Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Random Questions (2)

I have done almost everything I needed to do today, so why not?



This website has a hundred random questions from many different sources compiled by the hardworking administrator. From 1 to 100, I will expand these questions into answers in my own words.

2. Stretch your left arm out as far as you can, What can you touch? 

Oh nice, My hands are long. Don't worry. I can stretch them as far as I want, but these joints fixed these arms below my shoulders. Stretched as far as possible, I touched Air.

Theres nothing much to show. Air is just air. Well, we need air to live, right? Without air we will all dry drown at our location. When we were just born, taking in air (breathing) is the first thing we learned how to do involuntarily. It is thus the epitome of life, signifying the moment where we humans, animals and other worldly beings really start to live after breaking out from the womb, in the case of humans and many animals or eggs for the rest.

What we really need in air, is the gas Oxygen, which happens to be around 16% for inhaled air IF I remember correctly? The last time I read this was during my secondary school days. Too much oxygen, however has its adverse effects. Usually, too much oxygen will cause someone to become easily confused and lost.

Breathing oxygen at higher pressures might be fatal, it is called oxygen toxicity and mostly happens when people are breathing by the use of oxygen tanks. Your body cells can be damaged and you might even die!

Isn't it ironic how the oxygen you need most in this world has the capability of killing you?

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Random Questions (1)

Since the things I have to do are close to Zero at this moment and I am too lazy to study or even revise (I'm not the revising type anyways) I have chosen a fun thing to do.


This website has a hundred random questions from many different sources compiled by the hardworking administrator. From 1 to 100, I will expand these questions into answers in my own words.

1. Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 18, and find line 4. 

Okay, sure. I have a whole bookshelf to myself next to me, and I am going to reach for the nearest book. Oh, joy. It's the Megabest Jokes for Young Readers, by VJ Times.

Well, this is how page 18 looks like, and excluding the titles (Button & Bully) line four would be "The teachers bully me and the boys in my class don't like me." Well, putting aside the fact that these jokes are funny enough to make anyone (possibly everyone) laugh.. It is quite ironic that I can probably relate to this.

You see, I am from an all boys school ever since I was seven. Yes, the age where all children are enrolled in the primary school of their dreams. Wait, let me rephrase. Primary school of their parent's* dreams. Well, I didn't really mind then. It was a good choice. I won't be able to imagine my life being enrolled in any other school besides the school I was in then. I am not going to boast, but from primary one to primary three, I have been the top scorer in my class! I know my maths then, and my English language was up to par. I wouldn't be surprised if my other subjects were marvelous at that time too. I had many friends.

However, during primary four, I got pretty full of myself. Everyone was calling me a clever boy/ a smart boy etc. so I was like "Hey, I am so smart. I don't need to study! I don't even need these books!." That seemed to be my downfall. (Did I mention I was incredibly plump?) The additional subjects added to the list didn't help at all. Because I didn't study, I was bad at everything. I flunked my Historical Studies, Maths, Geography (I'm still bad at it now) etc. My position in terms of marks and grades were at the tail of the class. I didn't mind then, I accepted my position and continued playing and talking. I still had friends.

After the first report card was drawn out and the dreaded parent's day came, everything changed. I can still remember my father's dark aura as he saw my report card. After receiving the report card, he didn't utter a word. He was seriously angry. I guess some of my friends saw that too.

Things changed. Some of the teachers start picking on me because of my stupidity. My Malay Language wasn't as good then, and I can't really communicate well with many of the teachers. Many of the questions asked in class were directed to me. In almost every class, I would be the person that wasn't able to answer questions, required to stand in the class. I was also scolded harshly many times because of my terrible handwriting. (Well, I deserved it anyways. My handwriting was hardly understandable).

I won't really treat this as severe bullying, but just pranks. (Well, I do look like the nerdy kid that MUST be bullied, even now. I wont deny that) People would hide my shoes sometimes and I had to walk to my car with just stockings. During recess, people would steal my workbooks and hide them away. Or just keep them forever. Well, it was a primary school. Children commit childish pranks all the time. I was also picked on by several people, of which I will not name. We have all changed, and I am even on the best terms with them now. :)

The only thing that kept me alive in primary school was my friends. I really appreciated them. Who knows what an innocent child like me would have done then. I would really want to thank all my friends that were together with my when I was in primary school, even though I am not really in touch with some of them right now.

In secondary school, everything went along just fine. I guess everyone has matured.

At the end, I wonder if I did mature at all?