Saturday, December 13, 2008

Violin Class on 13/12/08

*opens door*
Environment : Two students, one aged below 7 and one above 12 sits on both sides of the rectangular table. Slowly and swiftly I reached to my pocket and took out the taser I brought long ago and gets ready to shock... OH WAIT. That isn't right.

Anyways I just took out a chair and sat down in the middle of the two students. The teacher reached the scene at last and asked the one above 12 to enter. She played the violin so nicely you can see glitterdust coming out from the bow. Oh wait. Its supposed to be like that after you rub it with the red gem thingy.

Anyways when its my turn I walked into the class and having pried open the violin case, I began to take out my most prized possession. Slowly... steady...

(5 minutes)

I have done taking out the violin!! Now for the bow...

(2 minutes)

I have done rubbing the bow with the red gem thingy!! Now for my books..

(25 seconds)

Thats fast.

And then...

Teacher : You are too tall for the stand.

(longifies the stand)

Teacher : Play this piece.. and this piece... and this piece... plus this two over here.. and add it to this one, minus the sum of this one and try to multiply it with this one. If it doesn't work, try dividing first and then equalize them with linear equation.

Me : What?

Teacher : Play piece one to seven.

Me : Okay

Teacher : A one, A two, A one, two, three-


Teacher : WAIT!!

Me : ?

Teacher : Relax. Play it calmly.. relax while playing the violin..

Me : I'l try.


Teacher : No, you are too tense. calm down.. calm down... now start from the beginning again.

Me : Okay

B B B B A A A... (and completes the piece)

Teacher : Okay thats it for today, you can keep your violin and do your theory outside.

Me : (Sigh, and I was just getting the hang of it)

And thats what you call a good ending! ( I think)

Lessons learned

- Remember to relax and keep calm while playing the violin because neither it or the teacher wants to eat you up
- Doing theory helps you improve playing
- Don't write rubbish like me

Tada! another lesson learned.

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