Thursday, December 23, 2010

Im so


Time to rest. And by rest, I mean grind more.


On a second note, I wasnt really interested in a person I was once interested in anymore. I have a new target now >:)

Is that a good thing or a bad thing?

I have forgotten how to write blogs because of the long pause. Idiotic pauses. Epilepsy.

Oh well.

My college life starts on the 10th of January. I miss school now. I love writing in short sentences. Im taking up biotech. Hoping of being a nutritionist. The labs at the college is very interesting. Hopefully I can play with those chemicals >:D

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Oh my

God. 3 More months to..


And I am now SICK with Flu, Sore Throat and Cough. Irritants to my weekends. I went for a blood test the other day. It was fun. Maybe its the Aphrodisiac.

Oh YEA!!

I have forgotten to rant for the passst feewww decades. SO i'm back to RANT. Rant. Rant.

Today's Rant is about ....

"If You Don't Want To Do Something For Me, Just Say it in my FACE"
< style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">ANGRY but on the contrary I will understand. Yes. Money is hard to earn"

BUT. Don't beat around the bush. In that way.. It will just raise my expectations for more. And in the end, what do we both get? I get angry and you get angry because I get angry and I get angry because u get angry that I get angry and you get angry because I get angry at you getting angry and I get angrier because you get angry at me getting angry at you getting angry at me getting angry.. and the Nasi Sudah Menjadi Bubur (Rice already become Porridge)

And in the end... both of us


Well, I am not angry. Just irritated. and depressed. I'm at that ranting part of my life right now. And I may seem problem free. But I only rant to those close to me. That's why only they will know. I am happy that I can shift from being in a good mood to be in a very destructive mood and back to a joyful mood in a short time. I can thus handle all my frustrations one by one.

OH WELL. Thats all for a short rant :)

I drew this by using paint program to use as a background picture for Dango Daikazoku Cover. Isn't it uncute, ugly, depressing, idiotic, crazy, unjust- Cute, Beautiful, Stress-Free, Genius, Clever and Fair drawing? It contradicts to alllll your maniacal thoughts about how ugly the picture is! The yellow blob in the picture is not a:

A) Kuih Koci
B) Mushroom
C) Moon
D) Star
E) Planet
F) Human
G) Animal

But it is a... Dango.

I drew this picture to signify how sad it is to be away from its friends on the moon but I don't really know how his friends got on the moon to start with. :\ Just remember that he is alone and sad!

Uh umm.... I don't have anything else I want to talk about for now... so well then :(

Look at this cute picture I drew to add into my Add Maths Probability Project :P

Sunday, June 6, 2010

This Feeling

Is really sad. Its like the holidays. The first week I was kicking off enjoying the ceasefire. on Sunday, I tried to hold a chat with a friend. Well I was bored at home. I used MSN to chat with him. He was one of my best friends last year, until he migrated. We would always hold this quarreling session where we would quarrel with each other about everything we could come up with. Well, its everything you could think off. Fashion, to pets, to swimming with fishes, sharks, name it. Its similar to a debate. Just cut off with the formalities and POI.

When he had MSN, I was so excited. What would we quarrel about next? So I went with INSTRUMENTS. I asked him if he could play an instrument. Lets put it in dialogue form.

Me - Hmm... Can you play instruments???? :D:D
Friend - can.
Me - What???? 0.0
Friend - Flute
Me - Can you play guitar??
Friend - No
Me - Aw.. and I know by flute you must mean recorder!! :)
Friend - I busy now leh

Felt so awkward holding a passive conversation. I immediately exited MSN.

Seems like everybody is really busy nowadays. Im the only one not doing anything huh...? So well, overwhelmed with a little guilt, I immediately flipped open my Chemistry book and made notes for chapter 2 in form 4. I know its the SPM year, the most important year in high school yadda yadda.. So I try to understand everyone's feelings, and not care what they think about mine. Who cares about our own feelings right? XD

Sometimes when you try to hold a good conversation and it kinda gets ignored because someone is too busy doing something else again. So at the end you will just be bothered and hurt a little.

No, just a little. And then because you are feeling really bothered, you get somewhat annoyed and irritated about your own attitude. So how do you release yourself from the awkward situation?

