Wednesday, August 17, 2011


My mind is closed. Sorry to say- whatever you tell me wont get into my mind. I have placed a barrier to protect my own emotions from getting out of hand- to prevent myself from hurting other people and more importantly myself. Hey, I have been living quite a short time, but whatever you think you have went through before- I have went through it twice.

Sorry to say too, this barrier no one can penetrate. I have partially cut off all ties- I have sealed half my emotions. Yes. I am afraid of change. Who isn't?


Recently, I have begun to feel more differently. There must be a bug in the system. The barrier defence system is going haywire. There was a huge threat somewhere that almost caused my emotions to go haywire. This situation has affected my working capacity greatly. I have prompted several commands to try cut off the ties again.. but none of them seems to be possible. I should just set up more barriers to seal my feelings off completely. No one will get hurt. My feelings will never be accepted by simple means. The original probability of success was 13.7%- risk is a system I would never adopt. Time passing fast, the probability decreased to a mere 3.2% an impossible boundary to break. I prompted to give up several times. I have a good feeling it will succeed if I create more barriers. I will stop trying to break the fourth wall. I shall abide by the rules of the world.


Let me tell you a story about a person that wont die. Once upon a time there lived a person that wont die. He was attacked , involved in accidents , contacted death numerous times. But he kept reviving. He just couldn't die. If he was stabbed, his wound would dissipate in five seconds. When his body parts were crushed completely a light would come from the skies and he would appear whole in ten seconds. When his arm was chopped off, the same thing would happen, and his arms would regenerate within a second. He cannot die. He has seen everything. He had went through everything.

He had seen enough. He had experienced enough. He soon sought out various methods to die. It tried to hang itself. That just didn't work. It tried to dunk itself in acid. That didn't work out too. It didn't die. It just became a useless thing. A dab of nothingness in the world's eye.

It didn't know the world was trying to send him a message.

It continues its cycle till now. Unable to find peace. For that is what he desired not to approach.

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