Sunday, March 29, 2009

Look below. Stop staring at the title.

Exam exam exam. Thank goodness it just passed! All the subjects are hard hard hard hard and I can't even do do do do any question question question question because all that I studied studied studied studied didn't come out out out out. And so I shot alot and just did simple cutting using logic.

Chemistry was kinda tricky. You definitely can't survive just knowing about the formula to find the mass , particles and those stuffs.

BM is real easy for those that are experienced. I think that I did quite well (or not) and my BM really rots.. so I depend on luck now.

Physics!!! My goodness. Im sure to fail this one. I didn't even know how to take readings from a stopwatch.

English!!! Lifesaver. I hope I get high marks for this one. Oh wait. I did several grammar mistakes in my essay...

Biology was easy. I just did it using the stuff I studied in form 1 - 3. And for those I didn't know, I just shot.

Sejarah was also quite easy. Everything I studied came out. Well, almost everything.. Ugh the essay part!!!

Add maths was hell. I just simply did them all. I only knew the first four questions.

Maths was also hell. I thought it was easy but the subjective answers are like 2003.6887cm^2 and 50.7551cm^2. It was so strange I did it 3 times to get the same answer and I gave up.

Moral is like simply beating behind the bush. I didn't even know what was "BCA" in full.

EST was easy!!!!!! too easy!!!

Anyways, I have a really low percentage to be...


Saturday, March 21, 2009

I need to improve on my English Language

My goodness. My English language just went from hero to zero this year. I believe I were quite good the year before, but this year I just downright stink in the language. I actually forgot how to spell words in report writing for Chemistry, Physics and Biology.

Thankfully, my best friends that sat awaiting beside me were ready for my numerous questions of spelling. But they didn't help much, because when I say Ma-Ri-Jua-Na, they will insist it is Ma-Re-Wa-Na. And then after I agree about the pronounciation, then I will be told of the spelling. Pretty helpful I guess, but oh well.

Speaking of language, I need to improve on my Bahasa Malaysia as well. Maybe I can just do it the DAMIEN way. Im such a copycat. I hope its not that bad as Im always getting C's on Bahasa Malaysia.

Selamat sejahtera saya ucapkan kepada tuan-tuan dan puan-puan yang sudi membaca apa jua yang saya bebelkan di blog ini.

Pada malam yang amat gelap ini, saya akan membincangkan tentang kegelapan. Lihatlah di luar tingkap. Adakah permandangan di luar tingkap anda gelap? Kegelapan berlaku apabila malam merangkak masuk. Malam berlaku apabila matahari kita berada di paksi yang berlainan dengan lokasi kita.

Pada pendapat saya, kegelapan merupakan sasuatu yang amat mengerikan. Apakah yang menyembungikan diri dalam kegelapan? Adakah jembalang yang menakutkan akan melompat keluar daripada kegelapan dan menangkap saya?

Secara umumnya, telah dibuktikan bahawa 67.78% daripada makhluk-makhluk yang berada di bumi takut akan kegelapan. % yang sebaliknya pula kelebihannya haiwan yang meronda di waktu malam ataupun manusia-manusia yang gagah perkasa.

Kegelapan juga dapat dikaitkan dengan fobia kegelapan, iaitu (blabla)fobia. Manusia yang mempunyai fobia ini tidak akan dapat mengawal diri dan berasa takut apabila berada di sisi kegelapan. Walaupun mereka dapat mengambil rawatan melalui psikologi, kemungkinan juga pakar psikologi sendiri takut akan kegelapan. Oleh itu, fobia ini amatlah biasa di dunia ini.

Kita haruslah mengamalkan nilai Kepercayaan kepada Tuhan, iaitu dengan mempunyai keyakinan tentang wujudnya Tuhan dan mematuhi segala arahannya. Tuhan mengarahkan kita supaya gagah dan menghormati apa jua kebenaran di dunia ini. Oleh itu, kegelapan haruslah dihormati dan tidak ditakuti. Sebenarnya, ahli-ahli politik lebih menakutkan lagi.

Selain itu, kita haruslah menghormari agama kita sendiri dan menghindarkan daripada melakukan kejahatan. Bak pepatah orang tua, Takut kerana melakukan kesilapan besar dan berani kerana tidak pernah melakukan apa-apa kesalahan.

Adakah anda takut kepada kegelapan, jika begitu, belilah lampu suluh supaya selalu berdekatan dengan cahaya. Cahaya merupakan sesuatu yang suci. Jikalau cahaya tidak wujud, kita semua tidak akan dapat melihat kecantikan dunia. Untuk membeli lampu suluh, hubungilah (blablabla) di 01X-XXXXXXX.

Sekian, terima kasih.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

The first months pass by...

As the wind breezes by the corners of the quiet stage of oblivion...
We leave our cherry petals behind hoping for a...

Whatever I'l just get straight to the point.

The first 3 months of school!!!!
- dull
- dull
- dull
- dull
- dull

The three Science branches are quite tedious I suppose.. I may be able to cope with Sejarah(My weak point) better then memorising the whole "Periodic Table of Elements" , Doing Biology with a different perspective from the past years of General Science and Putting V = S x T to use in Physics.

On my second month, I reached Grade 2 Theory! I should probably rejoyce! ( While exam is coming next year )

I auditioned for Drama Club on the second month too. Just a week ago. Im not a drama prince, mind you.. And I have to keep myself from stuttering in front of the crowd of students also auditioning. Could they not keep the other auditioners outside?

I broke Damien's watch in the middle of February. Oops. I will chop off my leg if I do it again. But then swearing is no good, so oh well.

I did my first Oral test for English. I spoke of Hipocrisy in society, but I then went out of topic and talked about Psychotics instead. I wonder why.

My cute doggy fished for goldfishes in my tank and ate it. It made me sad because I always played with the goldfishes each time I went back from school. How could you, Summer!! I always showered you with love didn't I????

I did my Peka on the first week of school. Fun is to do the experiments whereas dull is to do the reports on the experiments.

My skills on the violin is improving little by little. I still make it screech sometimes. But now I can cope with the screeches. I hope my instructor can cope with the screeches too. Now I think that screeches are lovely!!! Once you heard it you will gape with wonder.

Add maths are happy subjects. My add math teacher teaches so well I can only solve the questions when she is teaching. When she is not teaching, I forget everything instantly. Let the roots be alpha, beta~~

EST is fun. You get to write essays and improvise on English. PSK is even more fun. You can even do visualising on the books by drawing stickmen to show what each sentence you are writing about means. I love doodling!

My fingers are getting tired from this little post. I know I have not typed a page long, but It feels like I've been typing for minutes without stopping. My aching fingers...

Well then..