Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Random Questions (2)

I have done almost everything I needed to do today, so why not?



This website has a hundred random questions from many different sources compiled by the hardworking administrator. From 1 to 100, I will expand these questions into answers in my own words.

2. Stretch your left arm out as far as you can, What can you touch? 

Oh nice, My hands are long. Don't worry. I can stretch them as far as I want, but these joints fixed these arms below my shoulders. Stretched as far as possible, I touched Air.

Theres nothing much to show. Air is just air. Well, we need air to live, right? Without air we will all dry drown at our location. When we were just born, taking in air (breathing) is the first thing we learned how to do involuntarily. It is thus the epitome of life, signifying the moment where we humans, animals and other worldly beings really start to live after breaking out from the womb, in the case of humans and many animals or eggs for the rest.

What we really need in air, is the gas Oxygen, which happens to be around 16% for inhaled air IF I remember correctly? The last time I read this was during my secondary school days. Too much oxygen, however has its adverse effects. Usually, too much oxygen will cause someone to become easily confused and lost.

Breathing oxygen at higher pressures might be fatal, it is called oxygen toxicity and mostly happens when people are breathing by the use of oxygen tanks. Your body cells can be damaged and you might even die!

Isn't it ironic how the oxygen you need most in this world has the capability of killing you?

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