Saturday, February 7, 2009


14) I used to love hiding inside my own cabinet whenever my mum or dad wanted to scold me. When the ycan't find me, they'l threaten my out by saying "We'll ask his kindergarten teacher to punish him" And I crawl out like Ju-On.

15) I made my brother fall down on his back when im in my primaries. As a retribution, I fell on my front 2 months later.

16) I love getting presents from my friends, but I'm overwhelmed by guilt when they give presents to me.

17) I ate a fly when im six years old and I thought I ate chicken. (It tasted like chicken but It smells...)

18) I used to cry when I don't get what I want. (Primaries)

19) Im not afraid of the darkness, but im afraid of the "ones" lurking in the darkness.

20) People say im violent, but I don't harm a tiny fly. (Except mosquitoes that intakes my blood.)

21) I had wanted to play the cello, but I got a violin instead. Feeling touched that my father actually brought one for me, I did not complain and took it up.

22) Im still waiting for someone to post himself playing the violin on youtube for my excitement.

23) I love manipulating people to do my dirty works. (Nah its not what you think, I just wanted them to show me how to do Add Maths, Physics, Chem, Bio, Maths... )

24) I hate people that blocks my view.

25) I love tags cause they are exciting.

AND TADAH!! I tag....

1- Yu Tse Lyn (2nd Sister)
2 - Yu Yin Young (Brother)
3 - My father
4 - My mother
5 - Summer (pet)
6 - Tina (pet)
7 - Teru Teru (pet)
8 - John Luke (Friend)
9 - Samantha (Friend's cousin)
10 - Damien D (Friend)
11 - Oliver Tiong (Friend P.S I almost put Dion instead of Tiong)
12 - Colin Chua (Friend Crocodile)
13 - Alexander Magriten (Friend Goldfish)
14 - Adrian Teo (Friend Cousin)
15 - Kevin H (Friend Daddy)
16 - Russell Chin (Friend Uncle)
17 - 23 (Reserved for Friend Daddy's Wife to be's)
24 - Shelly Ho ( Crocodile's friend)
25 - Nazmi N (Friend)


Shelly Ho said...

tag me!

KiiKii Yu said...

Okay XD

Shelly Ho said...

crocodile's friend?

KiiKii Yu said...

Crocodile is Colin. Goldfish is Alex(ander Magriten)whilst im Rabbit.