And I am now SICK with Flu, Sore Throat and Cough. Irritants to my weekends. I went for a blood test the other day. It was fun. Maybe its the Aphrodisiac.
Oh YEA!!
I have forgotten to rant for the passst feewww decades. SO i'm back to RANT. Rant. Rant.
Today's Rant is about ....
"If You Don't Want To Do Something For Me, Just Say it in my FACE"

BUT. Don't beat around the bush. In that way.. It will just raise my expectations for more. And in the end, what do we both get? I get angry and you get angry because I get angry and I get angry because u get angry that I get angry and you get angry because I get angry at you getting angry and I get angrier because you get angry at me getting angry at you getting angry at me getting angry.. and the Nasi Sudah Menjadi Bubur (Rice already become Porridge)
And in the end... both of us

Well, I am not angry. Just irritated. and depressed. I'm at that ranting part of my life right now. And I may seem problem free. But I only rant to those close to me. That's why only they will know. I am happy that I can shift from being in a good mood to be in a very destructive mood and back to a joyful mood in a short time. I can thus handle all my frustrations one by one.
OH WELL. Thats all for a short rant :)
I drew this by using paint program to use as a background picture for Dango Daikazoku Cover. Isn't it uncute, ugly, depressing, idiotic, crazy, unjust- Cute, Beautiful, Stress-Free, Genius, Clever and Fair drawing? It contradicts to alllll your maniacal thoughts about how ugly the picture is! The yellow blob in the picture is not a:
A) Kuih Koci
B) Mushroom
C) Moon
D) Star
E) Planet
F) Human
G) Animal
But it is a... Dango.
I drew this picture to signify how sad it is to be away from its friends on the moon but I don't really know how his friends got on the moon to start with. :\ Just remember that he is alone and sad!
Uh umm.... I don't have anything else I want to talk about for now... so well then :(
Look at this cute picture I drew to add into my Add Maths Probability Project :P