Sunday, April 26, 2009

I will thus create a..

Topic of no decent use.

This topic is useless.

Stop reading!!

Its just a piece of writing.

That is basically useless.

But it will thus become useful.

When you have read it completely.

Ignoring the third sentence in this topic.

Following the sentence that comes in two sentences.

That will create a basic phrase.

Non usable by future generations.

Read the useless.

To find the truth.

That will surely prevail.

In order to prevent.

Total disharmony.

In peace that drops slow.

For the linnet's wings.

Cover the bright blue sky.

And in time drops red.

The whole globe is rendered.

Black fills the ocean.

Brown fills the sky.

Red fills the ground.

Life is no longer available.

In the deep heart's core.

SO please keep in mind.

That this is not a poem.

Neither is it a song.

However to find the meaning.

You have to get along.

With this black scorny ranting.

That makes everybody panting.

While eating red dates.

Hovering over dark plates.

Open the eyes of the blind.

Mine the gold of the mind.

Create a bridge of gold.

Thus overcoming the dangers of mold.

Hence creating an irresistible cold.

SO cover your eyes while it happens.

It just so never did.

A pitiful topic it is.

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