Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Yuki Onna

Once upon a time, there was a boy named Narabu. He was six years and is living with his father. One day, a lady in white with silky black hair barged in their house. the lady froze Narabu's father to death and seeing that Narabu was still young, she told Narabu :

"Since you are still young, I will spare your life. But if you dare tell anyone about this happening, I shall take your life"

With that, the lady retreated into the woods.

Narabu, who was still six years old at the moment tried to make money to earn a living. When he was eighteen years old, he married a lady named Yukishiro.

They lived happily and had a daughter named Hanashiro.

However, on one snowy night Narabu told Yukishiro:

"There is one thing that I cannot forget in my life, but I made a promise not to tell anyone."

Yukishiro then pestered Narabu to tell her and threatened:

"If you do not tell me then what reason do I have to live?"

Narabu then thought it was okay because Yukishiro is, after all her wife!
So he told her everything.

Then something that Narabu did not expect happened.

Yukishiro turned into the lady he met twelve years ago.

"I told you not to tell anyone else but you attempted to.. I was going to kill you but our daughter is still young and I don't want to see her without any parents, so I will spare you."

And with that, Yukishiro disappeared into thin air.

Narabu cried and asked his dear wife for forgiveness.

It was too late. She will never come back again.

Then on, Narabu raised Hanashiro to be a fine lady of excellent manners.

By now, she would be sixteen years old. But she had not known the truth.

Will she discover the truth and search for her mother?

To be continued....

Hi!! Im Hekireki! I found some info of the Yuki Onna ( Snow Lady ), One of the Japanese demons and I think that the story is indeed interesting.

Well then!

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