Wednesday, November 4, 2009

AT last the..

Exam has ended!! I have waited so long for this torment to end :(
Everything was hard hard hard. Maybe its harder then SPM. Lol.

Anyways, nothing much happened during the exams. After the exams, I start to forget everything about studying. It was just so hectic with 9 days and all :(

See, I cant even write my blogs properly now. Everything ends with two lines and all... Perhaps I lost my ability to become loso???!!!!

Okay, nevermind about that. Today's topic is.... TOMMOROWS visiting.

It was in the morning when I heard a *knock knock knock* on the door. I opened it and to my *AHHHH*


It was in the morning right before Physics paper 3. Our EST teacher danced briskly into the room holding a folder of papers in her arms.

Since our class was always noisy, it never made a difference whether it was early morning or not. The class was obviously noisy. So after she calmed us down, there were still small noises ringing somewhere in the corner of the classroom. Okay, that was kinda quiet enough. She announced that only 10 people would be chosen for this "event" to go somewhere to hear a talk.


And so, I finished my exams quietly and snuck in a corner to conceal myself from the world due to sadness.

The End.


It hasnt ended yet!!!!! Anyways, there is this kind person named Nachilos. I always bullied him in class. Anyways, since Nochilas had his own "reasons" he didnt want to reveal, I took the opportunity and asked him in a very polite way to give me the form. Nucholus said he didnt want to go, so he gave it to me. I was so happy. I even showed off the paper to Mr Crocodile. Muahahahahaha!!

Anyway, I can guess what Nuchulus wanted to do while im gone. Im utmostly sure that he wanted to get hold of my exam papers and purposely find mistakes to minus my hard earned marks!!!

So, about 5 minutes ago I SMSed Mr Crocodile and told him not to "minus my marks tanpa sebab" And he replied "Okay, 5!!! No la, I wont la. I where got so.. "Bad" one?" And im still suspicious!!! But who cares, right? The only thing I want to do now is go to Fort Magherita tommorow and hear the talk they give. If it is interesting, i'l bear with it. If its boring, I'l bring my own pillow and sleep there.

Okay, done! thats done with. Now I've nothing more to write. Stay tuned in TV 10028.

Disarikatakan oleh Yu Yin Kii.

Sekarang untuk berita harian. Pada hari yang mulia ini, tiada perkara yang cukup memuaskan untuk menggelikan hati saya. jadi, saya kurang pasti apa yang hendak diucapkan dengan segala hormatnya hari ini.

Inilah saja untuk hari ini, sekian terima kasih.

Saya tidak tahu cakap bahasa India dan Cina jadi saya tidak akan ucapkan berita harian dalam bahasa-bahasa tersebut. harap maklum.

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