Saturday, August 15, 2009

I Sometimes Wonder If..

Its Normal or not..?

Is it normal to change how you act in front of different people all the time?

I wake up in the morning.

I feel angered at even slight noises that came from the outside. I felt angry that I have to wake up this early. I felt angry that I even had to wear my shoes. And wash my face as well.

When I reach school.

When someone says Hi to me, I say Hi back with a smile. Sometimes I don't even want to smile.

When im with my friends, I am feeling happy and childlike again. I feel like im a child. I feel like I can do everything. I feel like playing. I feel like talking. When someone says hi I would look at them and say "hi" while giving off a big smile. Sometimes I just give off a rude "What?". Im even crazy at times.

When im not with my friends im calm and composed, only on the outside. When people say "Hi" I usually think that they are trying to make fun of me. I say "Hi" back, but make an annoyed face when they can't see it. Sometimes, I think people are talking behind my back and I seem to notice every small whispers in the corner of any room in in with people inside.

However, sometimes I feel like I reek of energy. When people say "Hi", I make a big smile and talk non stop to them. Sometimes, I will even dance around them.

When seeing someone else, however I do not sense the need to say anything.

I think people think im selfish, self centered and proud when im at the dim side.

When I reach home again, I won't talk much. When asked about my day, I will just say what is needed and not talk more. However, sometimes I talk about my day as if gold fell from the skies.

Whats with this shifting? Maybe I created the personalities to shift from through my life. Maybe now I've forgotten who I really am.

Does it even matter? Why did I even want to write this in here?

Does the way I write make it seem like im angry?

Why do I even ask so much questions when I know I will get no answer??

(Just forget all of the above)

The author is just joking about everything. How would his life even be like that? Haha.

Lets end this post now.

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