Sunday, July 6, 2014

Killing that Damn :< Bug

Killing a bug may be nothing to most people, but to me - I am killing a living thing that is capable of thinking. No thinking as all humans do, but just thinking; with due sense of having a brain. They have the ability to feel pain, like humans do. They have a need to survive, as most humans do.

So earlier today, I was helping my dad with chores outside in the garden. During one of the more menial jobs (relocating garden tiles, yes those heavy cement blocks that sit in your garden so you can use them as stepping stones), a black ant bit my dad's palm. (It should be honorable to mention that he was bitten twice by two different black ants). As he was well versed in the "arts" of being stung (he was stung by various insects before), he uttered that the bite was comparable to the sting of a honeybee. That said, he ordered me to fetch the "neccesary equipments" so that he can sentence the whole colony to death. You could imagine the look on my face. 

Courtesy of Chiirin | Anime-
I am that kind of person that will use the power of the kaze (wind) generated from my kuchi (mouth) : 口 or 吹き (blowing winds) to blow a mosquito away when she drinks her fill of my blood instead of smacking it into oblivion, the type that will say sorry to insects that he accidentally steps on - and sentencing a colony to death because of the wrong of a single (or two) worker?
Well some might argue that it is the instincts of the colony to protect the hive, because it is an order by pheromone of the queen. Isn't that more of a reason that these bugs are innocent? If these bugs appear to be humans, you dont see higher ups sentencing a whole village to death because the occupants want to protect their own territory (or maybe they do, but that's in the past).  
Anyways I was thinking that maybe there was no other methods, so I brought the killing machine (Ridsect) and my dad performed the purging of the colony. As much as I try to be a kind person that don't kill uneccesarily, I was reminded again and again by the devil sitting on my right shoulder that I would be a hypocrite, then. I am not a strict herbivore or a vegan. 
My dad reasoned that if the colony was not purged - and instead let to grow; then it would be disastrous for us when we will do even more menial jobs in the future.
Sounds pretty legit, but I couldnt help feeling that I have shed off some humanity. 
After all, there is no right or wrong answer in a universe where reasonings are undefined.

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