Monday, November 24, 2008

The Violin Two Days Before

*screech screech screech screech*
(The students outside closing ears)
(The instructor sweating)
(Im sweating too -_-)
(My hands are numb)
(My fingers hurt o_o)

Oh wait. Its just my imagination. This is the real deal.

Instructor : Come in~
Me : Hai desu~ ( Yes Sir~)
Instructor : Take out your violin
Me : Hai desu~

(After 5 minutes of constantly wiping the bow with the round gem thingy)

Instructor : Okay play this piece.
Me : Old MacDonald had a farm? ( MUST BE EASY!!! )

*starts playing*


Instructor : No! thats wrong. Even without the rests you must stop in between the notes.

*starts playing again*


Instructor : Don't worry, carry on.. play the piece again. Start from the beginning.

*starts playing again*


Instructor : No.. you must follow the notes
Me : Oops, sorry.

*starts playing again*


Instructor : Calm down, spread your legs, its not good to play the violin while standing up straight. Take a deep breath... ( Takes out his own violin )

*Both of us starts playing at the same time*
(It sounds so nice and it soothes the ears *dazzle eyes* )

(1 Minute passed)

Instructor : Okay thats all for today,Keep your violin.Now you can start doing your theory.

*walks out quietly while another student walks into the class*

Me : ( Oh no.. I don't know how to do this question )
Yaruki : Hekireki-kun, onegai taskeru desu.. kono "question" wa honto-ni yaruki janai desu kashira yo..(yaruki also means easy)
Hekireki : Baka Yaruki.. Shimpai surunda.. omae no "determination" wa hontoni ga nai shi.
Yaruki : Onegai desu~
Hekireki : Datte Datte... boku mo wakaranai yo!!

(door opens)

Instructor : Any problems?
Me : Yeah!! This here question is impossible right??
Instructor : Nope you see this two quavers in front, since its 3/4, you can take the minim from the back and add it to the front making it a 3/4 note. So bla bla bla bla bla...
Me : (Was I talking to myself out loud just now?)

The End

Hope you enjoyed. Its part of your everyday life right?

Lessons learned :

1 ) Try and try again. Even if you fail, you would probably come up with something interesting.
2 ) If there is a question that needs to be answered, talk to your other self until someone comes out from the door behind you.
3 ) You must always spread your legs when playing the violin cause if you keep your legs too close your blood can't flow properly and you can't look cool with your legs close together.
4 ) You must write comments on my blog posts, because thats the only way I can improve
5 ) You must tolerate your students no matter how horrible they are, and if you can't stand them anymore play the violin louder then theirs to cover up for their screeching noise.

thats all :)

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