Wednesday, February 29, 2012

29th February

I would never post on a 29th February for sometime starting from now!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Picture of The Day

Quote : Whatchu Looking AT? *snort*

Sunday, February 12, 2012


Speak a thousand words. Many people have different perceptions to the piece of drawing here. I posted the picture in a Facebook group, and my friends had different views when I asked them to create a story based on their imagination.

Err Domingo :

Theres a person that looked like amano yukiteru and and he's on some kind of lake. More like Lancelot of the lake

Ahmad Hisyam :

An afro ghost is looking at the people outside the picture while enjoying a walk in the moonlight on the grass field

HuanXian Lee :

He has his back against the moon.poor lost soul,haunted by the moon.

Khairil Anad

during the night..but not just any night..the night that is full of nostalgic memories..then i saw an image, of a friend i once knew..smiling if he knew, i would able to redeem the past..

thats my story XD

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In truth, nothing was really going on in my mind as I was drawing this. I just happened to visualize a story while drawing, so I did everything spontaneously. I didn't really give much thought, but I said to myself, how lonely a person would be stuck in the future with the mindset of the past.

Thus, I drew a shrine maiden with traditional clothes and hairstyle (it's not afro by the way) in the modern world. The lights in the distance is another place far towards the sea, a city. Separated by the distance of time, the lonely person turns away, basked in the light of the lonely full moon. Shrouded by the clouds, even the moon cannot accompany the soul lost in the past.

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That was my thoughts to the drawing!

What was yours?

I will make more of these in the future, when I feel like it!

Starting Fresh

I reread my blogs. From the very beginning, to the very end. I realized how much I have grown, how much I have matured. Although I am still (sadly) immature, I have seen some improvement from when I first started blogging and now.

I no longer feel crazily low based on self esteem. I have definitely broken out of a smaller shell, now awaiting countless more to be overcome.

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So please allow me to start again, in a different light.

Hello everyone, hello readers. Hello friend who are kind enough to pay attention to this lowly space. Stalkers that stalk the blog, you are very most welcome.

I am an ordinary young adult that aspires to be someone that is special. Someone that of significance. Although that is what I say- or what I might say.. I don't actually believe I can do it. I am average in my studies, leaning more to book smarts instead of street smarts. So to say, my theoretical mindset is much more dominant than my logical one, many a time causing me to act like a puppet to constitution.

My hobbies are singing and reading mangas, also watching anime. My manga reading skills are amazing, I can finish reading a whole manga series of a hundred chapters in a day IF I put my entire mind to it. My eyes just cant keep up. My singing skills are below average. I do, however love singing so I try to dedicate my body and soul to it. I often record covers of Jpop to Youtube, (My singing)- but the sound quality in my recordings happen to be the archilles heel of my channel. I have a terrible microphone that makes me sound muffled, and have wasted countless amount of money buying new ones, but to no avail. Sadly, no good microphones are available where I am at, and the only way I can get proper recording equipment is by shipment. And I think its very taxing.

My looks? Below average. My eyes aren't even properly proportioned and my hair is such a mess. Since its so thick, combs rarely work magic on it. I am not even fit at all, but well- I believe every man has a six pack. I just prefer to protect the six pack with a premium ONE! The only strong point I have is my height. I am very tall. I can easily roof over some of my friends, but thats it. I don't even know why I am tall, I dont play basketball or what.

My future? I just want a simple plain one. I don't have to be filthy rich or what. I don't care If I live in an apartment / a rented room. A simple job will do. I dont have my expectations set too high, so even if I fail my own expectations I would still be on some cloud nine.


Thats a confidential matter~

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I have started anew.

Thank you for listening/ reading!

Saturday, February 4, 2012


(Picture from

AKA the Three-legged crow

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This is the Yatagarasu, a symbolism of the sun in many places around the world [It was seen on murals in the Egyptian myths and also ancient coins from two other places (Wikipedia)]. It is believed to be the mother of nuclear fission.

It also appeared in the Chinese Mythology, generally known as the sānzúwū [三足烏]- appearing on many ancient Chinese pottery and embroidery.

There was a folk story about the earth long ago, that was experiencing severe problems due to the world then having ten suns. To safe his village, the celestial archer Houyi shot down nine of the suns, leaving only one in the sky with his supreme bow and arrows. Nine of the suns that was shot down fell dead to the ground as crows. These crows are then known as the Sun Crows. Another folk story told of the Queen Mother of the West in China that owns three green birds that has three legs.

In Japan, the Yatagarasu is well known and symbolized as a god. In the belief of Shinto, it is a well known and powerful entity, a celestial being reincarnated to earth to bring prosperity and protect Japan, acting as its core. In Korea, on the other hand the Yatagarasu (known as Samjok-o in Korea) portrays a divine being- not on equal grounds but SUPERIOR to the legendary Dragon and Phoenix.

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In an article I read, when the Japanese was in Singapore decades ago, they bought a powerful weapon with them to ensure their victory. Making their base in Singapore, they built a shrine to house the weapon- Syonan Jinja.

When their forces in Singapore was overpowered, some Japanese warriors sacrificed themselves by a traditional method to ensure that their souls live on to protect the divine weapon. The divine treasure of gods. The powerful entity protecting Japan from afar.

Sounds familiar? - May it be the Yatagarasu?

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Nowadays, the dense jungles that surround and enclose Syonan Jinja is slowly declining due to urbanization. The safety of the lonely Yatagarasu that seeks refuge at said location might be in danger. Or is it angry? Does it want to bring forth judgement?

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Does the legendary god Yatagarasu reside in Syonan Jinja in Singapore?

It's only a hypothesis- but isn't the age of gods really close to where we are now?

I shall leave the ending up to you..