Thursday, December 18, 2008

Violin Class on 16/12/08

*walks upstairs and almost knocked my head on the ceiling*

*sees the teacher playing with another student inside the classroom*

*takes a chair and sits down*

*Tries to do the theory without avail*

OH ITS MY TURN NOW *jumps into the class*
(Oh wait I forgot my violin)

Location : In the small class that can only fit two people with their violins.
Time : 2.38 P.M ( My watch is fast by seven minutes so it is actually 2.31 P.M)
Characters in the scene : Me ( Inochigake H.)
Violin Teacher ( Uh.... Mozart? )
Items in the scene : An electric piano that is YAMAHA branded. My violin case, which contains a violin, a bow, the shoulder rest, and the red gem thingy. Also, my books and a huge stand for it.

Mozart : Take out your violin~
Inochigake H. : *takes out violin* ( 5 Minutes + 3 Minutes + 25 seconds )
Mozart : Did you practise at home? (While tuning the violin)
Inochigake H. : *Nods*
Mozart : Okay. Play number.... one. You try counting by yourself.
Inochigake H. : (Without counting ) F... E... D... E....(completes the piece)
Mozart : Very good, This piece too.
Inochigake H. : (Still without counting and completes the piece )
Mozart : Very good. Now. We will move on to a higher level. *turns two page ahead*
(The book shows a bar with lines, lined with notes that Inochigake H. Is illiterate to)
Mozart : This is the notes that you will use when you play the violin in the future.
Inochigake H. : *Blank face*
Mozart : Don't show me that look. Look at this note *takes out a piece of paper that is full of notes* Im going to need to play this for my concerto.
Inochigake H. : *Still blank face*
Mozart : Okay. Try playing now. You can refer to the examples first.
Inochigake H. : *Looks at the examples which notes are only G, D, A and E*
(Inochigake H. Analyzes tha data and sees that the bottommost one is the G string, followed by D, A and E )
Inochigake H. : *Plays the piece with a number of mistakes*
Mozart. : Very good, now the next one.
Inochigake H. : *Plays the next one with less mistakes*
Mozart. : Okay, this one may be a little hard. Try playing it.
Inochigake H. : * Tries to play and seeing that he played the wrong tune at the wrong note he panicked and came out with a loud violin screech*
Mozart : There there, mistakes do happen. Try again.
(Inochigake H. is now sweating and feeling nervous. People are looking at him from the outside of the classroom )
Inochigake H. : *Panicks and came out with another loud screech*
Mozart : Relax, spread your legs, take a deep breath and try again.
(Inochigake H. Feels as nervous as ever. If he doesn't do it right this time, the lesson will never end!! And he wants it to end fast so he can run out of the class protecting his face from ambarassment. )
Inochigake H. : *Plays it well this time, with a little mistakes*
Mozart : Good job. You can keep your violin and do your theory.
Inochigake H. : *keeps the violin slowly and went out of the room quietly*
(Mysteriously, nobody is outside. All the spectators were just illusions made up by his mind)
Mozart : Any problem with your theory?
Inochigake H. : *Shakes head*
Mozart : You don't talk much do you.

( At this point, the two characters stand up and bows to the audience. The curtain is then slowly pulled down)

(At the end, a voice is heard)
Inochigake H. :Im music note illiterate. LUKE TJON HELPPPPPPPP!!!

The End.

Like.. I should have made this for the drama club audition. I may have won for the script competition!!~

Anyways this is real life.
And I really need Luke Tjon's help if I want to memorise the nightmarish notes.

And so the day is still unsaved.

It really is a nightmare......

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