Wednesday, November 18, 2009

I love...

The gifts I get from my sister's in Australia!!

One of them is this straws by the name of.. SIPAHH

What can this straw do?

This straw can let you drink milk...




I have not finished my sentence. This straw can let you drink milk more enjoyably.


(Damn, im getting annoyed just by writing conversations I hold with myself =_= )

Okay, here it is!

What type of milk can I use with my Sipahh milk flavouring straw?
Any type of milk or milk alternative is great with Sipahh: Full cream, reduced fat, skim or goats milk and milk alternatives such as soy.

Just make sure that the milk is cold however, we don't recommend you sip hot milk through Sipahh.

How much milk should I use with Sipahh?
Each Sipahh milk flavouring straw will flavour 200 -250mL of cold milk (some variation can occur depending on how hard you sip).

How many times can I use my Sipahh milk flavouring straw?
Use each Sipahh once only.

And to enjoy Sipahh at its best, we recommend drinking it all up within 15 minutes.

Are my Sipahh milk flavouring straws recyclable?
Yes! Each straw has a plastic ID code of 5. Just rinse it out when done and pop in the recycling bin.

Are those filter "thingy's" safe?
Absolutely! It's our top priority.

Each Sipahh is manufactured according to strict quality standards and under HACCP (Hazard Analysis & Critical Control Point) conditions. Sipahh is also FDA (Food & Drug Administration) safety compliant in the USA.

Where can I buy Sipahh?
Available at supermarkets, variety stores, service stations, convenience stores and healthy schools everywhere.

See a list of Australian & New Zealand stores that currently stock Sipahh.

(If you're a retailer and want to join our team of Sipahh stockists please get in touch.)

Didn't I have these when I was young?
In your vibrant youth, you may have tried something similar but it definitely wasn't Sipahh.

Over the years, many people have tried to make a milk flavouring straw. (It's a good idea after all so why not?) Some tried to line straws with syrup whereas others tried putting an absorbent flavoured stick inside straws.

Sipahh differs in its clever patented design and new manufacturing technology. The special filters and extraordinary UniBeads allow Sipahh to wake up milk in a way that hasn't been done before.

If you're interested, check out to find out just how clever the design of Sipahh is.

Is Sipahh with milk good for me?
Yes! So good in fact that Sipahh has been rated the coveted top "Green" rating as an everyday, healthy menu option by the NSW School Canteen Association, when served with reduced fat milk. Sipahh has also been approved by FOCiS (The Federation of Canteens in Schools) for use in school canteens nationally in Australia.

Sipahh helps deliver the goodness of milk including protein, calcium and riboflavin.

(Image and description from

I recommend buying this from Ting&Ting, as you won't find any of these in normal stores around you :D

NEXT. Yukimi Daifuku!!! (Credits to for the wonderful Image)

What is Yukimi Daifuku? What is it???!!!

Well, Yuki means Snow, and Daifuku means something like shortcake. I dont know...

But well, the nice food above is named as so.

Okay. Anyone knows Kuih Kochi?? Yukimi Daifuku is Vanilla Ice cream with the outer layer of the Kuih Kochi skin.

My first time at it was in KL.

I remember it as if it was yesterday~

Elder Sis: Kii, I wonder if there is Yukimi Daifuku in this... THERE IT IS!! Call your other sister!!
Me : *calls*
Sis : Eeee Yukimi Daifuku!! *goes buy*
(After Buying)
Sis : Sis!! you tricked me into buying Yukimi Daifuku!! (While laughing)
Elder Sis: I just wanted to show it to you, but you went ahead and bought it XD
Sis : Ish!
Elder Sis: Hmmmmmpphh!!!! (The overacted hmmph)
Me : I want one!!!
Elder Sis: Must wait for the Yukimi Daifuku to melt partially because it wont be nice if if is Frozen or fully melted.
Sis : Last time in Australia, we bought this and after fifteen minutes we ate this in the car. It tasted very nice!
(After fifteen minutes)

Well, you know the rest!! Anyways, Yukimi Daifuku is extremely delicious and can soothe your throat.

