Thursday, August 13, 2009

What is the...

Food of your likings?

I just went to somewhere called Pondok Laguna two weeks ago with my family. It was nice eating out once in a while and that was (still before the outbreak of A(H1N1) I think)

We ordered what we normally did, but I simply looked at the menu with my gleaming eyes and decided to order a BANANA DELIGHT.

It is a dish with three scoops of ice cream, Vanilla, Mint and Chocolate with half cuts of bananas on each side. The decorations were also adorable, with a cute little Japanese style umbrella on top. There was two spoons, which usually mean that the serving is enough for two people but I as the usual selfish me ate it alone.

Before that, when my sisters went back to visit we went to KL. At one of the plazas there, my elder sister spotted a desert called "Yukimi Daifuku". She prompted my other sister to look at it, then she brought it. It was served in a box, with nine of them inside. My sister asked us to hold on it for fifteen minutes before we dug in, because she was waiting for it to melt first. A completely frozen ice cream won't be delicious. You were wondering what this snack was? It is like the....Kuih Kochi, but only with ice cream on the insides instead of the legumes.

And like... months before, as you know me and my friends will kinda stay back on Fridays to play some badminton to keep fit. Well, this one very generous guy kinda bought lots of ice cream for us in order to get the prizes from it. ( Rumors Rumors ) I heard that he got his Handphones, Gameboy and all electronics from winning in that ice cream sticks competition ( Rumors Rumors) He was kind to us all, especially when he bought ice creams for us all to share. However, he was not that good at badminton and usually got discriminated by one of my classmates.

And like YEARS before, there was an ice cream shop at Tabuan Jaya. My father usually brought me there each time I got 100 marks for my spelling test in Kindergarten. The ice cream sold there was extremely delicious and melts in your mouth. It was probably the best desert restaurant, until the price went up and the restaurant lost its customers and had to close down.

It was actually a little better than the ice creams from IGLOO and SCOOPS, but now that it has closed down I guess it would actually be fun too if we went to IGLOO and SCOOPS sometimes.

And thats my favorite desert, lunch, breakfast and dinner although eating it for breakfast and twice for lunch makes my tummy hurt so. But I still eat it and suffer the consequences later.

How about yours???

P.S : And when I say "yours" I mean the small scale readers that actually give up their important time to view and even comment on my posts.

Sekian Terima Kasih

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