This is what I do.


And then think about my own actions.

And later not chat with them again for another few days until the atmosphere clears up. Strategy has 50% to work :)

Well look at these cute stuff :)

Thursday, May 27, 2010


Is my face after that exam. Its not like I didnt study :( I did. I really worked my ass off for the first week. The second week was really taxing. Really tired :( so I just read over on the second week instead. Sigh. All those useless subjects like Moral, Sejarah... why cant I just study what I want and dump the rest instead? Can't I just excel in what I love? Why must I get good marks in everything I should not be learning in the first place too? Sigh. The world is just too KIASU these days. ESPECIALLY THE CHINESE!!!!!! SO damn KIASU. Wait im chinese too so whatever at least im not kiasu >:(

(Yeah I know. Bulls**t warning)

Hopefully these holidays wont have me addicted to anything on the computer... blah blah blah.. Doing add maths project like crazy, PSK project like mad and studying like no tommorow.

Anyways... I will probably spend half of my time doing what my teacher asked me to do on his website and ask him anything I dont understand.....

And hopefully this wont happen after I get my exam papers.

And look at these cute stuff :D:D:D

Anyways stay tuned :(

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Have a break, have a...

KIT KAT!!!!!!!!!!!!
I was intrigued by these funny ads from TV and proceeded to find them on youtube!!!

Firstly, this is the one that made me laugh my guts out. YEAH YEAH YEAH YEAH CHOCO I MISS YOU CRAZY

(Posted by Burint)

And this too 0.0

(Posted by Smallb)

There are still lots of Kit Kat advertisements, and I love them all. I do love Kit Kat, and I consume them happily even when I dont need a break.

Okay, speaking of break, its not really the year I should be having it. Sigh. I wish I could just get this over with.


Monday, March 15, 2010

I still have.....


Well, that sums it up. I've a long way to go before I can reach at least a standard equal to those at my age. By experience, I have noticed that people my age can think and know about more things that I can. Most of them know more about the general situation in this world then I do. I could not continue the conversation as I do not know what they are talking about. And If I do know, I wont be able to talk about it. Unless I do some researching.

And one more thing that is really bothering me is in like.... 3 weeks.

Violin Exam!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Not to mention its my first..

There are 2 concepts tested in the exam. One is by playing the exam pieces and arpeggios. That I can do. Quite well I may say~~
No, really :)

Anyway, there is the other concept. Its the Aural. Okay... this one is utterly hopeless for me. I memorized the scales of the music by the fingering on the violin strings, not by music!!!!!!!! I wish someone would guide me , but I wont be that lucky, right? XD

Besides that, there is also the side reading part, where you are given 60 seconds to look through the scale and play it afterwards. I suck at this. really. I usually take about 2 weeks to learn a single scale. I will really flunk the exam badly :(

However, I want to try my best and do what I can. I want to pass with merits. Or right below merits!!!

That marks it. I'm gonna die.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Its over...

CNY holidays is almost over :(
There is only one day left (Tomorrow) where its always utilized to complete any school works and studies so that I can catch up.

During CNY, I had tones of fun, both serving and being served, being visited and visiting. The process had taught me to socialize more. It has also allowed me to observe how people have fun during CNY.

I'm sure on the first day, the world is buzzing with activities. I'm sure that my relatives are having lots of fun and games in KL too! I wish I could teleport there to visit them and back to visit my friends in an instant. But if that's possible.. nah , im sure it wont be. After all, If it does happen I would just be blurting a cock and bull story out in the post.. right?

On the first day, the sun shone brightly

The slight sight of it significantly brings spirit the first day of CNY!!!!!

Anyways, I wore the first chinese looking clothes in my whole life!! Sadly, I cant find the picture on the internet as the name was neither Samfoo or Cheongsam. I just didnt know the name of the clothes, aside from the female counterparts. Besides that, im also feeling extremely lazy to take the pictures of the clothes that I wore >:(

Either ways, the chinese clothes were really fragile and felt like it will tear anytime soon, especially when I sat down. It was really uncomfortable too, as it was made from silk and traps the heat inside. I was sweating the whole day long as I served guests (More specifically, I only served my friends) But the serving was fun too, I did most of the eating.

