Saturday, April 11, 2009

The Strangest Strange Stranging

I just found out something very much exciting today. As I was going for my usual violin lesson (yay) I realized I needed to pay the fee for this month, April. (RM60) When I gave the cashier the money, she looked at me and said...

"Did your teacher tell you that fees will increase to RM80 from this month onwards?"

Me: (Oh dang, I was not let in on something... right??) uh.... Yeah (Lets just lie for this moment)
Cashier: I was not sure whether its this month or next month. You can ask your teacher later.
Me: Okay, I'll go ask now. Please take these RM60 first. (Oh the feeling of money slipping away from me..)

*Walks up the stairs*

Ooo what a coincidence. The teacher was coming down. Ha... haha..

Me: Teacher, does the fee increase to RM80 this month or next month?
Teacher: This month.
Me: *puts on confused face*
Teacher: After all, Im gonna let you be Grade 2 now.
Teacher: Do your "Theory" outside first.
Me: Okay. (Oh my goodness I didn't bring my pencil box)

*Sees a pencil on the table*

Me: uh, thats gonna do for today... (What about the eraser?????)

*Figures that I may have to just do less mistakes*

*Opens theory book*

Me: B flat Major... *flips the page* B, E and A flat..

*Draws on a wrong line instead*

Teacher: (Name), You can come in now!!
Me: (Nice timing..)

*Waltzes into the room*

Teacher: Take out your violin.

*The usual trend. 15 minutes wasted*

Teacher: I gotta do something. Practice on your own first.
Me: (Flips to page 34)

*After 10 long minutes of self practicing*

Teacher: Im back!
Me: (Ha..haha...)
Teacher: About before(Saki kara), The grade two thingy..(Kono "Grade 2" no mondai wa..) I will let you be grade two now but you'l take the exam next year.
Me:( Is that even legal?????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! )
Teacher: Play this piece , that piece, followed by this piece over here, this and that piece, also add on this piece to the first one and subtract the sum of its roots and play the piece after it and multiply it by twelve, finding the functionof x and let the roots be alpha and beta. ( Oh wait.. is that what he even said????!!!)

*just follows the flow*

Teacher: Be right back. You can keep your violin and do your Theory outside.
Me: (Blablablabla)

*Spies an eraser on the way out*

*Greed is overcoming me*


*Leaves a message saying i was borrowing it and will return it before going home*

*does theory quietly*


Me: (Knocks on the teacher's door...)

*door opens*

Me: (Throws the eraser inside and runs off)

The End.

Me as Me, Cashier as Cashier and Teacher as Teacher. No one was hurt in this scene.. Oh wait. Did the eraser hit anyone???????

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