Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Quarrels happen very frequently in my household. Yes- quarrels are essential for a better relationship, but the quarrels in my household gets everyone nowhere. Besides being pointless, it makes everyone HATE and DISRESPECT each other more instead of building a stronger relationship.

I am freaking tired of quarrels that happen right in front of my eyes. If you people want to quarrel, bring it somewhere else. Why do I have to put up with this?

Case 1

Dad + Mom

Quarrels. 50% of the time, the quarrels are caused by me. They sometimes quarrel over me. Over how incompetent I am in life. Over how useless I am. Pointless. Utterly pointless. They also quarrel over some other confidential stuff. The way I freaking see everything, it is pointless. This is a pointless debate. A meaningless discussion. Both sides think that they are right. Both sides already closed their mind. They already set a device restricting access of any opinions, but allowing only their self opinions. One says the other is a self opinioned person, but nevertheless fail to realize his/her own attitude in handling said problems.

Pains my heart to see how the pointless activity damages household mood, lowers my respect for both parties and scars everyone's life.

Mom + Sis

Quarrels almost everyday. Over how dangerous life is. When sis wants to go out, a quarrel will break out. Sure, parents will worry about their child, but a scenario goes like this.

1. Parent scolds child bitterly. Child obeys parents and grow up to hate them.
2. Parent scolds child bitterly. Child doesn't obey parents. Child goes out, and take for instance die with the memories of parent scolding him/her bitterly.
3. Parent tells child gently, child understands and grow up to respect them.
4. Parent tells child gently, child dies in a case with memories of his/her gentle parents.
5. Shit
6. Shit
7. Shit

It is not hard for a religiously inclined person to understand the simple concept of compassion. If you do not abide by the ways of compassion, your involvement in religious activities can be said to go to waste.

Sibling Quarrel

I grew up with a facade that everybody should live together in peace and harmony. When I see people quarrel, it annoys me. When my siblings quarrel POINTLESSLY, it wounds me. It happened once, and I won't see each and every one of my siblings the same way again.

When I find someone I don't know annoying me, I will ignore them. Many choose to punch annoying rascals in the face. But for siblings, they must give and take. ( Not as in exchanging fists )

Why not a formal discussion instead of a stupid quarrel?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

It sure seem to round up that almost every quarrel that happen in this household is a fault of mine.

Why am I the only one that seem to be able to let go of internal emotions joggling the mind so that It doesn't cause conflicts?

I wish I can leave this household soon.


jean luc said...

Your best post so far,haha, not that the other ones we'rent interesting, but just that i can really relate to this dude.Peace.Keep blogspot alive, seems like everyone these days are switching to that tumblr bullshit!

KiiKii Yu said...

thanks :) I'm keeping my blog alive for sure!