Monday, March 15, 2010

I still have.....


Well, that sums it up. I've a long way to go before I can reach at least a standard equal to those at my age. By experience, I have noticed that people my age can think and know about more things that I can. Most of them know more about the general situation in this world then I do. I could not continue the conversation as I do not know what they are talking about. And If I do know, I wont be able to talk about it. Unless I do some researching.

And one more thing that is really bothering me is in like.... 3 weeks.

Violin Exam!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Not to mention its my first..

There are 2 concepts tested in the exam. One is by playing the exam pieces and arpeggios. That I can do. Quite well I may say~~
No, really :)

Anyway, there is the other concept. Its the Aural. Okay... this one is utterly hopeless for me. I memorized the scales of the music by the fingering on the violin strings, not by music!!!!!!!! I wish someone would guide me , but I wont be that lucky, right? XD

Besides that, there is also the side reading part, where you are given 60 seconds to look through the scale and play it afterwards. I suck at this. really. I usually take about 2 weeks to learn a single scale. I will really flunk the exam badly :(

However, I want to try my best and do what I can. I want to pass with merits. Or right below merits!!!

That marks it. I'm gonna die.


Anonymous said...

so how was ur violin exam then??

KiiKii Yu said...

Its in two more weeks 0.0