Wednesday, August 10, 2011

If I had a Million Dollars...

5 Year Old Kid

If I had a million dollars, I will buy a big big house where mum and dad can live in! I will keep the money inside the bank and also donate the money to those in need!

10 Year Old Kid

If I had a million dollars, I will divide it into two. One half I will put into the bank, and the other half I will reward my mum and dad, plus my family. Besides that, I will donate some of the money to charity.

20 Year Old Young Adult

If I had a million dollars, I will divide it into four. I will use one half to invest in a trusted company, one to keep in the bank, another to take care of my family and the rest for my daily life and charity.

Some Hokkien Singer

Na si wa wu ji ba ban
Ji ba ban
Wa wu ji ba ban
Ji si lang jiu keng sang

Some Old Person With White Hair

If I had a million dollars I will keep them all, buy a big big mansion.. a private jet.. etc

Some other Old Person

If I had a million dollars I will keep them inside Swiss Bank!


Remember that question most English teachers used to ask when you were in kindergarten... school... and even during college or some occasions?

Yes. That question. That one question about how many children you would want to have when you get married (or not) in the future. No, I'm just kidding. Its the question that asks what you would do IF you had a million dollars.

Hey, one million dollars is ONE MILLION DOLLARS. That seven digit 1000000. The scope is wide indeed, but lets just narrow it down to the money in my resided country. RM1000000. You can do alot with RM1000000, oh yes you can. This amount of money is a rarity among the people, heck even I don't have that much. I am sceptical about anyone I know having such a huge amount of money, too. Oh wait, I do. I have about three million zennies in Ragnarok Online. whew. Well that sucks. I'm an utter failure.

ANYWAYS. You can really do alot with RM1000000. See that 10 year old kid with his ideals? Do you think anyone could let them handle the RM1000000 alone in the first place? Heck, no one in the right mind would do so. BUT THATS THE WHOLE POINT OF IT. Even I am not so sure that the kid would carry out what he said. The money will probably be drained up in a moment- becoming a kingdom of sweets and cakes and toys. I know, I just used and two times consecutively. I fail at English.

So see, how could a person survive with just RM1000000 alone? After he has finished buying a house, a car , all the necessaries.. these huge digits would probably exhaust to none. To hell with dividing it into four or six equal pieces. Its not like we are cutting cakes or pizza in maths, its money! Okay, no. Its a great idea to divide it, really. I wonder why I just criticized that method.

If someone asked me what I would do if I had a million dollars years ago, I would be like : Oh, I will give some to my parents, use some to buy a big house.. use some to... and it will go on and on. Its a seriously never ending cycle.

If someone asked me now, I would snap back and ask million dollars worth of what? If they give me cow dung I will just use them to fertilize the soil and plant something on it. Its better than having these money, look at it and drool for eternity. I dont know what I am talking about.

Hey, I think I would probably go on and on about this and never end this post. Everyone knows an essay should end with a conclusion- so here goes.

In conclusion, I conclude the essay. Thank You.

I would be getting 0% for this for sure!

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