Thursday, December 31, 2009

Im really getting.....

Because of form 5 :(. I have not done any catch-ups at all unlike the hardworking peeps that are in my year. I guess I will have to work extra hard next year. SO, no more excessive Blogging...

So sad :(

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

I am now..

Back from China.

The trip was kinda fun, with chattering, chattering and more senseless chattering. However, it was really fun albeit all the chatter and lots of cold jokes. I was actually there for 9 days. The rest of my relatives was there for 8 days. However, the first day was really sad as it was lonely for me. There was no one else, except for my father and my mother.

Even without snow, it was totally

I almost froze to death. On the first day, I only wore two layers of clothing. When I reached the hotel, (International Youth Hotel) I put on one more layer. The 3rd layer, a jacket was really unfitting as it wasn't really the right size for me. I struggled really hard to get it on. While I was struggling, my father, knowing it was tight started complaining about how I was already 16 and cant put on my jacket properly.

Okay, so I swallowed the "compliment" and walked miles and miles and miles and miles with him and went around Hangzhou like twice before he decided to... WAIT. He did not decide where we were going to have lunch. So my mum had to say that the weather was really cold and we had better go take shelter and eat somewhere as soon as possible. Okay, we ate and walked miles and miles back to the hotel. It was drizzling cold water.

The next day, It gets colder. So I put on the 3 layers again and was dragged outside to walk miles and miles more. It was raining outside. That made the cold worsen. And I was freezing and shivering. Chills were running out and down my fragile spine. It felt like it was going to crack and break soon.

TADAH. We stopped at a pavilion thingy. And my dad wanted to take a picture of me while the waves from the West Lake was bombarding on my body like crazy. (The water was freezing, yo) Well, I was already in 3 damn layers. It was already damn hard to move. And he asked me to pose. What pose can you possibly make with lots of lake water flinging themselves on your body, freezing you with every wave and taking into mind that im wearing a fat suit out here, hello?? Well, my father only said two things.

IDIOT (Gong Kia actually XD )

YOU BLOCK OF WOOD (You wanna drink "cha" go buy 5 catty lors XD)

Albeit all those "compliments" thrown at me, I didnt say anything. Well, its out of respect actually. And I tried to be patient because my relatives will be coming over tonight. So I could join them and have fun. Actually, the first day and a half gave me bad impressions on travelling. Its because of that person handing out "compliments" to "amplify" the "happy" memories.

Well, after deciding that there wasnt any places that give out decent food, we walked miles and miles again back to the hotel and ate breakfast. We checked out at twelve and decided to wait for our relatives.

So, we waited.

And waited..

And Waited...

At last, their tour bus reached. (Actually at 6.40 we sat a taxi to the arrival point) I get to see all my relatives. Suddenly, there was a signal from my brain. I thought. Maybe the trip wasnt so bad after all. I wont be lonely, at least.

Well, overall the entire trip was fascinating. I find that joining my cousins everywhere they go is better than walking behind my parents. On every trip, there is always a catch. EVERY DAY, we are brought somewhere where they hold auction-like sales. AND ON EACH AND EVERY AUCTION, I am forced to drink..

First it was some dried tea leaves. Then, chrysanthemums. Then, some pearl tea. Then, I dont know whats next. But they all share something in common. THE YUCKY TASTE


Okay, to make up for all the tea I have drank, I got lots of Cola, Pepsi, 7UP... NAME IT. I will bring the leftovers into the bus after each lunch and dinner. And drink them all when im back at the hotel. Besides that, the most memorable time was every night, ranging from 9 -> (1,2 and once 3 am) we had slumber parties. Everybody went over to Ying Ying jie jie's room and played cards while chattering like chatterboxes. Well, mostly it was full of cold jokes.

It was fun while it lasted. Oh wait. And all the breakfasts in the morning tastes awful. Lunch and Dinner makes up for most of the food.

THE MOST MEMORABLE DAY WAS THE DAY AT THE WAX MUSEUM. AGH IT WAS SO FUN. However, the awards for the best wax people goes to three people.

1. Maria
2. Joel
3. Janyce

Sadly, I didnt bring presents for you three. I hope you dont mind

Overall, I learned alot from this trip. It was really fun, thanks to everyone from group A and Group B.

