-First post in the year 2013-
Regrettably, I have not been able to update the blog continuously on a multiple basis due to various time constrains and also variated cases of LAZINESS. Somehow, it is sad to say that along the semesters of being in university, things are gradually pilling up and everything is becoming harder and harder.
Anyway, 2012 may not be the greatest year- predicted as the end of the world, I waited for the 21st of December to arrive, but sadly nothing happened. Along the year, there were many highlights and things that happened, and I will begin listing them now.
1) Stacy
Stacy has been a loyal friend since we first adopted her earlier in the year 2012, mid-month of January. She's a pomeranian and rottweiller crossbreed. Although not in good condition when we first seen her, we nursed her back to health. Being a loyal dog, we all loved her and provided her with her favorite food often. She would keep good company with my other dog, Tina and bark at strangers that walked pass my backyard (much to our chagrin, but there was near to nothing we can do).
For five months, everything was well, until one day. One dreaded day. I came back from class and my mum was telling me that she won't leave her cage. I went to check on her, and it seems that it was true. No matter how much we called and tried to get her out, she just remained inside while looking at us. There was strong smell of faeces and urine. We decided that she must be sick and so I carried her out of her cage. She was vomitting and defecating a lot, and even she doesnt notice it. On the way to the vet, she was still unwell, and vomitted a lot in the car.
At the vet, the doctor gave her a check up. She said it might be food poisoning, so she made stacy ingest some charcoal powder mixed with water. Stacy vomitted it back out, but the doctor said that it looks like she didnt eat anything bad. She then proceeded to put Stacy on IV drips and said that she might be able to come home on Monday. (It happened on a Friday)
The next day, my mum called home. Back then, I already sensed what would happen. She told me that the doctors asked us to collect the deceased body of Stacy, as she had passed away at the vet overnight. With remorse, we went to collect her body. I was the person in charge of carrying her body, because despite Stacy's petite size, she was pretty heavy. Holding back my tears, I walked outside the vet, still having her in my arms. An innocent young child passed by, and looked at me. I could still remember his gestures, the look in his face- a totally pure entity. He pointed to Stacy's body, and asked if it was my baby. I just nodded.
We buried her in our backyard, after holding a small ceremony for her. It wasn't easy, but I was convinced that Stacy is now at a better place. My mum, on the other hand was distraught. She, that didn't know how to let go was overcome by stress and despair. Her friend, that heard of her plight pitied her and presented her with two puppies to try to get rid of her sadness.
Ginger and Tini, respectively. Hopefully we would be able to provide them with a happy and prosperous life.
2) Yayasan Sarawak Debate
A debate competition was hosted by my university, SUTS (Swinburne's University of Technology). As I mentioned earlier in my previous posts, I volunteered to help out as a runner. Being a runner was furiously hard a task, but the experiences itself were rewarding. I got to meet many types of people that are good at speaking and expressing their thoughts- and also rude people that think very highly of themselves. It was very fun to hear two teams argue in a formal way to express their opinions about different subjects. Two more competitions are going to be held soon, on the 26th of January and the 18th of February. I will also be volunteering as a runner there, cause it would be a waste not to!

The amazing runners :)
3) Helper
As many may or may not know, I worked as helpers of a few lecturers over the year. I also helped to tutor a lecturer's daughter for a subject, although I myself was not very familiar with the subject. I admit I am not a very good tutor, as my way of understanding may be different from others. Albeit that, I tried hard to help her, and hopefully she did well!
Besides the tutoring job, I also became a half-baked student helper. I helped my lecturers to key in details, and also move out. Sad, but true. It seems that many lecturers I help are most of the time, moving out / resigning from the university. I hope I won't appear as a bad omen and tarnish my reputation anytime soon! Nah, I am just joking. Lecturers, if you are reading this; I wish you the best of luck in the future!
4) Healthier Lifestyle
I have been trying to eat well, at least eating some breakfast and not skipping them every morning like before. Stress from studies are starting to show up on my body- eyebags, slumped back, weight-loss; but I am gradually trying to fix them, so I will mark those on my IN PROGRESS list of work to be done.
It is a good thing to have a park near your neighbourhood. I do, actually. Muara Tabuan's neighbourhood area is quite a luxury, you see. It has a huge park, a football field and also a basketball court. (Sadly, I am not really interested in these ball games [I am a loser]) Once every two days or so, I would bring my dogs for walks, but I dont use the park. I deem the park (even though it is big)- to be too small an repetitive in terms of paths for me, so I bring them around the entire neighbourhood.
5) Changes
Change is the only constant, but many people seem to have changed- in both good ways and bad. I wouldn't deny that I have changed, but I really hope I would have leaned towards the "good" path if I really do change.2012 has been a year said to be the coming of the apocalypse, but I dont think that it is good enough a reason to fall along the lines of whats being considered "bad", coz u kno, YOLO. (Just kidding, this line gives me cancer)
Even though we all have our own circle of friends now, I will always try to at least wave or smile at people that I know when I see them. Hopefully I did not offend anyone along the way and create some enemies :(
6) Making resolutions for 2013
Before the first day of the new year, I was busy thinking of resolutions to make. After some considerations and a few filters I have decided to have at least 3 resolutions to achieve.
- Spend more time with friends and family
Eat healthy ..
Exercise more .. Eat less junk food
- Learn how to drive well
I do hope I can at least [ / ] provide a tick to these boxes by the end of the year :)
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So looks like that is all for the new year's post, although I am thirteen days late.
Better wish and pray that I will update this junk more often, huh?