Sunday, September 1, 2013

Sunshine, Festivals and the Lion [DAY 1]

So yeah; on the 22nd of August 2013, I flew to Singapore and Australia. I had motion sickness (A trait passed down from my maternal side) - so I had to gulp down a pill to qwell the sickness before the flight. About an hour and a half long, the Air Asia flight was okay. I noticed the stewardess' were all wearing jeans, a modern concept maybe?

We stayed in Beach Hotel along Beach Road. A good location indeed, after the limousine driver dropped us there from Changi Airport, the rooms needed preparation - so we had a short stroll, and there was a lot of eateries. Japanese Cuisines, Korean Barbeques, Western Grills, Chinese Food; name it and it will be there. Since it was a location that was technically in the middle of the city, there were people from all walks of life. Students, office workers, the elderly and even high school children everywhere.

The night life over there was awesome, you can see students doing their assignments in cafes, having blasts with their friends or walking happily in a gang. The parks were also a sight to behold. Lovebirds can be seen at many a place and a time, holding hands and cuddling under the moonlight. The eateries were the best. There were rarely enough space for people to eat, so the eateries were always crowded and people had to queue up outside and wait for their turn. The food were quite similar to Malaysia, with a slightly little difference in taste.

Nasi Lemak at a local eatery. Spicy, but the delicious type of spicy.

When the budget hotel was ready, we unpacked and rested a while. It seemed like a long day, but we weren't ready to sleep just yet. We would only be here for less than a day, so why not sight-walk as far as our legs can bring us? Mum's legs were easily exhausted, so she told us that she would stay in the hotel to Watch some TV and also play some games (Candy Crush especially). Anyway, we saved some money by not calling the taxi drivers and we walked through half of the city. The weather was cloudy, it could rain any time - but it never did. The spiral bridge was beautiful, the patterns were surreal. As I walked over the bridge, I felt intensely excited. I was curious, though; as to what those symbols on the ground meant.

The Casino Hotel and also the Arts Museum. Pretty exotic design, huh? :)

No idea what this is called, but I think its the floating stadium. Aren't those colors beautiful?

Water collection tanks, decorated like an upside down umbrella tree. There was a floating garden like this, but I didn't get to go on it :(

In one of the malls. Previously, there was a canal for modern yachts to pass through. Elegant design!

When we got back home, we went out again for dinner. We ate at a chicken rice shop; and yes, we had chicken rice and several dishes to go with them. The food was tasty! We followed up with dessert just a stone's throw away. It was a wonderful day for us and even more blissful a day for our stomachs.
Ais Kacang Singapore. Delicious!

My mum was telling us that she heard someone knocking on her door, but as she peeked through the keyhole she saw no one. This incident only occured when my dad and I isn't in the hotel room. It was certainly strange, but not as mysterious considering that it was still the 7th month then. Besides that, it might be just matters of the mind, or she was worrying too much.

Putting incidents aside, it was a wonderful day in Singapore. I will certainly come back again to this wonderful country.

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