Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Raw Oats

I am freaking lazy.

I am the epitome of laziness.
Because of that, sometimes when I am too lazy to make myself something to eat - I just eat oats and cold milk. Thing is, I don't steep them first. Of course, I buy only rolled oats so I don't have to nibble through the tough husk. It is generally fine to eat rolled oats raw because the process of making them involves steaming and so they are actually already cooked beforehand. Besides that, the flattening makes it easier for our digestive systems to break them down for consumption [1].
I read that grains generally contain phytic acid, that if untreated can combine with other nutrient in the digestive system and prevent absorption which will then lead to mineral deficiencies. Soaking with warm water will then neutralize the phytic acid and make the oats suitable for consumption [2]. Oats are good fiber material, but excessive consumption can lead to irritable bowel syndrome and constipation - an adverse effect.
I normally try to eat healthy and cook everything from scratch - like if I want to make pasta, I will make them from flour and eggs instead of buying those instant ones you need to steep. This year, I got to know an Australian exchange student from my class (Hey Hugh!) that regularly brings fruits and vegetables to nibble on. I would see him munching on nuts, eating apples and oranges and most recently nibbling on carrots. Raw carrots. That actually piqued my interest to eat things raw (except meat of course).
The breakfast I have now is most commonly oats and yogurt. Not sure if it makes me any healthier, but I certainly don't feel anymore different. I also add in two eggs, either half or hard-boiled - no sauce, no salt.
Being lazy might actually be beneficial for my health - lets see how this goes in the long run.
[1] Stakal, K 2011, "Can You Eat OatsRaw", Energetic Health, Organic Authority, read 24 November 2015
[2] "Why you should never eat raw oats" 2014, Claire Obeid, The Wellness Project, Sydney, Australia, read 24 November 2015

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