Monday, May 25, 2009

The Shell Tag

Upload your fave picture and answer the question below.

Why did you choose the photo?
Its the only photo of myself I have besides that Kururu one and I made huge effort to take it just 5 minutes before this tag was written~

When was the last time you ate pizza?
Two days ago, at Pizza hut and the day before that at Pizza Junction.

The last song you've listened to?
FUVM - Lily Allen <- Addicted

What are you doing besides answering this tag?
Reading Shell's blog, pondering over John's blog and commenting at Damien's blog.

Besides your own name, how do you like people to call you?
Uh I don't really know.. They can call me anything they like. I won't feel much.

Tag 6 people, the following questions are related to them.

1) Damien D.
2) Shelly (Constant)
3) John Luke
4) Adrian Teo (Constant)
5) Oliver T.
6} Oh fine... Yin Kii.

Who is number 1?
Photographer from the photography club that takes alot of pictures where he keeps it in his blog or his profile at friendster or Facebook.

No.3 has a relationship with?
How would I know... uh.. footy?

Say something about number 5.
Wa-sa-bilibilibili wa-sa-bili-wa-sa-ka

How about number 4?
I miss disturbing him.

Who is number 2?
The one that I decided to give the name "Oyster" because it is a 'Shell'fish. I like 'O'Chien~

Say something to number 6.
Oh look. Im talking to myself. Do I look crazy now?

Sunday, May 24, 2009


Karakasa (唐傘?, "Chinese umbrella"), or Kasa Obake, are a type of Tsukumogami, a form of Japanese Spirit that originate from objects reaching their 100th year of existence, thus becoming animate. Karakasa in particular are Spirits of Parasols (umbrellas) that reach the century milestone. They are typically portrayed with one eye, a long tongue protruding from an open mouth, and a single foot, generally wearing a geta.

Tsukumogami (付喪神 ?, "ninety-nine of ago spirit") are a type of Japanese spirit. According to the Tsukumogami-emaki, tsukumogami originate from items or artifacts that have reached their 100th birthday and thus become alive and aware. Any object of this age, from swords to toys, can become a tsukumogami. Tsukumogami are considered spirits and supernatural beings, as opposed to enchanted items.

Tsukumogami vary radically in appearance, depending on the type of item they originated from as well as the condition that item was in. Some, such as tsukumogami originating from paper lanterns or broken sandals, can have tears which become eyes and sharp teeth, thus giving a horrifying visage. Others, such as worn prayer beads or teacups, may merely manifest faces and appendages, giving a warm and friendly appearance.

Though by and large tsukumogami are harmless and at most tend to play occasional pranks on unsuspecting victims, as shown in the Otogizōshi they do have the capacity for anger and will band together to take revenge on those who are wasteful or throw them away thoughtlessly. To prevent this, to this day some Jinja ceremonies, such as the Hari Kuyou, are performed to console broken and unusable items.

It is said that modern items cannot become tsukumogami; the reason for this is that tsukumogami are said to be repelled by electricity.[1] Additionally, few modern items are used for the 100-year-span that it takes for an artifact to gain a soul.

For example, the Bakezori(Straw Sandals), Ittan-Mommen(A One-Tenth hectare of cotton), Karakasa(The umbrella) or the Cochinobake(Lantern).

I am very intrigued by the paranormal! For example, the Tsukumogami.

According to Wikipedia, Tsukumogamis are Objects that become alive after being left alone for 100 years. Exciting, not? It says that they will extract their anger for being left alone by taking revenge after having a life of its own, mainly by scaring or surprising their past owners.

My Favorite Tsukumogami is the Karakasa, or Kasa-Obake. The Karakasa is an umbrella, the ancient Chinese or Japanese one, Made of paper. The paper umbrella is a mystical item.

The Chinese people believe, that if there is a person dying under a paper umbrella, their soul would enter and possess the umbrella, Thus rendering the umbrella haunted.

For me, there is a very old paper umbrella passed down to my family by my Great grandmother. The paper umbrella is said to bring luck, but we musn't touch or disturb the umbrella.

This marks the end of my post! (There may only be 1 reader at max, but thanks for reading!)

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Shifting Through The Phase

Of Life.

Have you ever had that little thought in your mind that you want everything to stay the way it was? Never to be moving forward to be able to relish all of the good moments that everything in the world have in store for you?

That was just what I was thinking. The morning before, when I went out for a little walk I just thought of this. Looking at the light blue sky and clouds moving at its petty pace. I saw a little kid running past me giggling off. Then I realised.

I am now in form 4. Not in form 1,2 or 3. Time moves so fast without me really realising it. I should have taken it easier back then. Back then...

I have also pondered deep on some thoughts.

-When did I started to hate children so much?
-When did I even enjoy smiling for real?
-When did I even think when taking walks like this?
-Why do I show different sides of myself at school?
-When did I even glare at people and lose my temper easily??

I just can't get it. It may just be a test or what. Im really frustrated that I can't get answers even with squeezing my brains tight. No brain juice.

So I just stop thinking about those and get on with my walk.

Anyways, Im bored. There is almost nothing to do on the weekends.


School is until 1.25 pm MAX from now on. Which means we will all be like pure white skeletons when we reach home EVERYDAY.

We are the guinea pigs!! oh wait, im a rabbit~~ and in the science lab there is a crocodile, a goldfish , a cat, a bunny and lots of animals too!!!!!!!!! Yay!

We would feel very "PLEASED" indeed.

And these days, I feel like I can't write that much. My hurting hands are becoming Obstacles for..


In our English test, there was a question asking for the different meaning of obstacles given a quote from a huge essay.

Did you know what a g(u/a)y named Nicholas wrote ?

The answer was supposed to be "Hindrances" He wrote "Lakeshores"

DO you know what lakeshores are????? Its a place near the lake. Not an obstacle. Not an obstacle and clearly not an obstacle.

Unless you were planning to drinks some fresh water from the lake where the shores were too high for you to reach and your neck wasn't as long.

Oh wait. Im supposed to stop now. What was I thinking??... Im the kind of person that just types in whatever comes into my mind at the moment.

Speaking of moment, I just had a piece of chocolate called "Melting Moments" two days ago!! There was caramel inside the chocolate. When you put the chocolate inside your mouth for a few seconds, it begins to melt and the caramel gushes out!! I mean flow.. How would caramel gush out from a chocolate, that would be clearly impossible since it is a thick liquid!!

Sorry... I'l.. be like.. ending the post here... sorry.. sorry...