Saturday, February 7, 2015

Soft Fluffy Almond Cookies

a) 1/3 Piece of a 200g Slab of Butter (Melt it first!)
b) Half a cup of castor sugar
c)  Flour (Self Raising Flour + Plain White Flour - Mind the ratio!)
- I used 1/3 Self Raising Flour to 2/3 Plain White Flour by measurements of a cup, this makes the cookies soft and fluffy on the inside, but crispy and crunchy on the outside!
d) Ground Almonds (Half a cup)
e) One Egg (Both white and yolk)
f) 2 - 3 drops of Vanilla Essence


Procedure (Very simple!)
a) Beat the Egg, and mix it with the melted butter and castor sugar until mixed. Drip in the vanilla essence and whip the mixture again for a few seconds. Also preheat the oven to 200'C
b) Now, carefully sift in the flour mixture while folding in the batter. After all the flour is folded in, the texture should be similar to wet mud. Now, pour in the ground almonds and fold again.
c) Line a baking tray with baking paper and prepare a spoon. Put one tablespoon of batter, and separate them (about 3 to 4 inches every one tablespoon of batter)
- Half a tablespoon makes small cookies as compared to a normal cookie for one tablespoon of batter
d) Bake for around 6 to 8 minutes (watch the cookies , they should spread and become wider in diameter - hence the separation distance)
- When the edges of the cookies become golden brown, it is time to test whether the cookies are baked through
     > Prepare a toothpick and poke the cookies. If there are no batter sticking onto the toothpick, then it is baked beautifully
     >The texture should be similar to a muffin at the middle, so do not be surprised. The edges should be crunchy :smile:

A different rendition

>> Extras: Cocoa Powder and didnt grind almonds

>> Extras: Smarties Chocolate instead of almonds.

>> Extras: doTERRA peppermint supplements - 10 drops of it instead of Vanilla Essence. Baking Choco chips added

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