Saturday, December 10, 2011

Y U SO...

This is recently everything that I have spent my time on during my holidays. 9GAG-ing. One day I would be able to browse through millions of pictures on 9GAG. I would be laughing my head off, spilling water I have been drinking and choking on my food reacting to the insane pictures. Some of these pictures are amazingly well edited pictures of normal people, and some are quotes from various people around the world that relates very closely to life. Sometimes I am even dumbfounded by these posts cause they made me think really carefully about stuff I have never taken heavily before. ( THERE!! who says 9GAG isn't educational?)

Besides 9GAG-ing, I also do some Damn Lol-ing and some Facebooking. Well in the case of Facebooking there are some happy fanpages that post these meme based stuff. I enjoy them oh so much.

So how did I spend my holidays up to this point?

1. 9GAG
2. Damn LOL
3. Facebooking
4. Started and ended One Piece at the last published episode. (526 episodes in total)
5. MANGA-ing
6. Started Kaidan Restaurant (to episode 10)
7. Posting answers on Yahoo Answers to help people that asks them
8. Writing memes >:D


KAIDAN RESTAURANT is very intriguing.

[Picture from]

Kaidan Restaurant (怪談レストラン Kaidan Resutoran?) is a Japanese children's storybook series. The books take the form of horror anthologies, edited by Miyoko Matsutani and illustrated by Yoshikazu Takai and Kumiko Katō.

The story starts with a new guy from a different western country but is proficient in the Japanese language being introduced to a strange town. Many places in the town are named after horrifying themes; for example a restaurant called the "Kaidan Restaurant"[Horror Restaurant]. The restaurant then becomes the main location in which every story in the chapter is told, by a strange ghost in sheets- the deadly obake Garcon, top right in the picture. (obake means ghost)

Each episode is broken up into three "dishes", namely the Appetizer, the Main Dish, and the Dessert. The "Appetizer" is a short story featuring something supernatural, such as ghosts, spirits, or similar. The "Main Dish" is a longer ghost story similar to the Appetizer, usually with a twist. The "Dessert" is a brief campfire ghost story told by one of the main characters while the other two listen. These involve characters not related to the series and ends with some sort of a moral lesson.


I am feeling very happy right now, because I have found a great site that enables rapid streaming of Kaidan Restaurant. A good friend introduced it to me...

I bet he wont read this, but if he does...


I promised myself that this won't be a long blog post, so lets end with a small note.

I CANT THINK OF ANY IDEAS FOR MY VIDEOS. And I don't even want to vlog. My webcam quality is horribly horrible. And I sound idiotic speaking in English- I just don't know why I sound so bimbo. Singing in English makes me bimboish as well. ;_;

(ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻ GAHHHHH

┬──┬ ノ( ゜-゜ノ) Sorry, I went overboard.

┐('~`;)┌ I didn't know why I threw the table..

( ´,_ゝ`) Sorry, table!

( ´Д`)ノ┬──┬ Will you please forgive me!

(゚∀゚) YOU WILL ? :D

Σ(゚Д゚) OMG!!!

(((( ;゚Д゚))) I promised it will be a short post but I just kept spamming...

(゜д゜;) Sorry everyone...

/( ゚∀゚)ア I shall end here, then.. bye!

Saturday, November 26, 2011

A Suffering

The Title of This Song is Suffering [煎熬]

Sung by Lee Jia Wei [李佳薇]


I find the song to be very meaningful. This year, many of the people around me have gone into dilemmas' one after another. Be it close friends or just people I know; you can name it. Just listen to this song when you are sad - and you will see that the sadness portrayed by the character is a horrible one. However, she molted and cast away the sadness and emerged anew.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Eid ul-fitr and INDEPENDENCE DAY, Malaysia. As much sorrow and bad times I have had when I remained in this country of mine, It has still stayed with me through good and bad times, so Happy Independence Day and Happy Raya :)

