Saturday, August 16, 2014

I don't usually complain about the internet speed

But when I do, the speed sucks ass. 

So I moved about one kilometre away from my old to my new house about a year ago - from the Muara Tabuan Area, Kuching to the Tabuan Tranquility P5 area IN THE SAME CITY.

Usually, fixed landlines for telephones will be set up quickly, but in the case of Kuching and up the status ladder my beloved country Malaysia, there is a system of monopolization and so all of the fixed landlines are managed by one company, Telekom Malaysia.

As a student and also an avid gamer, I am always in need of an internet (yeah, typical third world bastard) and it is amazingly irritating and boring having to live without phonelines and internet. So, my dad and I decided to send an official letter to Telekom Malaysia to "beg" them to install telephone lines in the housing area (which is less than a hundred metres away from an area with telephone lines - and the mini station). They reciprocated by answering that this so called "project" only "might" be proposed and even if the so called project is proposed, the decision will be governed mainly by the viability and the budget which is you know - very very convincing :|

So anyways, we went and got a Maxis Broadband internet plan - which looks VERY irresistable indeed. Although a quota is imposed contrary to the unlimited internet plan we had before, at least we had internet - or so we thought.

The best plan we took were for 12 GB of quota, with  36 GB quota for off peak (2:00 fucking a.m. to 8:00 a.m. - although it did make me wake up early everyday which is a good thing I guess). After the quota is used up, we are promised to be able to still surf the internet with a speed limit of 128 kbps (1.28 Mbps) instead of 21 Mbps - which is not bad to be precise...

Until we realized the horrible truth - the promised speed of up to 21 Mbps and up to 128 kbps were infact phonies. I only get to see the highest download speed of 10 Mbps instead of the promised 21 Mbps, and for the 128 kbps... well, see for yourself. (AM I USING JARING? WHY DOES THIS REMIND ME OF A DIAL UP LINE?)

We did try to contact customer service to ask for any possible solution to survive with this - and we indeed got a reply, which is applaudable - but not very helpful. (Looks like they have too much money to spend on SMS)

Trying to search for a better alternative, we tried to be directed to Maxis Fibre, instead of having a customer service representative answer the call, we were set to listen to a neverending Maxis advertisement for around fifteen minutes before we gave up and proceeded to spend the rest of our more "worthless" time using more "useful" things, like losing weight and gaining muscles.

And so, we decided to be hopeful - for the day that Telekom doesnt monopolize installs fixed lines in our area (TABUAN TRANQUILITY PH5 \o/ ) or that Maxis actually becomes more competent improves the quality of their channels for a faster speed. We customers dont want to pay for trash! want a better quality, not just quantity of broadband subscriptions with feeble speeds :3

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