Sunday, November 1, 2009

I have a "" to share...

With anyone that reads !!

I hereby declare that im one hell of an anime lover.
And my future ambition is to be a ""
AND nevermind..

I am just posting this for the "" of it. So, if you have weak ears dont listen to it. You will get EES(Ear Exploding Syndrome)

And school friends that visit this blog, keep this a secret and dont besar-besarkan.

I hate adding medias to my blog as it makes it laggy and less readable. Dont worry, I dont have much time to send a virus to you so the link is safe. What? you dont trust me? :(

the link is safe!!!! T_T

And remember. Secrets please.

AND LASTLY, this is not something erotic. What did your minds trick you into thinking? You should be ashamed!!! :(

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