Sunday, August 18, 2013

The Closest Experience to Death

It was a day I would never forget, yet do not want to remember. It stems from my body being naturally slightly weaker for as long as I can remember than the original human being. Many in this world share the same bodily conditions like mine, and it is considered very normal because most people including the victims themselves will never notice it most of the time; even at their deathbed.

I know that I would get sick just by being under the sun for long hours like most people would. However, I had to abide by concurring situations just for the sake to please everybody and maintain a peaceful household. I was living under the roof provided by two people that I love, but the complications occur because these two beloved people of mine are living under two completely different paradigms, two parallel lines that will never meet. No, wait; its two lines that have met once, but have since strayed far from each other never to meet again. These lines are straight, mind you. Under their own paradigm, they have a simple set of rules set by themselves, to themselves, for themselves and subsequently for everyone around them. The rules that intersect include strict propagandas such as "I am always right", "I will never listen to others" and also "If I can do it, everyone can".

Of course, on the other side of paradigm number 1 includes "Friends above all else including family" and on the other side of number 2 include "Sentient Beings  Animals Dogs prioritization". These two loved ones would argue at least once every day based on their paradigm, and both sides on the losing grounds mean that they would take their frustration based on the only thing close enough for them to lay their hands on.

Loved person number 1 has his hobby for tending plants, but also for the same reason the utter destruction of weeds. We all understand that this is a form of gardening that is native to him, but at the same time a huge waste of time. Also, this hobby of his include picking up all the stones you can find in the yard, putting them into plastic bags and throwing them away. Based on this hobby of his, he would implicitly force me to do it together with him everyday. No rests. Every day. Yes, you read that right. EVERY DAY YO. Unless its raining, weather please be nice to me. Departing at around four in the afternoon, we would leave only when the sky is half an hour to darkness. These two loved ones arrived to a consensus though, that we would bring our pets there as well. Although we had to bring the gardening tools in one hand, it didn't matter much as we have one hand free to grab on to our pets.

Doing this "hobby" with my dad proved really tiring when done every day. Soon, my body grew even weaker and I started to get dizzy spurts. I would feel really dizzy sometimes and have a fainting feeling at times. One day,  I told him. "Can I not go today? I feel very tired". His reply was in a sarcastic tone. "I will feel very lonely...", "Sigh", "its up to you... I won't force you..", "You're so useless..?". Yeah, a bit of guilty attacks. Guilt strikes me, but I know my limits. So I told him I will go. And I went.

Another time, when I felt as tired as ever I told him the same thing again. He went on with the same reply like previously, but this time I was determined that I was going to get sick. He disappeared for around fifteen minutes, and came back to demand my attendance. So I had to abide.

It was a lovely Friday morning what the incident occured. 16th of August, when I was 20. Yeah; I still am, right now - but just putting it in a past-present perspective. I am going to be outright honest and tell you all that at the time it occured, I was playing League of Legends as Janna. Strong winds unleash yo! Anyway, halfway into the game beloved person number 2 entered the room after being pestered by beloved person number 1 about the luggage we need to finalize based on our trip the following week. A trip sounds fun, but the pre and pro consequences was and will be very hectic.

I began to feel a sharp throbbing pain in my upper left chest. Followed by dizziness and also nausea. I rushed to the toilet, and sure enough I threw up half of the morning's breakfast in two trips back and forth from the toilet and League of Legends. The third time, I was already so sure I cannot continue like this so I ended the game first. By the fourth time, I kinda thought I ran out of things to throw up because all that came out was dark colored grime. It didn't really help that your two loved ones are doing their own things, one of them upstairs watching some DVD or chatting with his friend and the other playing Candy Crush.

I bet for them, things got really serious when I told them I felt really tired and wanted to sleep (which I really did want to; like just lay my head on the toilet bowl and sleep there cause I was throwing up to the point of being so weak and sitting down on the toilet floor, being a mess and sweating all over with my nose running.) It was a heatstroke, and even with my aunt being there to help me get rid of the heat, it took me until about eight at night to feel tad better. And beloved person number 1 went out to carry out his hobby when I was on the closest verge towards dying.

So yeah. To avoid being like me, sleep well and have a good diet. Dont take too much spicy food and overwork yourself just to please others. Your body is a shrine and your mind is a temple. Take good care of it and learn to say no and insist on disagreeing even if you are afraid to hurt a loved one. Chances are, your loved one may never see you again.



- Most people may not know this, but sleeping during a heatstroke will cause you to wake up in the afterworld. You can rest, but do it with your eyes open.

- You can sprinkle yourself with water at room temperature, but never do so with cold water or even bath during a heatstroke.

Take Shots
- If you go to a doctor, do not attempt to take injections. Taking injections will result in imminent death.

Lying down on the floor
- Yeah, you will die.

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