12 hours ago, that time last year I would be at the dimly lit stadium of my school singing oh so irritating, jaw breaking, high pitched (damn I cant reach that pitch)songs of independence. But look at where I am now. In my room. Facebooking. Blogging. Youtubing. Wheres my life!? [ Yeah, KiiKii.. as if singing those high pitched song gives you a life.. oh wow I'm breaking the third wall!! BREAK BREAK ]

This Year's Hari Raya Checklist

Kek Lapis [ ]
Kuih Momo [ ]
Colourful Cookies [ ]
Not-so-Colourful Cookies [ ]
Kek Keju [ ]
Ayam Kurma [ ]
Ayam Masak Merah [ ]
Nasi Harum [ ]
Green Packets [ ]

Ah.. maybe next year :P

I didn't know that university was this tiring. I took two days off just for the fun, but you see.. The holiday homework has accumulated to so much. Oh well. Gonna spend the last day of Raya finishing those workload. I feel like a mechabuffalo+

I am happy with my life. I cant imagine life without a life. I am content with everything I already have now. If one of anything gets out of place the obsessive-compulsive-disorder person I already am will be utterly disinterested with life.

Thank You, Greater Entity (G.E) for giving me this life. I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I have been through thick and thin, but it is all worth it.


Wednesday, August 17, 2011


My mind is closed. Sorry to say- whatever you tell me wont get into my mind. I have placed a barrier to protect my own emotions from getting out of hand- to prevent myself from hurting other people and more importantly myself. Hey, I have been living quite a short time, but whatever you think you have went through before- I have went through it twice.

Sorry to say too, this barrier no one can penetrate. I have partially cut off all ties- I have sealed half my emotions. Yes. I am afraid of change. Who isn't?


Recently, I have begun to feel more differently. There must be a bug in the system. The barrier defence system is going haywire. There was a huge threat somewhere that almost caused my emotions to go haywire. This situation has affected my working capacity greatly. I have prompted several commands to try cut off the ties again.. but none of them seems to be possible. I should just set up more barriers to seal my feelings off completely. No one will get hurt. My feelings will never be accepted by simple means. The original probability of success was 13.7%- risk is a system I would never adopt. Time passing fast, the probability decreased to a mere 3.2% an impossible boundary to break. I prompted to give up several times. I have a good feeling it will succeed if I create more barriers. I will stop trying to break the fourth wall. I shall abide by the rules of the world.


Let me tell you a story about a person that wont die. Once upon a time there lived a person that wont die. He was attacked , involved in accidents , contacted death numerous times. But he kept reviving. He just couldn't die. If he was stabbed, his wound would dissipate in five seconds. When his body parts were crushed completely a light would come from the skies and he would appear whole in ten seconds. When his arm was chopped off, the same thing would happen, and his arms would regenerate within a second. He cannot die. He has seen everything. He had went through everything.

He had seen enough. He had experienced enough. He soon sought out various methods to die. It tried to hang itself. That just didn't work. It tried to dunk itself in acid. That didn't work out too. It didn't die. It just became a useless thing. A dab of nothingness in the world's eye.

It didn't know the world was trying to send him a message.

It continues its cycle till now. Unable to find peace. For that is what he desired not to approach.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

If I had a Million Dollars...

5 Year Old Kid

If I had a million dollars, I will buy a big big house where mum and dad can live in! I will keep the money inside the bank and also donate the money to those in need!

10 Year Old Kid

If I had a million dollars, I will divide it into two. One half I will put into the bank, and the other half I will reward my mum and dad, plus my family. Besides that, I will donate some of the money to charity.

20 Year Old Young Adult

If I had a million dollars, I will divide it into four. I will use one half to invest in a trusted company, one to keep in the bank, another to take care of my family and the rest for my daily life and charity.

Some Hokkien Singer

Na si wa wu ji ba ban
Ji ba ban
Wa wu ji ba ban
Ji si lang jiu keng sang

Some Old Person With White Hair

If I had a million dollars I will keep them all, buy a big big mansion.. a private jet.. etc

Some other Old Person

If I had a million dollars I will keep them inside Swiss Bank!


Remember that question most English teachers used to ask when you were in kindergarten... school... and even during college or some occasions?

