Monday, July 28, 2014

A letter to my 16 year old (cute) self

To:  16 Year Old Self

                    Dear younger me, by the time you read this letter - you would be around my age or older. I write this letter in order to bash you for being so ignorantly naive about life and being less stupidly optimistic than your older self. I am here to tell you that your SPM or your Secondary Level Exams result does not matter. So what, if you managed to achieve grades with flying colors? When you are out there to work - no one actually wants to even know how you fare in secondary level educations or even bother to offer fucks if you brag about it.

There are many things that I do not want you to regret about when you reach my age, and I will list them down now - so make sure you take proper effort to widen your eyes and read them line-by-line, word-by-word you dipshit.

First and foremost; lose some fucking weight. No one takes you seriously until you lose those flabs and that double chin. People may tell you that it's okay to be fat since you're tall and whatnot, but I tell you - that advice is created by fat tall people, for fat tall people to feel better about themselves. It is never too early to start working out. It is never too early to eat healthy and exercise. Go, jog with your beloved pet - at which I will tell you straight out. She is going to be poisoned and put to sleep in two years time, so spend more time with her before you regret it.

Losing weight means people will finally look at you differently. You are no longer the snob that minds not what he eats, no longer the person looked down upon by others because you sweat a lot at hot places and get exhausted fairly quickly when doing a light chore. Don't be influenced by peer pressure. Live for yourself and be yourself, except thinner.

Secondly, do what you love to do - no matter what they say, no matter what critiques may throw at you. I do know that you love singing and voice acting in Japanese. I do know your mom and dad opposes this hobby, they feel that it is meaningless and stupid. In three years time, you are going to be mad addicted to KPOP, and even be in a depression because you cannot be in Korea, and you dont have the chance to become even a KPOP trainee even if you actually have talent buried inside you somewhere. It is hard for even me to tell you how not to be depressed - but depression is a painful thing. It feels like your heart is being pierced by needles, nails, glass - sharp objects, name it and it'l be there. You will not feel like doing anything else, but lie down in your bed and look sad all day. Your parents won't be very fond of this, and you will be ostracized. Fear not, this depression will only last for three to four months and you will be yourself again after you realize that you will never be able to become a KPOP trainee because you have reached the age limit for audition.

Continue singing on Youtube, you do not need to earn money and publicity. Just sing because you love to sing. Likes and comments from the public are just an added cherry on the cake you have baked. Update your videos more often, stop being a picky perfectionist that only uploads videos with perfect EVERYTHING. Look back at your old videos and realize that what is in them is not quality - but interest, happiness and ultimately uniqueness. 

Thirdly, do not be afraid of people. This does not mean that people should be afraid of you either - take initiative to know people, say hi to people. Make more friends - because ultimately your career is built on the number of friends you know. Having more friends also mean that you get to learn a lot of things from them, which is the basis of "Wisdom is Having Wise Friends".

There are many other things I want to advice and nail into you before you grow up, but I will narrow it down to three for now - not that I will send any more letters to you, because I feel that one is plenty. Things like "appreciate your unlimited internet, you will lose it in five years time" doesn't seem important enough - so I will let you learn how to handle them by yourself.

So until we meet; eat healthy, lose weight - appreciate everyone and love what you do.

Sincerest Regards,

Your 21 Year Old Self

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