Sunday, January 18, 2009

The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter (Japanese: 竹取物語; Taketori Monogatari) PT 2

I love the story. It gives me that feeling of warmth that modern books these days never seem to bring. Now I want to meet Princess Kaguya!! ( I feel like a child )

In the modern version of Kaguya-hime, the story is unleashed as a game in Touhou 08- Imperishable Night. Touching indeed.

The story this time takes place again in Gensokyo, the other world where humans, youkais, onis, and whatever beings you can think of live in perfect harmony.(Putting aside the facts that onis and youkais actually eat humans inside the game)

I should just get to the point right?

Kaguya-hime is named Kaguya Houraisan in the game. This is the summarized game info I found in Wiki.

It's the eve of the Harvest Moon Festival in Gensokyo when the youkai sense that something is wrong with the moon. It appears that the moon has been replaced by a fake moon that can never become full. In order to find the real moon before sunrise, the protagonists extended the night to make an imperishable night, and set out to find the culprit.
After minor skirmishes along the way, including a battle with a fellow culprit-seeker, the protagonists reaches Eientei, the mansion of the perpetrator. Once inside, they find that the mansion is guarded by a the moon rabbit Reisen Udongein Inaba, whose ability can cause disorientation. From here, the team may either choose the path that leads to the fake moon conjured by Eirin Yagokoro, or the real moon, where the moon princess Kaguya Houraisan is hiding. It is then realized that the moon was swapped in order to sever the link between the earth and the moon to hide Kaguya from the lunar emissaries who seek to bring her back. The team then accepts Kaguya's "Five Impossible Requests" and fight until daybreak.

Okay then, Eirin Yagokoro is Kaguya Houraisan's best friend and nurse. She has the ability to concoct all types of medicine. In the game, it is said that she is the one that actually created the hourai elixir(Info at bottom). Both her and Kaguya are Lunarians, the people of the moon. Eirin stated that the Lunarians once lived happily on the moon. Sadly, the humans came and left a flag there, claiming that the moon was theirs. The Lunarians, who were once peace loving beings then fled the place.

Eirin Yagokoro created a fake moon to fool the humans. The real moon actually has enough power to make a person mad, according to Kaguya Houraisan. Lunarians are not immortal. After Eirin concocted the potion, she forced Kaguya to drink it. Thus, no matter how many times Kaguya is killed, she will reform.

-End of summarisation-
If the story is true (And I know its not..)
-Does that mean our moon is fake?
-Does Kaguya-hime really exist?
-Are humans actually that cruel? claiming lands of others..

Hourai Elixir (Elixir of Hourai)
Hourai is a legendary place in Japan, its like our Shangri La. This story may have reached your ears before, but I'l just summarize it to make it shorter. The Emperor of China once knew of an island where the grass there can be made a potion of longevity. So, he asked his advisor to collect the grass for him. He wanted to be immortal. His advisor knew of the person the Emperor of China was. Cruel and Sadistic. He did not want the emperor to be immortal, so he demanded.

"I need 100 Boys and 100 girls so they can harvest the grass. It would take approximately 50 years or so."

The desperate emperor then agreed.


The advisor went to the island with the 100 boys and girls. Instead of harvesting the grass, he burned them all so that no one can archieve longevity for the purpose of evildoings. The grass that can bring longevity is supposed to be the Hourai grass, and the island that once had the grass is now....

Guess what?






The answer is...







YES!!! It is Japan. See the reason why the people of Japan hates China so much last time? possibly, the parents of the 100 boys and 100 girls are victims of the Emperor of China last time.

Is it interesting???

I guess my writings are just bad then..

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