Yes. That question. That one question about how many children you would want to have when you get married (or not) in the future. No, I'm just kidding. Its the question that asks what you would do IF you had a million dollars.

Hey, one million dollars is ONE MILLION DOLLARS. That seven digit 1000000. The scope is wide indeed, but lets just narrow it down to the money in my resided country. RM1000000. You can do alot with RM1000000, oh yes you can. This amount of money is a rarity among the people, heck even I don't have that much. I am sceptical about anyone I know having such a huge amount of money, too. Oh wait, I do. I have about three million zennies in Ragnarok Online. whew. Well that sucks. I'm an utter failure.

ANYWAYS. You can really do alot with RM1000000. See that 10 year old kid with his ideals? Do you think anyone could let them handle the RM1000000 alone in the first place? Heck, no one in the right mind would do so. BUT THATS THE WHOLE POINT OF IT. Even I am not so sure that the kid would carry out what he said. The money will probably be drained up in a moment- becoming a kingdom of sweets and cakes and toys. I know, I just used and two times consecutively. I fail at English.

So see, how could a person survive with just RM1000000 alone? After he has finished buying a house, a car , all the necessaries.. these huge digits would probably exhaust to none. To hell with dividing it into four or six equal pieces. Its not like we are cutting cakes or pizza in maths, its money! Okay, no. Its a great idea to divide it, really. I wonder why I just criticized that method.

If someone asked me what I would do if I had a million dollars years ago, I would be like : Oh, I will give some to my parents, use some to buy a big house.. use some to... and it will go on and on. Its a seriously never ending cycle.

If someone asked me now, I would snap back and ask million dollars worth of what? If they give me cow dung I will just use them to fertilize the soil and plant something on it. Its better than having these money, look at it and drool for eternity. I dont know what I am talking about.

Hey, I think I would probably go on and on about this and never end this post. Everyone knows an essay should end with a conclusion- so here goes.

In conclusion, I conclude the essay. Thank You.

I would be getting 0% for this for sure!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Oh, to you

I offer my sincere-most apologies. I dint mean to poke my nose into your issues, haha. Its just that months ago we were so close we shared all our issues. Well, mostly mine, but heck cares *kicks self* we were getting too busy with our own stuff that we forgot to interact and joke with each other (well mostly me again) When this new situation comes up I just got so interested I began to do some researches out on my own that dint involve anybody else, honestly. No one else was involved, but I already know a little about everything, maybe its a personal secret ability of mine- tsk tsk.

I am so terribly sorry for disrupting your fun, I just thought that that is what friends are supposed to do- or maybe that is only what I think. I'm an annoying person, really. I've heard that alot. I guess I should stop with the prod with your life, even though I am already so damn bored with life- what a cruel thing life is, to give someone the burden of acting optimistic so that everyone else can gain the optimism of the act. Hey what did I just say? I cant brain that.

Okay, I guess thats it, I won't ever disturb you anymore- and an advice, go for it. tsk tsk.


Above is an emo message writted by a sinister emo person who thinks that he is emo but actually he is not. No one actually reads this sheet anyways.


Damn psychology. I've used too much until whatever I do is looked upon as an act of psychology. Its sincere okay. I don't use damn psychology so lightly.

Hey these lines are pretty. lets use more


oh well, I guess I should really stop. But wait! one last one








Damn I cant stop.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011



Okay fine. I'm the one in the wrong. Lemme make up with some random pictures.

I drew this on one hot summer day. It was so burning hot and boring that I decided to draw a joke about fighting an FOE. (FIELD ONLY ENEMIESS) That erm ... I'm getting bored of explaining every single thing. Go on youtube and search for it. ->FOE IOSYS<-

I drew this as a meme of (Hen.Tie)

Look at the comment about (Water.Melon)

*Facepalm* It was supposed to be a palm tree until I absentmindedly added some coconuts to it! *Facefoot*

*Facefoot* Picture says all.

Hey since there are a few more spaces here below, lemme just rant about one single thing.