Food is so nice to blog about. But now im hungry since there is a pudding craze! My tummy longs for pudding ~ Even as I am writing now. Urge urge urge urge urge.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

I Kena Tag!!!!!

My Yours faithfully. Lawl.

1. Do you Love someone?
My Family. As for the other type of Love, not yet probably.

2. How long do you intend to wait for someone you really love?
Forever? Until my patience run out?

3.If the person you like is already attached, what will you do?
I will be happy for them, duh.

4.If you had a choice, what family would you wish to be born in?
A Famous and Rich family XD

5.Is it fun being tagged?

6.What's the 1st thing you do when you wake up?
Flip over my pillow and sleep back.

7.What type of friends do you like?
Friends that can accept me for who I am, not who I am trying to be.

8.What type of people do you dislike?
People that tries to find fault with me.

9.If your lover betray you, what will your reaction be?
If the reaction involves being sad, in agony or regretful, I rather not have any reactions at all.

10.If you fall in love with two people simultaneously, who would you pick?
I'l wait for some time first then make my choice after I have learned more. hey this sounds like the road not taken.

11.Is it more blessed to be loved or to love someone?
To be loved. You will be happy to be loved. But to be loved, you must first learn to love. So its kinda related anyways.

12.Who is the most important person to you?
Everyone involved in my life is important. I have not found someone more important than anyone yet.

13.Would you like to stead with the guy you like?
Of course. And wait it writes "Guy" there OMG change it to "partner" for goodness sake.

14.Would you do anything to get the person you like's attention?
No. If it involves praising, sweet-talking and boot-licking then I might as well not attract their attention at all.

15.What will you do if your best friend stead with the guy you liked
I would be happy for both of them.

16.What will you do if he knows you adore him? ( change to partner so it would be more gender suitable)
Act rebellious and pretend not to know.

17.Would you wish to go to school everyday ?
Are you out of your mind? School is probably okay, but exams are plain sick.

18.If you had a dream come true, what will it be?
Me falling face down after tripping on a rock

19.Are you confused about what lies ahead of you?
Should I be? The flow should just be followed, right?

20.Would you give all in a relationship?

21.What have you been doing these days?
Plain studying. But from today, I can relax for about 2 weeks.

22.Has anyone hated you before?
Probably, lots of people hate me. Though I dont hate them back. Wait. Maybe I do hate them back. Ugh this is so hard.

23.What makes you cry today?
Nothing much.

24.Do you think you are pretty?
I cannot be pretty. That does not comply with the rules of nature.

25.Have you enjoyed your holiday?

26.What makes you feel lost?
I dont know. Having a dream come true makes me blur but thats it.

27.What changes you?
The flow. Its all in the flow.

28.What if your friend commits suicide?
Probably be mourning for a while. Or long. Or for the rest of my life.

29.Money & friends, which is more important?

30.If no one seems to care for you, what will you do?
Make them.

31.Did you hurt yourself now?
No I did not hurt myself now.

32.What feelings are you having now?

33.What is your favourite pastime?
Singing. Eating. Lots.

34.If you hated someone, what will you do?
Should I even do anything?

35.Have you considered loving someone?
Not yet.

36.Who makes you happy when you need some comfort?
My friends. Mr Crocodile, Kevin, Alex, Damien, Chris.. Oliver...Shel and Ena, Jack, Shahrin.. NEED I LIST THEM ALL? THIS IS CRAZINESS.

37.Are you treasuring yourself?
Should I be?

Yes. Skipped.

39.Name a friend who's name is started "S".
Shahrin. Shelly. Oh my god, I just realised I dont have much friends with names starting with S.

40.Who do you trust the most?

41.What is the last song you heard?
It must have been ages since I heard a song. It was like it was yesterday heard a song before exams started and I had to study.

42.What is the last thing you put in mouth?
Water, straight from the water purification machine thingy.

