Friday, February 6, 2009

Tagged (1)

Rules: Once you’ve been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it’s because I want to know more about you! (but for ME, I just wanna give you the trouble of writing)

1) I was addicted to pokemon at 7 years old after my bro showed me the game on PC (Gold ver) Now I don't even feel like touching it any more.

2) I also had a "baby pillow" to hug when I sleep. Without it, I always believe that spiders or ants will enter my ears. (I used the pillow to cover my ears)

3) At primary school, I used to disturb red ants at the school. When I see them, I use my fingers to flick it away when its gathering food. Or I take leaves from a nearby plant to throw on them.

4) My Yahoo inbox has 1322 unread mails and counting.

5) People say I look like my eldest sister.

6) I love Summer.

7) My personality shifts out of pace. Sometimes I feel like talking and sometimes I just hate socializing. Mood swingsss~

8) I hate copycats that copy the personality of other friends that I have.

9) I hate people that spews out maggots (vulgar) at me.

10) I am afraid of worms, millipedes, centipedes, maggots, earthworms, caterpillars.. all THOSE WRIGGLY THINGS.

11) Sometimes I don't feel like going through life, and so I force myself to sleep when morning comes hoping that something good will happen. I don't feel like being alive on earth at all unless something good happens that excite me.

12) I always get De Ja Vu's when looking at something. Its like... I look at a ruler and I suddenly remember that I dreamt of drawing a line on the wall at school 5 days ago. And 5 days ago, I could not even remember my dream. Today, after I saw my sister tagging me I remembered that yesterday I dreamt of her coming back to Kuching.

13) I feel like im absorbing the luck of those around me and emitting misfortune. People is like : Sigh today... and im like (yay!! huh?)

WIll continue the rest tonight~

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