Saturday, February 7, 2015

Panna Cotta (Unsweetened)

Part A : The Panna Cotta (That white pudding thingy)
a) Full Cream Milk (One and a half Cups)
b) Whipping Cream (One Cup) - yeah, should be liquid form so dont whip it to any peaks!
c) Gelatine Powder
- One teaspoon of gelatine powder is enough to gelatify (is that even a word) two cups of water to soft jelly like texture
- Two teaspoons can gelatify two cups of water to a pudding like texture - as seen in the illustration
- Add as you see fit :3 I would add Two and a half teaspoons.
Part B : The Topping and the Sauce (Per Serving)
a) Castor Sugar (One Tablespoon)
b) Full Cream Milk (One Tablespoon)
c) Chopped Peaches

Part A : The Panna Cotta yo
a) Pour the full cream milk and the whipping cream into a pan and heat it until it simmers - BUT DONT FREAKING LET IT BOIL YEAH THIS IS THAT IMPORTANT. NO BOIL. DONT FREAKING LET IT BOIL.
b) Okay, now bloom the gelatine powder in a cup of cold water.
I have people asking me like wtf is "bloom the gelatine powder", like plant them and make them bud flowers or something? I tell them well, when you pour gelatin powder onto cold water, they spread out like they are blooming. Stir them until you get an applesauce or jam kind of consistency and you sir, have bloomed the gelatine powder.
c) add the bloomed gelatine mixture into the milk and stir until they are mixed. I know it is hard to see whether they are mixed well, but trust me and just look at your ladle. If you can still see grains of gelatine when you scoop, its not mixed.
AGAIN, DONT LET THE MIXTURE BOIL. If you see steam, get the pan away from the fire before it boils. If it boils, the gelatine will not work and your Panna Cotta will not set. You will have to refire and rebloom the gelatine again if it doesnt set.
d) Pour into ramekins and refridgerate overnight. If like me, you are impatient then add more gelatine to bloom and it will set in one or two hours.
Part B : The sauce and garnish - For once your Panna Cotta is ready
a) Caramelize the castor sugar in a pan.
I do have people asking me (imagine heavy Chinese accent because my friends are mostly Chinese) : " What is Caramelize!?"
My answer to that is - Put sugar in a pan with water. Heat it until it boils, and it will go on the verge of burning. Add more water if necessary to stop the process of it being burnt black, usually happening if you are making small serves. And walla, you have caramel.
But for the sauce, instead of adding water before it is burnt to crisp, add two tablespoons of milk instead. Now, you have the sauce tasting like praline. Pour it into a small cup and leave it be so that it thickens.
b) Chop the peaches.

Procedures for Plating
a) Use a paring knife to unmold the Panna Cotta (Or leave it be in the ramekins if you are lazy).
b) Top the Panna Cotta with the chopped peaches
c) Add the sauce on the Panna Cotta
I do have friends who prefer to drown their Panna Cotta in the sauce, but I prefer minimal amounts
d) Ready your camera, and snap! - That must go to Instagram
e) Aw yeahhh time to freaking dig in.
People are asking me whether there is a proper substitute to gelatin for vegans. It is really hard for me to answer. Well, Panna Cotta is a gelatine based dessert and so it is very hard to acquire the texture you want without gelatine. You could use Agar, but well the texture is just different.
  • I should be posting less, seems like I am spamming the post hahah
  • Oh well, that must be it for today
Edit: I read that Vegan Gel can be used to replace Gelatin - but no idea where to get it, so yeah

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