Saturday, February 7, 2015

Baking - My Approach to Serenity

So I am embracing my newfound love for cooking. It started early last year in 2014, when I have just moved to a new house. There was no internet, no fixed line (yeah, you could have seen how disappointed I was and how much I ranted, just on and on for the past few blog posts).

With nothing to do (I just do not want to imagine what my parents do in those days when the weather wasn't so hot, crimes weren't occuring as often in Malaysia etc) except jogging to spend my evening, my holiday mornings became boring. I started watching a few shows on TV like Masterchef and Hell's Kitchen. When I saw some leftover ingredients in the pantry at home, ideas gushed into my mind and for the very first time - I cooked my very first dessert; The Panna Cotta.

The Panna Cotta is a very simple dessert. You just needed to mix together Milk and Whipping Cream in a pan and heat it until it simmers. Bloomed gelatine is then stirred in until mixed well and then the mixture is poured into ramekins and put in a refridgerator to set. When set, the sauce is made by caramelizing sugar and then adding some milk to give a praline taste to it.

From then on, I started baking more and more. I made Sponge Cake, Swiss Rolls, Cookies, Tiramisu, Cheese Cake etc.

I even moved on to making savory food - for example; Macaroni, Curry, Steak.

Every time I cook, I gain the confidence to cook the next dish. In the kitchen, I actually felt tranquil. This is where I felt I could enjoy my life. 

Baking is my new hobby - borne from the emptiness of having nothing to do.

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