Thursday, December 18, 2008


Personally, I HATE COOKING. Its so much work : walk here and there, take up the heavy wok, frying.. and washing dishes. I barely even want to walk into the kitchen. But after the renovation, I go to the kitchen almost every day. It has suddenly become a wonderland.

And I even try to "cook".

( I sure hope this doesn't make me sound like Nicholas )


I tried to make a Tamagoyaki.

Tamagoyaki is Japanese food. Its sweetened egg ommelete. The recipes say that I should add in sugar, spice and everything nice and last but not least one dose of chemical.. Oh wait. Thats the wrong recipe. THIS IS THE REAL RECIPE!!!

( If Luke Tjon or any other readers feel like they hate cooking just don't scroll down because its all about what im trying to cook which is plain and boring )


4 Eggs ( But I use only one egg because I do not want to waste so much just to test out )
2 Tablespoons of sugar ( I divided it to half a teaspoon because im just using one egg )
1 Tablespoon of salt ( I added a two pinches )
1 Teaspoon of sake ( Sigh.. I can't add it in because I am not allowed to touch it yet )
1 Teaspoon of soy sauce ( Added maybe 4 drops )

Firstly, I break the eggs and put it in a bowl.
Secondly, I took out a small cup and added the sugar, salt and soy sauce.
Next, I mixed them together and stirred it. It was juat a little plain stirring, so as to not let any air bubbles get trapped in the mixture.
After that, I heated the wok and poured the mixture there. I fried them like mad. Then, brought them all together like a normal ommelette.
Then, when it was all cooked out, I took out kitchen foil ( I was supposed to use bamboo mats that are used for cooking ) And fold them so they would look like a long imbalanced cuboid. Then I cut it into two. ( The maximum for one egg but its still small like my thumb )
Lastly, I took off the aluminium foil.

I took a bite.

I was like... " Not bad... for a beginner... "
(What a narcissist)

Thats all for today!

Well then...

(No Offence Readers.. )

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