Hey dude, you are a already a freaking genius overachiever. You score A's in 80's and 90's in school- look at me, I score B's in 60's and 70's, and even If I got A's its in 75's. I don't complain, and yet you do, why? oh, its because you cant get A's in 100's. Okay, I see. Let the world know you're sad cause you cant get a perfect score. I would be happy to instant death if I had A's in 90's like you <3 <- if this doesn't work I'm gonna be sad ( HEY GONNA ISNT A WORD!??!?! )

Okay wait don't go yet, you have a test. let me rephrase a TEST. okay let me rephrase again. A TEST. You study for about 8 freaking hours a day. Gonna respect someone with a body so healthy to be able to do that. In the TEST, you are not able to do 1 or 2 questions. Okay, fair enough, someone that studies for 8 freaking hours have no idea whatsoever of doing said questions. No marks. out of a maximum of 2,3,4 or 8 marks you completely get zero for SAID QUESTIONS in the TEST. You are able to completely finish the rest. Okay, then you get pissed and rant about how terrible your entire life is just because you cant do two questions when you're such a clever person. (Hmm... okay when I typed this out I realized that if I'm in its position I would feel the same too? NAHHH I would feel sad but I wont blame my whole life)You vow to now study 9 hours a day, and If you are in the same situation again 10 hours. Sir/Madam, there's only 24 hours in a day. Some times we need to fail in life to achieve greater heights. Okay fine, you cant do two questions. Look behind from the front row where you, a clever student that attends every class and pays full attention sit. Look at some people that might not even get the chance to do those question you missed because they were overwhelmed by the first two.

Do you feel better about yourself now? Or do you want to criticize yourself even more to tend to some masochistic needs while other people that are already down feels even more in the dumps? Okay fair enough its your life not mine.

Overall I respect you, you are such a kind person that is ready to help everyone. You are really a smart person, but to label you as a genius is just too much. Geniuses study smart more than studying hard by the way. I know I am in no position capable of advising you in such a criticizing, sarcastic and cold approach- so sorry.

Hey, I'm sure I wasn't referring to anyone, right? Please don't approach me in real life if you makan cili dan terasa pedas for some good reasons. First, you might not be the person I'm referring to. Secondly, I'm a cowardly rambling idiot.

Truthfully, I'm not referring to anyone close to me.

Its true! I just saw some stuff worth rambling about in Google. Oh yes, they will come and find me. My lifespan must be shorter now than it was before. tsk tsk tsk.

No I am in no mood to say goodbye.


This Emptiness

someone please fill it.

JUST JOKING. How could me out of all the people around spout such emo words? I'm a closet optimist that views the glass as half full and yet to please the people around me I will utter what they want to hear instead depending on the situation. Does the term closet optimist even exist in the first place? I don't care. I do not care. I refuse to care unless and only unless some rich people come to me and bring about a huge sum of money. Yum. Money. I eat money like I eat my greens.

Okay the topic today is Emptiness. What/Why/How *insert relevant linking phrases* Emptiness?


EMPTINESS is a void. (Well in my context it is =_= don't barge in with your scientific terms)It is a terrible feeling of depression linked with underachievement in one's life. The symptoms of said dystrophy varies among types of different individuals. Some may feel suicidal, some may undergo extreme paranoia, feel deprived of attention, feel the need of some private time whereby they can be alone and in some worse cases undergo physical and mental changes. These includes loss of hair, emerging of white hairs, wrinkles... binge eating, *insert scientific term* nervosas, loss of appetite, hallucination, bipolarity... inability to control feelings etc. etc.

Don't go around thinking that only pessimistic people will contract emptiness. According to my own view in life, even optimistic people may feel empty. Oh yes, please do ignore everything in the second paragraph contradicting to the statement I have just given out.


As stated in the third paragraph, you probably feel empty for being an underachiever. Underachiever in this context is from your own point of view, and not others. For example, there is someone I know... Nah I wont use that. Let me give another example by comparison.

