Okay fine. I'm the one in the wrong. Lemme make up with some random pictures.

I drew this on one hot summer day. It was so burning hot and boring that I decided to draw a joke about fighting an FOE. (FIELD ONLY ENEMIESS) That erm ... I'm getting bored of explaining every single thing. Go on youtube and search for it. ->FOE IOSYS<-

I drew this as a meme of (Hen.Tie)
Look at the comment about (Water.Melon)

*Facepalm* It was supposed to be a palm tree until I absentmindedly added some coconuts to it! *Facefoot*

*Facefoot* Picture says all.
Hey since there are a few more spaces here below, lemme just rant about one single thing.
Hey dude, you are a already a freaking genius overachiever. You score A's in 80's and 90's in school- look at me, I score B's in 60's and 70's, and even If I got A's its in 75's. I don't complain, and yet you do, why? oh, its because you cant get A's in 100's. Okay, I see. Let the world know you're sad cause you cant get a perfect score. I would be happy to instant death if I had A's in 90's like you <3 <- if this doesn't work I'm gonna be sad ( HEY GONNA ISNT A WORD!??!?! )
Okay wait don't go yet, you have a test. let me rephrase a TEST. okay let me rephrase again. A TEST. You study for about 8 freaking hours a day. Gonna respect someone with a body so healthy to be able to do that. In the TEST, you are not able to do 1 or 2 questions. Okay, fair enough, someone that studies for 8 freaking hours have no idea whatsoever of doing said questions. No marks. out of a maximum of 2,3,4 or 8 marks you completely get zero for SAID QUESTIONS in the TEST. You are able to completely finish the rest. Okay, then you get pissed and rant about how terrible your entire life is just because you cant do two questions when you're such a clever person. (Hmm... okay when I typed this out I realized that if I'm in its position I would feel the same too? NAHHH I would feel sad but I wont blame my whole life)You vow to now study 9 hours a day, and If you are in the same situation again 10 hours. Sir/Madam, there's only 24 hours in a day. Some times we need to fail in life to achieve greater heights. Okay fine, you cant do two questions. Look behind from the front row where you, a clever student that attends every class and pays full attention sit. Look at some people that might not even get the chance to do those question you missed because they were overwhelmed by the first two.
Do you feel better about yourself now? Or do you want to criticize yourself even more to tend to some masochistic needs while other people that are already down feels even more in the dumps? Okay fair enough its your life not mine.
Overall I respect you, you are such a kind person that is ready to help everyone. You are really a smart person, but to label you as a genius is just too much. Geniuses study smart more than studying hard by the way. I know I am in no position capable of advising you in such a criticizing, sarcastic and cold approach- so sorry.
Hey, I'm sure I wasn't referring to anyone, right? Please don't approach me in real life if you makan cili dan terasa pedas for some good reasons. First, you might not be the person I'm referring to. Secondly, I'm a cowardly rambling idiot.
Truthfully, I'm not referring to anyone close to me.
Its true! I just saw some stuff worth rambling about in Google. Oh yes, they will come and find me. My lifespan must be shorter now than it was before. tsk tsk tsk.
No I am in no mood to say goodbye.