Friday, June 21, 2013

HeRO \o/

So I recently got into this server (just yesterday actually) to play with Ian. The server is called HeRO, and the rates are pretty decent. Not that overpowered and everything is ok. Ian said he wanted to play as a crusader, so I thought; okay, I should play as something ranged. My choices were initially Magician or Archer, but then I realized I played as magician a lot previously in other servers so I thought why not? Archer ftw.
Beginner Island! DIE PORINGS DIE
 So I started off in beginner's island or "Novice Island" as they called it. Yeah, as a novice. I did all the quests there, and they sent me to this place where there was a lot of little monsters you dont see in daily life. Although I killed a lot of porings, ChonChons give a whole lot more exp. So I killed until I got to 10 job levels and then moved on.
So yeah, to get to become an archer I need to massacre willows and collect their trunks. Apparently to create a high quality bow. I went to the wrong map at first, so only 10 willows were spawning at a time. Walked crazy around the map to find them willows, only saw spores jumping around minding their own business.


So yeah. Became an archer the legit way. In previous servers there were job changers so I didnt have to run around helping people do their shit. But this way seems more fulfilling. Hopefully this server will take my interest long enough before they fade again.

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