Saturday, August 1, 2009

Have I not talked about..

My holidays + visiting in KL??

Oops.. seems that not everyone knows..

Well, it was one of my happiest holiday journeys putting aside the tantrums that were thrown around.

Me, my sister, my father and my mother went to KL. The actual reason was to visit my grandma on my father's side, because she had just completed her successful eye cataract operation. On the first night before going onboard the plane, we were having a great time taking pictures.

As we were hungry and have not eaten our lunch yet, we bought Mary Browns near the departure gate and ate there. If you ask me, it was "kinda" nice.. but I do not actually think that it was worth it. It didn't even satisfy my hunger, but well it lasted.

We reached KL at 12 AM. We slept overnight at my Godmother's house... or mansion as it was quite enormous in size. I slept straightaway (without brushing my teeth) because I was too tired (Poor teeth of mine).

The next morning, we took off at 4AM. My Godmother drove us to Baling to get some blessings. I was still tired and so I slept in the car. When we finished with the blessings, The holy man invited us for "DURIANS". I was too polite to eat any, so I just took some mangosteens.(Actually, I did not like durians in the first place). There, I ate around 3 servings of Tapai. I got a little giddy after that and stopped.

After it was over, we went to Penang to stay overnight at Gurney Drive Hotel. There as a ballroom there and I thought it would be nice if we can actually go there. Sadly, there was not enough time. During the stay at the hotel, I played my sister's Nintendo DS while waiting for an outing. Nintendogs was very fun and cute. Chrono Trigger was funny while the dance lasted, and the final fantasy games + chocobo was addicting.

At night, we walked around Gurney Drive. We ate at the night market there. (Awfully full) And then went to Gurney plaza to eat the ice cream. It was a memorable moment. That night, I soaked myself in the jacuzi(like) bathtub.

The next day, we went swimming at the roof of the hotel while my Godmother and my father went outing. (Actually it was pretty funny) We actually brought mangosteens inside the hotel even though it was not allowed. But the guard actually helped us sneak them in to get a tip of RM10.

That afternoon, we drove back to my Godmother's house. We played there awhile, then when night came sneaking in we felt awfully tired again. I guess it was because of the jet lag caused the morning before.

The next morning, we went to my grandmother's house. My cousins were really grown up and I couldn't recognise them. I hugged both my grandparents. It was a happy and warm sensation. I had begun to miss the grandparents on my mother's side.

That night, each and every one of my cousins came to visit. It was a self service dinner. We had to make our own popiah, and all the ingredients were provided. We all shared ghost stories and jokes between ourselves. That night was a creepy chilly night, and my fever instantly vanished due to the cold jokes and ghost stories.

We had to take off the next day, yet we slept at 2AM. The next day we woke up at 7AM. My fever rose again and we continued to the airport for our travel back. The people at the airport was kinda nice.. even though I had fever they just let me PASS THROUGH. They only checked the ones that are blonde.

Im sorry I didn't bring any souvenirs back for all my friends. It was one hectic yet fun holiday.

Guess what was the first thing I did when I came back to Kuching?



Drama Competition!!

And thats all for today, for no one is actually reading this blogpost anyways~

I hope I could write more, but this might be already enough.

Well then...


Drenz said...

hu say no ppl read???
ur cousin got read owh!!!

Shelly Ho said...

i read!

KiiKii Yu said...

Hehe thanks for reading XD