Monday, November 10, 2008

The "Me" Behind The Mask

I never knew starting a blog was this easy!

I was born in 1993, a kid that has obsessions with everything Japanese.
I got my obsessions from this Japanese website, Nico Nico Douga.
Its like an anti drug. A happiness that made me happy and warm all inside.

I should just get to the point, right?


Im a hypocrite.
I hide my real emotions MOST of the time.
When im actually happy, I act as if im sad.
When im actually care about someone, I act ignorant.
When I really want something, I act as if it is not important.


I don't really want to hurt the human feelings.

My sisters and brothers are all older then me by seven years.
I lack the warmth and joy of having them.

So, I created an entity to be with me and play with me.
When I attended middle school, I met friends that played with me and listen to my problems attentively.
The entity slowly faded. It became a part of me. A small part of me.

With the entity, I am slowly able to cope better with my life. It taught me to hide my feelings more. By hiding them, I am able to keep them from being hurt.

Do you want to know what a split personality actually feels like for me?
I am aware of what each of my personalities are doing. I actually control them. It is just that the interests and level of ability to control your feelings differ.

Do I actually show my diffrent personalities often?
I don't know *cries*

Neverm (ind)

This marks the first post of my BLOG.

Bye - Bee!!

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