43.A random person yells at you "Aybaybay", what's your reaction?
"Excuse me, whats an "Aybaybay"?"

44. What's irritating you at this moment?
How many questions more? -_-

45.Do you curse anyone?
Nope, im not that cruel. Should I curse anyone? If so, who?

46.Last time you took a plane, where was it to?

47.Do someone love you?
How I wish.

48.What's the last thing you bought?
Laksa from school canteen. A small portion for RM1

49.Have you ever cried on your friend's shoulder?
Crocodile Tears, yes. But not real tears.

50.Have you hugged opposite gender before?
Of course.

I Tag...


And he will do the taggings for me cause I feel really tired from typing this tag. *snore*

AT last the..

Exam has ended!! I have waited so long for this torment to end :(
Everything was hard hard hard. Maybe its harder then SPM. Lol.

Anyways, nothing much happened during the exams. After the exams, I start to forget everything about studying. It was just so hectic with 9 days and all :(

See, I cant even write my blogs properly now. Everything ends with two lines and all... Perhaps I lost my ability to become loso???!!!!

Okay, nevermind about that. Today's topic is.... TOMMOROWS visiting.

It was in the morning when I heard a *knock knock knock* on the door. I opened it and to my *AHHHH*


It was in the morning right before Physics paper 3. Our EST teacher danced briskly into the room holding a folder of papers in her arms.

Since our class was always noisy, it never made a difference whether it was early morning or not. The class was obviously noisy. So after she calmed us down, there were still small noises ringing somewhere in the corner of the classroom. Okay, that was kinda quiet enough. She announced that only 10 people would be chosen for this "event" to go somewhere to hear a talk.


And so, I finished my exams quietly and snuck in a corner to conceal myself from the world due to sadness.

The End.


It hasnt ended yet!!!!! Anyways, there is this kind person named Nachilos. I always bullied him in class. Anyways, since Nochilas had his own "reasons" he didnt want to reveal, I took the opportunity and asked him in a very polite way to give me the form. Nucholus said he didnt want to go, so he gave it to me. I was so happy. I even showed off the paper to Mr Crocodile. Muahahahahaha!!

Anyway, I can guess what Nuchulus wanted to do while im gone. Im utmostly sure that he wanted to get hold of my exam papers and purposely find mistakes to minus my hard earned marks!!!

So, about 5 minutes ago I SMSed Mr Crocodile and told him not to "minus my marks tanpa sebab" And he replied "Okay, 5!!! No la, I wont la. I where got so.. "Bad" one?" And im still suspicious!!! But who cares, right? The only thing I want to do now is go to Fort Magherita tommorow and hear the talk they give. If it is interesting, i'l bear with it. If its boring, I'l bring my own pillow and sleep there.

Okay, done! thats done with. Now I've nothing more to write. Stay tuned in TV 10028.

Disarikatakan oleh Yu Yin Kii.

Sekarang untuk berita harian. Pada hari yang mulia ini, tiada perkara yang cukup memuaskan untuk menggelikan hati saya. jadi, saya kurang pasti apa yang hendak diucapkan dengan segala hormatnya hari ini.

Inilah saja untuk hari ini, sekian terima kasih.

Saya tidak tahu cakap bahasa India dan Cina jadi saya tidak akan ucapkan berita harian dalam bahasa-bahasa tersebut. harap maklum.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

I have a "" to share...

With anyone that reads !!

I hereby declare that im one hell of an anime lover.
And my future ambition is to be a ""
AND nevermind..

I am just posting this for the "" of it. So, if you have weak ears dont listen to it. You will get EES(Ear Exploding Syndrome)

And school friends that visit this blog, keep this a secret and dont besar-besarkan.

I hate adding medias to my blog as it makes it laggy and less readable. Dont worry, I dont have much time to send a virus to you so the link is safe. What? you dont trust me? :(

the link is safe!!!! T_T

And remember. Secrets please.

AND LASTLY, this is not something erotic. What did your minds trick you into thinking? You should be ashamed!!! :(