Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Oh, to you

I offer my sincere-most apologies. I dint mean to poke my nose into your issues, haha. Its just that months ago we were so close we shared all our issues. Well, mostly mine, but heck cares *kicks self* we were getting too busy with our own stuff that we forgot to interact and joke with each other (well mostly me again) When this new situation comes up I just got so interested I began to do some researches out on my own that dint involve anybody else, honestly. No one else was involved, but I already know a little about everything, maybe its a personal secret ability of mine- tsk tsk.

I am so terribly sorry for disrupting your fun, I just thought that that is what friends are supposed to do- or maybe that is only what I think. I'm an annoying person, really. I've heard that alot. I guess I should stop with the prod with your life, even though I am already so damn bored with life- what a cruel thing life is, to give someone the burden of acting optimistic so that everyone else can gain the optimism of the act. Hey what did I just say? I cant brain that.

Okay, I guess thats it, I won't ever disturb you anymore- and an advice, go for it. tsk tsk.


Above is an emo message writted by a sinister emo person who thinks that he is emo but actually he is not. No one actually reads this sheet anyways.


Damn psychology. I've used too much until whatever I do is looked upon as an act of psychology. Its sincere okay. I don't use damn psychology so lightly.

Hey these lines are pretty. lets use more


oh well, I guess I should really stop. But wait! one last one








Damn I cant stop.

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