And at night, Adrian and Ena came to visit. We took a photo to see how tall I was :D

Actually we just took the photo because of the huge mirror.

On the second day, I only woke up as early as 9.00 am. I visited my auntie's house at about 10.00 am until 2.30pm. At 2.50pm, I visited Shel's house. I ate lots of bak pohs.

I didnt know I was in the picture!!! I thought it wont reach me since I was so far!!!!! So I ate Bak Pohs in front of the camera. Who took this photo !!!

Then we took a group photo while I was busy munching on Bak Pohs. Practically addicted during the timeline :)

On the third day, me and my family went to The Spring. It was so empty in the morning. You could say, a ghost building? Anyways, we went to eat at Kluang Station and then at 2.30pm I went to visit a Crocodile's house. And its not at Jong's Crocodile Farm!

(Its at Taman Stampin Barat)

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Ya. Tepat Sekali.

Pada hari yang mulia ini, saya selaku seorang murid Tingkatan Lima yang berasa bosan sekali kerana tiada aktiviti untuk mengisi masa lapang terpaksa menulis tentang hari-hari yang dilalui selepas tamatnya cuti tahunan tiga minggu yang lepas.

Sekolah tidaklah membosankan. Saya berasa gembira berada di sekolah kerana dapat bermain dengan kawan dan belajar. Walaupun saya berkata begitu, saya selalu bermimpi secara terbuka di dalam kelas apabila para guru sedang mengadakan sesi p&p. Saya tidak dimarahi guru kerana mulut saya bergerak secara spontan apabila guru sedang mengajar, iaitu saya selalu membalas soalan yang disoalkan oleh guru dengan jawapan yang berloya buruk.

Pada hari pertama persekolahan, guru matematik tambahan memberikan kerja rumah sebanyak tiga soalan. Tiga soalan tentang Nombor Binari. Nombor Binari merupakan topik yang paling senang dalam matematik tambahan tingkatan lima. Ini adalah kerana saya selalu mencuri tengok jawapan kawan-kawan yang berada di utara, timur dan barat serta barat laut.

Pada hari kedua persekolahan, kelas saya menjalankan eksperimen tentang kadar reaksi. Walaupun eksperimen yang dijalankan bersama dengan kumpulan saya berjaya dilakukan, laporan yang ditulis terdapat kesalahan di merata-rata tempat. Kesalahan ini memerlukan masa kira-kira dua minggu untuk diperbaiki.

Pada hari-hari berikutnya, kerja rumah yang diberikan bertambah banyak. Di rumah, kerja rumah yang dikumpul menjadi bertimbun-timbun(Kira-kira satu kaki). Saya terpaksa menggunakan masa beristirehat untuk menyiapkan kerja-kerja tersebut.

Minggu pertama dan kedua merupakan minggu yang paling sibuk bagi saya. Adakah ini rasanya menjadi pelajar tingkatan lima? Adakah kehidupan saya akan menjadi lebih sibuk sekiranya saya di universiti? Semasa saya bekerja? Harap tidak..

Baru-baru ini, seorang yang terlampau bijak telah mengubal sistem yang baru di sekolah saya, iaitu hari GERKO, iaitu hari yang amat "seronok" dan "menarik". Saya "tidak" berasa "letih" langsung. Hari ini bagaikan hari "PERSEKOLAHAN" yang "AMAT MENARIK". Pada hari inilah, semua aktiviti Koko digabungkan, iaitu kira-kira pada pukul tujuh pagi hingga pukul tujuh MALAM, untuk murid-murid yang bernasib malang. Mujurlah aktiviti koko saya hingga berlanjut sehingga pukul dua belas petang.

...Saya rasa ini sajalah yang perlu saya ucapkan pada malam ini. Ini kerana bahasa yang sedang saya gunakan sekarang amat sukar digunakan dan amat rumit...

Jadi, sebelum saya menamatkan ucapan saya, saya akan menulis serangkap pantun.

Matahari terbit memancar ke barat,
Mengisi alam dengan cahaya sakti,
Menimba ilmu supaya tak karat,
Nescaya dapat membawa bakti.

Sekian terima kasih.

Disarikatakan oleh Yang Bermulia, Kiki Yu :)