complain and took it up.

22) Im still waiting for someone to post himself playing the violin on youtube for my excitement.

23) I love manipulating people to do my dirty works. (Nah its not what you think, I just wanted them to show me how to do Add Maths, Physics, Chem, Bio, Maths... )

24) I hate people that blocks my view.

25) I love tags cause they are exciting.

AND TADAH!! I tag....

1- Yu Tse Lyn (2nd Sister)
2 - Yu Yin Young (Brother)
3 - My father
4 - My mother
5 - Summer (pet)
6 - Tina (pet)
7 - Teru Teru (pet)
8 - John Luke (Friend)
9 - Samantha (Friend's cousin)
10 - Damien D (Friend)
11 - Oliver Tiong (Friend P.S I almost put Dion instead of Tiong)
12 - Colin Chua (Friend Crocodile)
13 - Alexander Magriten (Friend Goldfish)
14 - Adrian Teo (Friend Cousin)
15 - Kevin H (Friend Daddy)
16 - Russell Chin (Friend Uncle)
17 - 23 (Reserved for Friend Daddy's Wife to be's)
24 - Shelly Ho ( Crocodile's friend)
25 - Nazmi N (Friend)

Friday, February 6, 2009

Tagged (1)

Rules: Once you’ve been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it’s because I want to know more about you! (but for ME, I just wanna give you the trouble of writing)

1) I was addicted to pokemon at 7 years old after my bro showed me the game on PC (Gold ver) Now I don't even feel like touching it any more.

2) I also had a "baby pillow" to hug when I sleep. Without it, I always believe that spiders or ants will enter my ears. (I used the pillow to cover my ears)

3) At primary school, I used to disturb red ants at the school. When I see them, I use my fingers to flick it away when its gathering food. Or I take leaves from a nearby plant to throw on them.

4) My Yahoo inbox has 1322 unread mails and counting.

5) People say I look like my eldest sister.

6) I love Summer.

7) My personality shifts out of pace. Sometimes I feel like talking and sometimes I just hate socializing. Mood swingsss~

8) I hate copycats that copy the personality of other friends that I have.

9) I hate people that spews out maggots (vulgar) at me.

10) I am afraid of worms, millipedes, centipedes, maggots, earthworms, caterpillars.. all THOSE WRIGGLY THINGS.

11) Sometimes I don't feel like going through life, and so I force myself to sleep when morning comes hoping that something good will happen. I don't feel like being alive on earth at all unless something good happens that excite me.

12) I always get De Ja Vu's when looking at something. Its like... I look at a ruler and I suddenly remember that I dreamt of drawing a line on the wall at school 5 days ago. And 5 days ago, I could not even remember my dream. Today, after I saw my sister tagging me I remembered that yesterday I dreamt of her coming back to Kuching.

13) I feel like im absorbing the luck of those around me and emitting misfortune. People is like : Sigh today... and im like (yay!! huh?)

WIll continue the rest tonight~