Why did you choose the photo?
Its the only photo of myself I have besides that Kururu one and I made huge effort to take it just 5 minutes before this tag was written~
When was the last time you ate pizza?
Two days ago, at Pizza hut and the day before that at Pizza Junction.
The last song you've listened to?
FUVM - Lily Allen <- Addicted
What are you doing besides answering this tag?
Reading Shell's blog, pondering over John's blog and commenting at Damien's blog.
Besides your own name, how do you like people to call you?
Uh I don't really know.. They can call me anything they like. I won't feel much.
Tag 6 people, the following questions are related to them.
1) Damien D.
2) Shelly (Constant)
3) John Luke
4) Adrian Teo (Constant)
5) Oliver T.
6} Oh fine... Yin Kii.
Who is number 1?
Photographer from the photography club that takes alot of pictures where he keeps it in his blog or his profile at friendster or Facebook.
No.3 has a relationship with?
How would I know... uh.. footy?
Say something about number 5.
Wa-sa-bilibilibili wa-sa-bili-wa-sa-ka
How about number 4?
I miss disturbing him.
Who is number 2?
The one that I decided to give the name "Oyster" because it is a 'Shell'fish. I like 'O'Chien~
Say something to number 6.
Oh look. Im talking to myself. Do I look crazy now?
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