Well, before I decide to end this post...


Gozaimasu XD

Monday, December 7, 2009

Im going to...

(Credits to Wikipedia)

I'm going there on Wednesday. You know, I was really excited about going there. I would be awaiting the final day before departure. It was but just my second time setting foot outside of my country. However, my father told me that there was no...

(Credits of picture goes to Mr Mike at his blog. he takes gorgeous photos! Thank you, Mike!)

Yes, there was no snow. Sad isn't it? However, even with no snow it is at about 270 degrees more from perfect zero temperature. Even your saliva can freeze in this cold if you open your mouth like an idiot and keep still for 2 to 3 minutes. I will be sharing the same room with my cousin.

Anyways, just saying that I'l be going to China wont help much. So much more specifically, Im going to somewhere that looks like...

(Credits once more, to Wikipedia)
Not getting it? Well, I will, because of my kindness give you one more clue. It is related to...

West Lake.

How about now? Do you get where i'm going to now?

If you answered Nigeria, you are wrong.

If you answered Tokyo, that would be nice, but nope.

If you answered Australia then you are not correct.

If you answered "I dont know" that is not really right.

If you give up now, I still wont tell you the answer.

And no. Apple is not a place. Neither is Orange. Or Jackfruit. Dont even get to Coconuts.

I'l leave it to you to find the answer yourself! (Wikipedia Google Yahoo)

Today i've really spoilt my blog didnt I?.. Look at all those big big big big big pictures :(


Friday, December 4, 2009


The Rules: Go to and type in your answers to the following questions.
Post the first definition it gives you.
Then your own comment below.
Tag 5 people.

1. Your Name

- Yin Kii

Yin Kii isn't defined yet.

(Thats special 0.0)

2. Age?

- Sixteen

Most commonly referred to someone's age. It is said to be one's "Prime," age, where they look/shine/feel their best. Sixteen is the age where you get multitudes of exciting privileges such as quickie-driviers' license, get a decent job (Host/hostess,) and you're no longer at the very "bottom" of highschool.


3. One of your friends?

- Alex

Someone that is of extreme greatness. Often considered as a god in some religions. Also means cool.

(Uh-huh, uh-huh?)

4. Favorite Color?

- Deep Purple

A great british 70's rock band! Its guitarist Ritchie Blackmore, Keyboardist Jon Lord, and drummer Ian Paice are all excellent musicians.
This band was known to have witnesses a lot of changes in its line-up.

(That was not what I was expecting... but oh well)

5. Birthplace?

- Kuching

The capital of Sarawak, Kuching is is the 4th largest urban area in Malaysia and with probably the best quality of life. It is a beautiful, green, laid-back city with non racist people (comprised of mostly Chinese, then Malays and Dayaks)- which is a like far-away dream in most parts of Malaysia. Most only 'learnt how to become' racist after staying for some time in West Malaysia. Intermarriage especially among the Chinese and Dayaks are common. Kuching has the best of both worlds - the facilities of a modern city and the strong community ties of a small town. In short, Kuching is a wonderful place to live in but a mindnumbingly boring place for tourists.

Contrary to what quite a lot of West Malaysians think, Kuching people are not uneducated and 'ulu'. The fact is most Kuchingites can speak better English then them. Kuching also ranks as the no. 2 highest average household income.

Most Kuchingites have the same hobby - eating. This is why there are so many kopitiams over here. Our most famous foods are the kolo mee, laksa Sarawak, kacangma and midin belacan.

Kuching is developing at a very pace rapid pace and this is not neccesarily a good thing. Rising crime, traffic jams, several new malls, and more coming soon might turn Kuching into another unlivable metropolis. Currently however, crime and traffic are still much better than in other large cities in Malaysia.

(Thats too long)

6. Month of Birth

- June

The month the hottest people in the world are born.


7. Last person you talked to.

- Summer

A very hot season, or a beautiful name for a girl. :)

(More like a gorgeous name for a dog)

8. One of your nicknames

- Rabbit

reference to a vibrator, or "personal massager" used for sexual purposes, specifically one with multiple, or variable speeds.

(I want to change my nickname. Now.)

Tag five people:

2 - Of my sisters
1 - Of Damien that never responds to tags
1 - Of Shel that have not done this tag
