Monday, May 19, 2014

Ryūgajō Nanana no Maizōkin (龍ヶ嬢七々々の埋蔵金)

I stumbled across this anime a few months ago, watched it since episode 1 and still watching. 

I have watched LOTS of anime, and well - a guy moves into an apartment and rent is cheap. Turns out, it was because there was a female earthbound spirit living in the sitting room of the apartment room he rented. (She was murdered and cannot pass on until she finds out who killed her.)

(Credits to

She is a HUGE glutton when it comes to pudding, but she does not get fat (Not sure if its because she's already dead or because its an anime :| ). Yes, she can physically touch things, but cannot escape the room because shes earthbound (more like roombound).

Turns out, she is Nanana, a girl that saved the island by going on an adventure and obtained lots of treasures with magical powers. Prior to her murder, she hid the treasures by scattering them around different troves. Each trove has their own traps that require not only the skills and wits; but also great intelligence. These treasures are then known as the buried treasures of Ryugajou Nanana. She is now encouraging everyone to look for the treasures for their own satisfaction, but normal people usually are not able to gain and obtain them for their own benefit due to each trove containing numerous number of dangerous life threatening threats.

However, in one school on the island - there exists an Adventure Club dedicated just to locate and obtain the treasures. With two new members: A strong-willed idiot and a genius (yeah, her name literally translates to "Genius"), the members of the club now has a better chance to obtain these treasures? 

(Credits to

This anime is indeed one that grows on you with time :)


Blah. Anyways..

ONWARD, to find the next buried treasure!

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