Monday, January 9, 2012


Things to do at MIDNIGHT?

There is a lot actually. For me, I usually SLEEP at midnight. During holidays however something happens to stretch my bedtime over the midnight barrier and I always end up sleeping at one to two. It is not much, but it gets me this tiredness the next morning.

Sometimes I cant sleep because my pillow gets too warm. If possible I would like a pillow that stays cool forever. A water pillow?

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I spend my days reading manga more than watching anime now- most of the manga are actually more detailed in terms of script and storyline than the anime. The manga is also longer than the anime series itself.

I have begun picking up on these mangas

1. The World Only God Knows

A manga with a very interesting storyline. It starts off boring but it gets better later on. It is about a guy that spends his time playing dating sim games- and something happens that forces him to use the tactics he had learned from the game and apply it in real life to capture girls.

2. The Cage of Eden

A great manga based on the survivability of humans on an island full of prehistoric animals ( Andrewsarchus, Smilodon, Diatryma etc. ) The animals are vicious even though they might be herbivors. With almost no resources, they have to use their brains and physical energy to survive. Great read.

3. Beelzebub

A funny manga about the demon king's son, Beelzebub that has to be guardian-ed by a high school gangster. As the series go on, the main character becomes more and more powerful, even surpassing many demons.

4. Fairy Tail

Needless to say, I continued on the manga that I had given up on. It became more and more interesting somehow.

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I feel so lifeless now. Sure I have a life but I feel that I am not doing anything worthwhile with it. Sigh. Nothing to do until job/school starts.

Goodbye :)

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