Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Weed your yard, they won't grow, I promise.


The story goes like this. I was promised to never need to lay my hands on wild weed again if I helped to clear out weed from the time my house was still unbuilt. After all these time, house built and now occupied - here they are again, growing like nobody's business and I have to spend my peaceful weekends outside; weeding when I have more fun things to do like lying down on the floor doing absolutely nothing while looking at the pale serene ceiling.

On a side note, I have gotten an internship offer which I have been doing for four weeks and counting. I am not a very excellent worker I can notice. Still striving to improve - and yeah; grades dont f*cking matter because grades dont help you be good at practical stuff you have to actually do with your arms and legs.  The working hours are 0930 to 1830, which I think is pretty flexible even though I mostly leave the workplace at 1900. Instead of working every Saturday for half a day, I work full time every alternate Saturdays instead.

Free time? Too bad I am an engineer to be. 

However, I do have free time on Sunday which I HAVE TO FILL UP BY WEEDING THE GARDEN WTF SUCH BOREDOME and so you could say things are going pretty well.

I did read up on how to SUCCESSFULLY remove weeds via "REMOVING WEEDS FOR IDIOTS" and what goes on is that we should mow our grass at a fixed height instead of *insert random height from ground* so it prevents sunlight from reaching those pesky weed that no one loves. (YES, WILD WEED. NO ONE LIKES YOU. EAT A D*CK).

Unfortunately an adjustable height lawnmower is too expensive to invest in (I would rather invest in other stuff like FOOD EHEHEH), and so I have the grass-cutter that those workers use to cut the grass outside. Quite useless though, it runs on motor oil and those plastic blades have to be manually replaced every 5 d*mn minutes while mowing the grass :|.

A good solution I guess would be planting bamboo long term, since the bamboo is like gargantuan grass plants, and they will totally absorb all the nutrients from and around the soil where they are stationed (by yours truly me :V if I get to do that) and cause weaker weeds and normal grass to WITHER AND DIE. That means we will have:

1) Pretty Bamboo around the house
2) No Pesky Wild Weeds
3) No Grass (Saves time to mow them)


But seems like my dad loves grass; just dislikes wild weed. Guess there is no escape from my weekly chores that prevent me from enjoying the scenery of my ceiling.

Wild weed is a b*tch.

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