Saturday, April 18, 2009

Another Strangest thing Stranging

Today was my parent teacher day, or mostly known as "REPORT CARD DAY". At first, I just went to school with a happy face, thinking that my parents must be happy that I got number 3 in class (Even when I have a wee percentage of 65.2).

I drew the number 30 and the queue now is at 25. So I waited and waited and waited.

When it was my turn I hopped onto the middle seat. In front of me was my form teacher, Pn. Dora and my EST teacher, Pn Ruby.

Pn. Dora : Bla bla (Non interesting stuff)


Pn. Dora : This Monday, you will belong to 4A.
Me: *Gasp*
Pn. Dora : Yeah. With this few people (The top 5 people)
Pn. Ruby: Its up to you whether you want to or not.
My Dad: (Bla bla bla bla rasional thinking bla bla bla)
My Mum: (Bla bla bla bla comfortable in 4B bla bla)
Me: I think I should remain in 4B because me and my 4 friends are always competing. This gives me the motivation to archieve greater heights and bla bla(Other)
My Dad: Friends don't bring you far bla bla bla
Pn Ruby: Yeah. I advice you against that. You have a better opportunity in 4A compared to 4B.
My Mum: But if you are not feeling comfortable in 4A, then your results would not be that sactisfying too.
My Dad: (Bla bla bla bla friends pull you down bla )
My Mum: From kindergarten until now, I have been making decisions for you. Now its the time to make decisions for yourself.
Me : I...
(My Dad cuts in)
My Dad: (Bla bla bla bla friends pull you down bla bla bla)
Me: *aherm!* I..
(My Dad cuts in again)
My Dad: (Bla bla bla rational thinking bla bla bla)
Pn. Dora: Oh okay, if you don't really feel like going to 4A, you can find MR Lau now.
Me: Now?
Pn. Dora: Yes. Now.

(These few parts was unneccesary so I cut it out)

(Back at school)

My Mum: Let me follow.
Me: No need. Im just going to get the 4A timetable.
My Mum: Come here. Let me tell you something.
Me: ?
My Mum: Take me to the principal's office.
Me: ?
My Mum: I will try to tell him to let you stay in 4B. You know your dad, you can't really argue with him. He has such a small mind that even a small gupi(Chinese for kutu) can't fit in it. He has such a closed point of view that everything you say can't get to him.

(Principals office)

My Mum: Where's the principal?
Pn. Belinda: Somewhere out there~~

(Walked outside for 5 minutes)

(Back at principal's office)

Principal: Take a seat.
(Bla bla bla after talking)
Principal. (Bla bla bla bla it will trouble me bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla.. blabla?? blabla~~ bla? blablablablabla, BLA!! bla bla bla bla, bla bla. bla bla bla bla , bla bla.)

(Session failed)
(Game Over)

And so, It was a sad day for me.
Goodbye friends from 4B! I will miss the teachers too..


Shelly Ho said...

wow...rabbit moving to 4A...congratz!!need to study many competitions..=D

KiiKii Yu said...

So lonely in 4A :(

Damien Jude Dellon said...

whohoo!!!... competition's over!!!!

Drenz said...

so sad de...i disagree!!!!
i go principal office talk liaw la...

KiiKii Yu said...

Write another petition!!! like that day!! Bring all the students back!!!!!!

Drenz said...

i giv letter to principal liaw la...

Damien Jude Dellon said...

dun do tat... he beh song bout tat ardi

Drenz said...