Lets say this unknown person A is a really strong person capable of tilling all 4 squares of his farm all by himself and this other unknown person B that is an average person, being able to till 2 of the 4 squares by himself. The unknown person A has set a goal for himself, to till 4 squares of his farm each day. While the unknown person B recognizes his limits. By each passing day, unknown person A becomes weaker and older, and when he can no longer till all 4 squares by himself he feels utterly useless, pitiful and miserable.

What a terrible example. Lets just say that when you are unable to achieve limits you have set for yourselves you will feel empty. No questions please, I don't think I can answer any.

Emptiness can also spread from an empty person to another empty person like a disease. When you are near a person that feels empty, you can somehow feel the aura of his/her emptiness. Some empty inflicted victims tend to rant about their lives. Most kind people that listen will more or less feel empty listening and become empty themselves.

Besides that, emptiness can also come from loss of a beloved. A friend being overseas to study? a brother or sister going away to a far land to work? a family member going to vacation? death / missing of someone important? Oh yes. all of these will probably leave something in our soul. Emptiness. Our soul is like pie. 3.141592654. No, I mean the FOOD PIE. Cut it into 8 symmetric pieces, and that's your soul. Emptiness occurs when half of one of those pieces are taken away. Eaten not by people, but darkness- from where there would be small chances of/no return. Some souls may have more pieces 32... 108...900? Each piece represents the attachments of humans in life. When half of the piece is taken away, emptiness occurs and causes severe depression. To let go means to throw the last part of the piece away. Only when all these attachments are abandoned that enlightenment can be achieved. No I'm not preaching thank you very much.


Oh my what a saddening question. Even if you asked a closet optimist like me I might not be able to answer it. Well, like I said emptiness occurs when half of a piece is taken away. Thus, to counter it just take up something to fill the void. Music? Games? Hobbies?

Oh yes. Most people just try to run away from emptiness. Lets just say that the void is unmerciful. The more you run, the more it consumes your soul. :)

Find a psychologist to hypnotize you or try to rid you of said emptiness. This might cost you money, but its better to live without emptiness. Lets just add on that everyone can be a psychologist just by performing a simple act. This powerful weapon capable of slicing emptiness is LOVE. With the POWER OF LOVE EVERYTHING CAN BE DONE.

Like I'l say that. Love is just an emotion. But it could help a little. Give those empty people a hug. A simple hug is all it needs to console those empty souls.

EMPTINESS happens to everyone in the world. Oh? you don't feel empty? Tsk tsk tsk.... Let me tell you that as long as you have any attachments left in the world... your journey to emptiness is inevitable ^_^

For now, lets just show some LOVE to those empty souls. They might need it more than you do, and someday they might show some LOVE back to you to suppress your emptiness.





I'l leave it as so for now :) Until then, byebyebye!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

In Loving Memories

One That Looks Over Us

One That Laughs With Us

One That Wants To Be The Closest To Us

One That Gives Us Attention

One Loved By All

RIP - SUMMER 2006 - 2011

You Will Be Remembered By All As A Loyal, Faithful and Obedient Member of the Family

Saturday, January 8, 2011

The Three Days of

Torment, seemingly is actually a huge benefit and quite fruitful. Orientation was probably the first large group program I ever joined. I got to meet many people in a short amount of time. Well, they say that pictures say a thousand words. I have no taken pictures, but other people did took lots of picture for me. I will now steal them and insert them here.

The first picture is the group photo of my group, the NEWBIES. No one is the leader in there, everyone is fully in charge and cares for the group's welfare. Im very happy that the whole performance at the end turned out well. I didnt think I danced that well but oh well :( we had fun right.

Anyways , in the picture from the LEFT

Jake , YangYang , Zack , Kabawe , (Forgot) , Kingsley , Ehsan , Priscilla , Amy , Ksing , Jerrica and Someone I dont know

The second picture is a project where we had to advertise the food of the group leader's origins. Jake is from Johor, (And Johor is in Malaysia) so we just tembak and wrote Nasi Lemak as the locale food. Oh die, the girl gets so comfortable with the floor.

Anyways, the orientation was kinda fun, but only after the performance ended because we were panicked before that. Tsk tskkk.